Unsend Financial Message

Unsend Financial Message XML and Unsend Financial Message Flat File are the activities that result in a complete roll back of financial message that was generated for financial transaction(s) in Claims application, making the financial transactions again available for selection in a financial transaction set and for the associated financial processing.

Unsend Financial Message XML activity is used to unsend financial message generated by Generate Financial Message XML activity.

Unsend Financial Message Flat File activity is used to unsend financial message generated by Generate Financial Message Flat File activity.

If the exact copy of the financial message which was sent by Claims application earlier is required, then Resend financial message activity should be used.


The parameters for the activities are as follows:

Financial Message IDs

List of semicolon separated financial message ids of the financial messages that are required to be unsent.

Not Mandatory Transactions Hold Type

Indicates the hold type that is to be used to place claims on hold that have only non-mandatory transactions for a base financial object in a message being unsent.

Mandatory Transactions Hold Type

Indicates the hold type that is to be used to place claims on hold that have at least one mandatory transaction for a base financial object in a message being unsent.

Not Mandatory Transactions Hold Release

Indicates if the holds that are placed on claims because there are only not mandatory transactions for a base financial object in a message that is being unsent should automatically be released when a new transaction for their base financial object is received. This parameter is considered only when Not Mandatory Transactions Hold Type is specified.

Mandatory Transactions Hold Release

Indicates if the holds that are placed on claims because they have at least one mandatory transaction for a base financial object in a message that is being unsent should automatically be released when a new transaction for their base financial object is received. This parameter is considered only when Mandatory Transactions Hold Type is specified.


The financial message can be unsent if and only if the following condition is met for all the financial transactions that belongs to it otherwise FIN-FL-USFM-002 activity message is logged:

  • There is no later version of its base financial object for which a financial message has been processed - that is, Fin Message Result of Financial Transaction Process Data having a valid non null value.

To mark the financial message as 'unsent' the following attributes are updated to null:

  • Financial Transaction Process Data

    • Financial Message Id

    • Financial Message Result

    • Fin Message Handled Datetime

The following attributes are updated as well:

  • Base Financial Object

    • Status is set to Changed

  • Status is set to Changed

  • Financial transaction Set

    • If for a financial transaction a later version exists and it already belongs to a financial transaction set, then all those later versions are also unsent and moved out of the set.

    • If no later versions of the financial transaction’s base financial object are currently in a set then the unsent financial transaction’s reference to the financial transaction set is nullified. That way the financial transaction is made available for selection into a financial transaction set. This happens for the financial transaction that has been sent plus for the included superseded financial transactions.

Additionally, the activity puts a financial hold on the claim(s) whose financial transactions are part of the financial message that is to be unsent when appropriate hold types are specified. The field hold remarks of the financial hold will be set to text 'Created for the financial message id {0} by Unsend Financial Message activity {1}'. Wherein {0} is the financial message id that is unsent and {1} is the activity description. This text is configured as Oracle Health Insurance Boilerplate text (boilerplate text code = FIN_FINANCIALHOLD_REMARKS_UNSEND) to make it configurable and translatable.

Information is logged on all the financial transactions of the message that can be successfully unsent(including all the later transactions as well) and is visible in the UI. Logging is done by creating a Financial Transaction Process Detail record of type USD_FIN_MESS_DETAIL dynamic record.

Error Message

The unsend financial message activities can result in the following messages:

The messages with elementId attribute set to the combination of claim code, version and financial message id that is being unsent (separated by a space; for example element Id="1234567890 1 123450"):

Table 1. Error Message
Code Sev Message



Financial Message {messageId} cannot be unsent as the financial transaction {claim code} version {version number} has a later version for which a financial message has been processed.

Table 2. Messages without elementId
Code Sev Message



Financial Message {messageId} is unknown.



Financial hold type {code} is unknown.

FIN-VL-USFM-001 is logged under two situations 1) The financial message id is unknown to the system or 2) The financial message is unknown to the activity type, that is, XML financial message is requested to be unsent through unsend financial message Flat File activity and vice versa.