Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch


ID Summary Description Included in Patch


Dynamic Logic Framework should allow to use package statement in the logic

Currently the dynamic logic framework, assumes all scripts to be written in a default package ohi.dynamiclogic. This is done to apply the security restrictions and to allow for logging only in scripts defined in the aforementioned package.

This causes problems with reusability, as every logic that requires to use the reusable code, needs to append ohi.dynamiclogic before importing it. This makes it difficult to manage and tests these groovy logic in isolation. On top of that, dynamic logic framework does not play well, if the package statement is explicitly included as ohi.dynamiclogic, as it appends another ohi.dynamiclogic in front of it.

With this enhancement, it is possible to declare packages in the script and the framework will work with the package defined. It is however important, that the packages defined should start with ohi.dynamiclogic, otherwise security restrictions will be enforced.


Dynamic Logic Framework should allow for reusable groovy classes to be created and used

With this enhancement, dynamic logic framework allows for coding reusable classes to be reused as structures in other groovy scripts. This enhancement also introduces a new signature name for coding such reusable classes/scripts. The name of the signature is REUSABLE CODE and does not have any specific bindings.

Upgrade Steps for Installation

To perform the upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Perform any pre-upgrade steps.

  2. Stop all the managed nodes running the .existing version of the application.

  3. Perform any pre-undeploy steps.

  4. Undeploy the existing version of the application.

  5. Back up the database.

  6. Perform any post-undeploy steps.

  7. Unpack the release bundle into a directory that we refer to as OHI_ROOT from now on.

  8. Change Installation Configuration: In <OHI_ROOT>/util/install, make a copy of ohi_install.cfg.template and name it ohi_install.cfg.

  9. Edit ohi_install.cfg to contain your specific database connection data and other configuration settings. The settings are explained in the file itself.

  10. Make sure NO connections are present to the database using the OHI_xxx_USER account (where xxx is the abbreviation of the application)

  11. Run the Upgrade script:

    1. Open a command window and browse to <OHI_ROOT>/util/install.

    2. Run the upgrade by executing ./ .

  12. Make the required changes to the ohi properties file

  13. Perform any post-upgrade steps

  14. Start WebLogic application server

  15. Deploy the Application

  16. Perform any post-deploy steps

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Deprecated items (to be removed in future release)

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal BP Summary







For the write consumption batch requested, there are few instances of no response coming back. Ideally, all activities should complete and no activity should be in IP state.


Fixed SQL query. Changed the default value of property ohi.consumptionimport.filereader.chunk.size to 1000. These changes resolve the underlying problem causing no response from write consumption batch request.




DOC: Current Properties IP should be described in Claims Integration Guide


Current Properties Integration Point should be described in Claims Integration Guide. This information is missing in the Claims Integration Guide.


Updated Claims Integration Guide for 3.20.3 release.

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.