Integration Generic API and Operations

This integration point provides the ability to:

  • Create (POST) new integration configurations

  • Update (PUT/PATCH) integration configurations

  • Retrieve/Search (GET) all the existing integration configurations

  • Retrieve (GET) a particular integration configuration

  • Validate (POST) integration configuration

These different integration point operations are described in the sections below. The integration point will provide HTTP status codes as defined in the Developer Guide in section Response Messages.

The operations are protected by the HTTP API access restriction 'integration API'. For the GET operations a grant must be provided with the Read flag set. For the POST operations a grant must be provided with the Create flag set.

Create Integration Configuration: Generic API

To create a new Integration Configuration, a POST request is sent to the following URI:


The payload looks like this:

  "code": "MemberExtract",
  "schedule": "0 22 * * * *",
  "integrationSteps": [
      "code": "ExtractStep",
      "sequence": 1,
      "outputName" : "memberExtract",
      "type" : "Extract",
      "typeConfig": {
        "resourceName" : "persons",
        "fields" : "prefix.code|language.code||addressList.countryRegion.code",
        "expand" : "addressList|maritalStatusList"
      "code": "ExtractDelivery",
      "sequence": "2",
      "transformDynamicLogic": {
        "code" : "memberExtractTransformation"
      "destination" : {
          "code" : "MemberSFTP"
      "outputFileDynamicLogic": {
        "code" : "outputFileDynamicLogic"

A successful creation of integration configuration returns back Response Code 201 with a location header to the just created configuration.


The Following functionality is to be accessed in the same as any other generic api functionality

  • Update existing configurations

  • Retrieve/search on existing configurations

  • Retrieve a particular configuration.

The result of the above operations always contains the payload along with the link to be able to submit an integration. Please refer to Exchange Integration Point for the details on invocation.

It also contains a link to validate the integration configuration.

http://<host>:<port>/<contextRoot>/integrations/{integration type}/{integration code}/validate

Validate Integration

This operation validates configuration per integration step in integration. It checks if the destination configured for a step is accompanied by the relevant properties and credential configuration. It also checks if the configuration is present in the target OHI application (for example, Policies) when the integration expects the OHI application to respond back to Oracle Insurance Gateway, either to conclude or to resume the execution. A typical example of this is when an invoke activity step is configured to resume once a notification is received from OHI application.

GET: http://<host>:<port>/<contextRoot>/integrations/{integration type}/{integration code}/validate

As part of integration validation several requests are executed to verify data in other OHI applications. These may take some time to complete and could even time out. By default, the validation request will time out after 10 seconds. If that is not sufficient, use HTTP header "ohi-integration-validation-allowed-time-seconds" to override the default value.

Integrations have multiple versions. When validating an integration, the application validates the highest-enabled version.

The validate operation performs the following checks and returns a response a message with all the failures identified.

  • Data Collection Step - Query

    • Checks if the address key, credentials and authentication information to access query api endpoint is configured in Oracle Insurance Gateway.

  • Data Collection Step - Extract

    • Checks if the address key, credentials and authentication information to access extract endpoint is configured in Oracle Insurance Gateway.

    • Checks if the extract endpoint can send back notification to Oracle Insurance Gateway once the extract has completed[1]. This includes checking:

      • extract notification endpoint is configured to respond back to Oracle Insurance Gateway and

      • credential and authorization are setup to reach back to Oracle Insurance Gateway. This only checks if the configuration is set and not if the property value is actually reachable from the target application.

    • Validates that the Oracle Insurance Gateway can access data file resource for links it receives in notification messages from OHI applications. This is done by constructing a GET request for the OHI application’s data file set IP using the base application URI property, the configured authentication feature and the configured credential[1].

  • Invoke Process Step: Activity

    • Checks if the address key, credentials and authentication information to access the activity endpoint is configured in Oracle Insurance Gateway.

    • If the wait for a notification is set to true, then the system checks if the activity endpoint can send back the notification to Oracle Insurance Gateway once the activity has concluded[1]. This includes checking:

      • activity notification endpoint is configured to respond back to Oracle Insurance Gateway and

      • credential and authorization are setup to reach back to Oracle Insurance Gateway. This only checks if the configuration is set and not if the property value is actually reachable from the target application.

  • Validates that the Oracle Insurance Gateway can access data file resource for links it receives in notification messages from Oracle Health Insurance applications. This is done by constructing a GET request for the OHI application’s data file set IP using the base application URI property, the configured authentication feature and the configured credential[1].

  • Invoke Process Step - Process

    • Checks if the address key, credentials and authentication information to invoke a process is configured in Oracle Insurance Gateway.

  • Delivery Step

    • Checks if the address key, credentials and authentication information to access the deliver endpoint is configured in Oracle Insurance Gateway.

  • Subflow Step

    • Checks all the integration steps that are part of the subflow step. The validation of these steps follows the same rules are described above for various different step types. These integration steps can again be a subflow step, in which case this step goes on recursively until all the sub-steps are validated.

1. To check the configuration in other OHI applications Oracle Insurance Gateway needs to access credentials IP and the properties resource. It uses credential key and authentication information associated with the destination to access these IPs. No access to these IPs may result in OIG-GATE-036 or OIG-GATE-037 respectively.