Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Release 3.22.1.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 3.22.1.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
OHI applications expose the technical ID (created by sequence generator) in HTTP API and IP. This might be changed to an alternate technical ID (the data type might not be an integer) in a future release. Hence, it is advised to follow the generated HATEOAS links instead of hard-coding/bookmarking the IDs in the external integrations.
In accordance with the OHI error correction policy (Document 1494031.1 on My Oracle Support), error correction support will be provided for this release and the previous two releases.


No enhancements.

Upgrade Steps for Installation

To perform the upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Perform any pre-upgrade steps.

  2. Stop all the managed nodes running the .existing version of the application.

  3. Perform any pre-undeploy steps.

  4. Undeploy the existing version of the application.

  5. Back up the database.

  6. Perform any post-undeploy steps.

  7. Unpack the release bundle into a directory that we refer to as OHI_ROOT from now on.

  8. Change Installation Configuration: In <OHI_ROOT>/util/install, make a copy of ohi_install.cfg.template and name it ohi_install.cfg.

  9. Edit ohi_install.cfg to contain your specific database connection data and other configuration settings. The settings are explained in the file itself.

  10. Make sure NO connections are present to the database using the OHI_xxx_USER account (where xxx is the abbreviation of the application)

  11. Run the Upgrade script:

    1. Open a command window and browse to <OHI_ROOT>/util/install.

    2. Run the upgrade by executing ./ .

  12. Make the required changes to the ohi properties file

  13. Perform any post-upgrade steps

  14. Start WebLogic application server

  15. Deploy the Application

  16. Perform any post-deploy steps

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Deprecated items (to be removed in future release)

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal BP Summary





"Add message" action on claim line level ( dialog) should not allow for empty message


"Add Message" action on claim line level ( dialog) should not allow for empty message. The add message functionality (that cannot be influenced on the floorplan) should require a message to be selected.


"Add Message" action on claim line level ( dialog) will not allow for empty message. A message should be selected mandatorily





OHI allows to resolve pend while user does not have corresponding access restriction


OHI ADF screen allows to resolve claim line pend reason when user does not have access grants to resolve the pend. This happens only when the claim is re-processed. When the claim is processed for the 1st time, the applicable error message is shown.


OHI ADF screen does not allow to resolve the claim line pend reason when user does not have access grants to resolve the pend even when the claim is processed for the 2nd time.





Claim pend history does not reflect the user that resolved the pend


When viewing the pend reason history of a claim, the "resolved by" does not reflect the user that actually resolved the pend. Instead it reflects the user that submitted the claim for further processing.


PendReason 'resolvedBy' user information is displayed in history drawer for claim and claimline pendreason





OptimisticLockingException when updating lastlogintimestamp of the user


Updating lastLoginTimestamp is controlled by a system property i.e the lastLoginTimestamp is not updated if the user logs-in multiple times with in the same hour.But if there are concurrent requests next second after this hour, both the API/IP requests try to update the same user record, system throws 500 error in this case.

This causes problem in updating the LASTLOGINTIMESTAMP


Error thrown by the system is ignored in case there are concurrent requests to update the same user record. The LASTLOGINTIMESTAMP will be set according to the first request that updates the user record amongst all the incoming concurrent requests.





JetUI- provider search is taking around 30sec average to load a provider in the claim form


Provider search which appears in several sections in the claim like service provider, referral provider (as applicable) takes an average of around 30sec ( 37sec-27sec) response time.


Added function based index on REL_PROVIDERS table NAME column in claims application to improve performance.





Custom boilerplates are not working for claim line details view page


When user configures custom boilerplates for Claim line details view page floorplan, custom boilerplates are not getting rendered in the UI.


Custom boilerplates configured in claimline floorplan are shown with proper text in UI

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.