Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Release 3.22.1.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 3.22.1.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
OHI applications expose the technical ID (created by sequence generator) in HTTP API and IP. This might be changed to an alternate technical ID (the data type might not be an integer) in a future release. Hence, it is advised to follow the generated HATEOAS links instead of hard-coding/bookmarking the IDs in the external integrations.
As per the Service Description, you are obligated to request a service upgrade within 90 days of this release being generally available (GA). In line with the Oracle Cloud Services Pillar document, Section 4.2.2 End of Life, this release will be EOL in 12 months.


ID Summary Patch


Specialty Dynamic Records

This enhancement introduces the ability to configure dynamic records on the specialties entity.

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Deprecated items (to be removed in future release)

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal BP Summary





ClaimStatusHistory API doesn’t return any response for the claims created from JET UI


'claimstatushistory' API returns response for the claims created from ADF UI but not for the claims created from JET-UI. created a claim from JET UI with the below payload and 'claimstatushistory' API for the created claim responds with 204.


ClaimStatusHistory for a claim in ENTRY state is now created from the backend.

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.