Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Claims Adjudication Release 3.22.1.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 3.22.1.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
OHI applications expose the technical ID (created by sequence generator) in HTTP API and IP. This might be changed to an alternate technical ID (the data type might not be an integer) in a future release. Hence, it is advised to follow the generated HATEOAS links instead of hard-coding/bookmarking the IDs in the external integrations.
In accordance with the OHI error correction policy (Document 1494031.1 on My Oracle Support), error correction support will be provided for this release and the previous two releases.


ID Summary Description Included in Patch


Reference Sheet Column Name Length Increased

This enhancement extends the length of the reference sheet usage name, display name, and column display name length from 30 to 50 characters.


Resource representation parameters support through request body

Currently, resource representation influencing parameters are passed in "Accept" header of HTTP request. When number of values passed in header increase and all headers size crosses 8K, server rejects HTTP request.

This enhancement provides an alternative way to pass more than 8K data in resource representation parameters. Instead of passing these parameters in HTTP request header, now these parameters get passed in HTTP request body. This capability is available only for "POST /generic/{entity_name}/search" API. This version supports passing parameters in header as well as body. In future releases the parameters in header support will be removed, hence passing parameters will be only supported via HTTP request body. Parameter names are same in body as well as header. In body, these parameters are mentioned under "resourceRepresentation". When body includes "resourceRepresentation", it completely ignores header parameters.

Example 1: Resource representation influencing parameters in HTTP request header only

POST http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/persons/search

Header - Accept : application/json;fields=officeAddress

Body :

    "resource": {
        "q": "dateOfBirth.eq('1900-01-01')'Doe')"

"officeAddress" field is additionally included in response along with default resource representation

Example 2: Resource representation influencing parameters in HTTP request body only

POST http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/persons/search

Body :

    "resource": {
        "q": "dateOfBirth.eq('1900-01-01')'Doe')"
    "resourceRepresentation": {
        "fields": "officeAddress"

"officeAddress" field is additionally included in response along with default resource representation

Example 3: Resource representation influencing parameters in HTTP request body as well as header

POST http://[hostName]:[portNumber]/[api-context-root]/generic/persons/search

Header - Accept : application/json;fields=homeAddress;expand=all

Body :

    "resource": {
        "q": "dateOfBirth.eq('1900-01-01')'Doe')"
    "resourceRepresentation": {
        "fields": "officeAddress"

"officeAddress" field is additionally included in response along with default resource representation. "homeAddress" and all the dynamic fields/records of person entity won’t be shown in response even though "expand" parameter is available in header. Because, when "resourceRepresentation" is available in body, header parameters are completely ignored.

Upgrade Steps for Installation

To perform the upgrade, perform the following steps:

  1. Perform any pre-upgrade steps.

  2. Stop all the managed nodes running the .existing version of the application.

  3. Perform any pre-undeploy steps.

  4. Undeploy the existing version of the application.

  5. Back up the database.

  6. Perform any post-undeploy steps.

  7. Unpack the release bundle into a directory that we refer to as OHI_ROOT from now on.

  8. Change Installation Configuration: In <OHI_ROOT>/util/install, make a copy of ohi_install.cfg.template and name it ohi_install.cfg.

  9. Edit ohi_install.cfg to contain your specific database connection data and other configuration settings. The settings are explained in the file itself.

  10. Make sure NO connections are present to the database using the OHI_xxx_USER account (where xxx is the abbreviation of the application)

  11. Run the Upgrade script:

    1. Open a command window and browse to <OHI_ROOT>/util/install.

    2. Run the upgrade by executing ./ .

  12. Make the required changes to the ohi properties file

  13. Perform any post-upgrade steps

  14. Start WebLogic application server

  15. Deploy the Application

  16. Perform any post-deploy steps

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

Ref Action Subject Description



Reference Sheets, Record Definitions

Reference Sheet’s usage name and display name’s column length updated to 50. In the Record Definitions page, the record field’s column length is extended to 50.

Deprecated items (to be removed in future release)

Ref Action Subject Description



Remove the support of resource representation parameters in accept header

Resource representation influencing parameters such as fields, expand, response etc. won’t be supported in the header of HTTP request in one of the next major releases. Hence, these parameters should be passed as request body.

Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal BP Summary





Descriptor not shown in the list of values after making changes in flex code field


Descriptor not shown in the list of values after making changes in flex code field usages.


Descriptor is now shown in the list of values. If the values exist for a FlexCodeDefinition and if no FieldUsage is a descriptor, a non-descriptor FieldUsage is allowed to be marked as descriptor. But if values exist and there is FieldUsage marked as descriptor, then it cannot be unmarked as a descriptor.





Creating new Service Address for Individual Providers in ADF results in Application error


Creating new service address for individual providers in ADF results in application crash when a value for a dynamic field is provided.


New service address for Individual Providers can now be created when values for dynamic fields are provided.




Accept header too large error for claims page.


Accept header size increases every time you reopen a claim or open a different claim.


Accept header size remains the same even if the claim is reopened or a different claim is opened.





ClaimLine AutoGeneration of Sequence not working in drill-down view mode.


ClaimLine AutoGeneration of Sequence not added in drill-down view mode in Claims create and view edit page.


ClaimLine AutoGeneration of Sequence works fine now in drill-down view mode in Claims create and view edit page.





Reference Property Defaults do not work when Read-only is set to true in Create Mode


Reference Property Defaults do not work when Read-only is set to true in Create Mode as the popuptail is displayed instead of Lov.


Reference Property Defaults works when Read-only is set to true in Create Mode





Add more logging in the target and in the source of the data replication


Add more logging in the target and in the source of the data replication.


Added logging in the source and in the target of the data replication.




Claims SaaS JET Environment - Boilerplates and Quick Search components not loading


Boilerplates and quick search components are not loading on SaaS environment.


Boilerplates and quick search components are loading on SaaS environment.




Version LOV is not displaying and CTR functionality is not working


Version dropdown is not shown in Claims page, hence the CTR related functionality is not working and visible on Claims Page.


Version Drop-down is now shown in claims page and CTR functionality is working fine





Unable to select and save a flex code record field value on a record on provider identifier


Not able to select and save a flex code record field value on a record on provider identifier


Flex code can be selected from lov dropdown and saved on a record field on provider identifier




Browser caching prevents selection of a different floorplan claim form


When multiple claims floorplans are configured and enabled, when user clicks on Create Claim, the prompt to select floorplan should show up everytime. But user was facing browser caching issue i.e when first claim floorplan is selected from the dropdown and 1-2 claims are created. After that if user clicks on Create Claim, the prompt to select floorplan was not appearing and by default previously selected floorplan used to be loaded everytime.


When multiple claims floorplans are configured and enabled, when user clicks on Create Claim, the prompt to select floorplan shows up everytime not it is not cached

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.