Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch


No enhancements.

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Deprecated items (to be removed in future release)

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal BP Summary




Billing currency conversion logic does not update totalAmountCurrency of financial transaction


If dynamic logic for Currency Conversion (Billing or Commission) is used on financial transaction detail, the total amount currency is not copied from the details (the currency of the calculation result is used instead).


The totalAmountCurrency of financial transaction is copied from its details, except when the currencies differ: in that case following error is raised: "POL-FL-FINA-001: A financial transaction should not have details in different currencies".

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.