Purging Data from Replication Technical Tables


Data purging capabilities are available to periodically clean up

  • Source Replication Events

  • Target Replication Events

  • Activities that were used to import changed entities in the target system and that completed successfully

  • Activities that were used to import changed entities in the target system, that completed with errors, but that were not associated with any replication events yet (for example, because it failed fast when not all dynamic logic functions were properly configured)

The purging of replication technical tables is implemented in the database as a PL/SQL package.


(  p_purge_days in integer (1)
 , p_commit_size in integer := ohi_data_purge_pkg.g_con_commit_size (2)


1 p_purge_days

This mandatory parameter defines the retention period for the data expressed in days. The minimum retention period is 30 days.A value smaller than 30 for the input parameter results in an error.

2 p_commit_size

This optional parameter specifies the number of records that is purged in a single transaction. Higher commit sizes make the process faster, but needs more undo space in the database.
The default value is 1000.