Logger Configurations for Debugging

During the investigation related to a service request Oracle staff can request a user to set up a specific logger. This page explains how to set up a logger.

Enable Logging Using an API

Oracle Health Insurance applications support various logging capabilities. See the How to Add Loggers and Set Log Levels section for more information.

For example, the following JSON payload adds a logger for package com.oracle.healthinsurance.datareplication.service with level DEBUG that is active for 120 minutes after its creation:

"logger": "com.oracle.healthinsurance.datareplication.service"
,"logLevel": "DEBUG"
,"duration": 120

The application removes the logger after the specified 120 minutes have expired.

A logger with a duration of 0 minutes stays active until explicitly removed by a DELETE request. A logger that does not specify duration defaults to a value of 60 minutes.

The following example JSON payload enables DEBUG logging for the logger org.eclipse.persistence.sql. The application removes the logger after five minutes.


The following pages explains how the user can access the results of the logger:

Logging to File

List the <logger name> in the logback.xml file to enable specific logging. This method is exclusively for non-cloud-based environments.

These are examples of different logger configurations:

<logger name="com.oracle.healthinsurance.common.domain" level="debug"/>
<logger name="com.oracle.healthinsurance.claims.domain" level="debug"/>
<logger name="com.oracle.healthinsurance.common.service" level="debug"/>
<logger name="com.oracle.healthinsurance.claims.service" level="debug"/>
<logger name="org.eclipse.persistence.logging.sql" level="debug"/>
<logger name="com.oracle.healthinsurance.common.service.ui.query.components.UiFindService" level="debug" />

These steps explain how to enable the HTTP traffic logger:

  1. Set the system property ohi.enrollment.logtraffic to true. This does not require a system restart.

  2. Add a new logger in the logback.xml:

<logger name="ohi.enrollment_client" level="info"/>

See the HTTP API/IP Logging page for more information on the Traffic logger. The content of a logger may contain sensitive information such as Personal Health Information (PHI) or Personally Identifiable Information (PII).

See the Configuring Specific Loggers section for information about the logger configuration option.

Once debugging completes, remove the loggers from the logback.xml file.

The application writes the output to the specified output folder.