Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Release 3.21.2.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 3.21.2.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
In accordance with the OHI error correction policy (Document 1494031.1 on My Oracle Support), error correction support will be provided for this release and the previous two releases.


No enhancements.

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Deprecated items (to be removed in future release)

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal BP Summary





Claim line limit section is not involved in choosing the limit to be applied


As per current behavior, claim line limit is only used to override the limit height of the applied limit(chosen by count towards limit or prod ben spec parameter). But it is expected that claim line limit by itself can determine the limit to be applied on the claim line.


When there aren’t any count toward limits configured, limits configured at claim line level are evaluated and out of those only one is selected based on product and cover withhold rule category comparison as mentioned below:

  • Product should be mentioned at claim line limit

  • Product mentioned at claim line and claim line limit should be same

  • If cover withhold rule category isn’t null then category mentioned on claim line limit should be same as category mentioned in cover withhold rule

First claim line limit which satisfies above comparison is returned. If there isn’t any matching claim line limit, following check happens again on list of configured claim line limits.

  • Product shouldn’t be mentioned at claim line limit

  • Cover withhold rule category mentioned at claim line limit should be same as category mentioned in cover withhold rule

First claim line limit which satisfies above comparison is returned.







'PURGE_TECHNICAL_DATA_DAILY' purge job fails with an invalid number exception when batch_id column of pri$fee_schedule_lines table holds alphanumeric value


Job compares batch_id against activity id. Explicitly converted activity id to character type to avoid conversion of batch_id to number.

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.