Dynamic Logic Condition

Dynamic logic conditions return a Boolean. A condition has one or more objects that are passed in as bind variables. Which object(s) is defined by the signature. The return value will be interpreted by Oracle Health Insurance according to Groovy truth logic, meaning that in case a NULL value is returned - this will be interpreted as false.

Step Invocation Check

This is to check if the integration step should be processed. If the condition is true, the step is invoked, else it is skipped The following signature applies:

In / Out Name Type Description


Gateway Dynamic Logic Bindings




If there is a need to read files that were output of previous steps, then this object is available to fetch readers for the input files. The available types are:

  • jsonReader: a stream based json reader.

  • xmlReader: a stream based xml reader.

  • csvParser: a stream based CSV reader.

  • lineReader: a reader to support reading individual lines.




True or False


This example checks if the previous output returned the desired value. The previous output was as a query to policies to get servicedMemberCode and only if that is 'SOMEPERSON', later perform the following step of querying claims for that member.

Assuming the response from the query step is in Json and is referred to by policiesOutput.

return new JsonSlurper().parseText(policiesOutput).policyEnrollmentList[0].person.code == "SOMEPERSON"
For more details on using fileReader binding, refer to Transformation Dynamic Logic
