Agent Properties

This section of the guide lists all configuration options for Oracle Health Insurance Agent.

# ==================================================================================================
# Oracle Health Insurance Integration Agent properties file.
# --NOTES---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Properties can be overridden on the command line by prefixing the property with double dash.
# Example of an overridden value: --agent.configTimeout=60
# ==================================================================================================

# ==================================================================================================
# Global Agent Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# The OIG Agent interacts with the OIG Gateway to get its configuration data.
# This property specifies just exactly how long it is allowed to take in seconds.
# Default value: 30
# agent.configTimeout=

# ==================================================================================================
# Agent Background Thread configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# Specifies the number of background threads the OIG Agent should have ready always.
# Default value: 5
# agent.threads.corePoolSize=

# Specifies the number of background threads the OIG Agent is allowed to have running.
# Default value: 30
# agent.threads.maxPoolSize=30

# ==================================================================================================
# Agent to Gateway Communication
# ==================================================================================================
# URI specifies the OIG Gateway exchange endpoint.

# URI specifies the OIG Gateway websocket URI.
# If left empty this means the URI will be build from the agent.gateway.uri
# agent.gateway.websocketuri=

# authentication specifies the type of authentication (BasicAuthentication, OAuth).
# Default value: OAuth

# ==================================================================================================
# Agent Message Recorder
# ==================================================================================================
# When this property has the value true, this means that the agent will record the incoming request
# messages. This is especially useful for testing, that can use these message for request replay.
# Default value: false
# agent.recorder.enabled=

# The base directory where recorded request messages are stored, when the recorder is enabled.
# Default value: directory {interface} under O/S temp folder - {interface} either as2805_a, as2805_b
# agent.recorder.baseDirectory=

# ==================================================================================================
# REST Client Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# Configure whether REST Clients log (true) or not (false).
# Default value: false

# The time in milliseconds before the attempt to connect to an outbound service times out.
# A value of 0 means never timeout.
# Default value: 60000

# The time in milliseconds that the client will wait for the server to respond to the request.
# A value of 0 means never timeout.
# Default value: 60000

# REST Client objects are cached. This property determines the maximum size of the cache.
# Default value: 50

# ==================================================================================================
# Secret Store Configuration - Configure either use of a KeyStore or HashiCorp Vault
# ==================================================================================================

# ==================================================================================================
# KeyStore Secret Store Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# File URL that points to the KeyStore file that holds username & password credentials

# ==================================================================================================
# Vault Secret Store Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# URI specifies the Vault service endpoint, required to access Vault

# pemFilePath specifies a PEM file, containing encrypted key information to access Vault
# required to access Vault

# token specifies a Vault token, required to access Vault

# Root path on which the Vault Key-Value secrets engine is enabled
# Default value: secret
# vault.kv.secrets.engine=

# OHI specific Vault namespace section. Under the path determined by properties
# {vault.kv.secrets.engine}/{vault.ohi.namespace} the Agent will look for secrets.
# Default value: ohi
# vault.ohi.namespace=

# ==================================================================================================
# Websocket Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# Determines the interval in seconds between successive pings that check if the
# OHI Gateway is still responding.
# Default value: 15

# Determines the limit in seconds that leads the Agent to believe that the Gateway has gone away, in
# which case the Agent will try to restore Web Socket connections.
# Default value: 60
# agent.websocket.pong.missed.limit=

# ==================================================================================================
# OAuth2 Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# URI specifies the location of an OAuth2 Authorization Server

# serverScope specifies an optional parameter for an Authorization Server request
# agent.oauth2.serverScope=

# Issuer URI for token validation
# Make sure to also set the agent.oauth2.clientId and agent.oauth2.jwkSetUrl properties.

# ClientId or audience for token validation

# JWK Set URL for token validation

# JSON Web Signature (JWS) algorithm name (defaults to RS256)

# ==================================================================================================
# AS2805_A Module Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# enable or disable AS2805_A
# Default value: true
# as2805_a.enable=

# ==================================================================================================
# AS2805_B Module Configuration
# ==================================================================================================
# enable or disable AS2805_B
# Default value: true
# as2805_b.enable=