Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Release 4.23.1.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 4.23.1.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
As per the Service Description, you are obligated to request a service upgrade within 90 days of this release being generally available (GA). In line with the Oracle Cloud Services Pillar document, Section 4.2.2 End of Life, this release will be EOL in 12 months.


ID Summary Patch


WebLogic authentication implemented compliant with the Java Authorization and Authentication Service (JAAS) specification

This enhancement introduces support for the SAML 2.0 authentication mechanism in the Oracle Health Insurance. Additionally, a new JAR file named "CustomIdentityAsserter" has been created to accommodate the Basic Auth configuration. Refer installation guide for further detail.

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

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Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal Summary




Advanced search lov’s for dynamic fields are not loading in referencesheetlines


Not able to search using the LOV’s in the reference sheet lines page. When clicking in the LOV field an error occurs on the api/generic/flexcodes/search.


Proper results are displayed in the LOV for flexcodes based on diagnosis, procedures and providers, displays.




Date Paid To is not reset when enrollment ended and future dated payments exist


When policy enrolllment products are all (retroactively) ended while applied registrations exist after the end date, the date paid to is not reset to the end date of the policy enrollment products when apply registrations is executed.


If there are no new calculation results, but only reversed calculation results (which means that the (unzipped) registrations are no longer applicable for that period that is reversed): the date paid to is set to the start date of the first reversed calculation result minus one day.




PII data is not correctly populated when setting corresponding property


PII data is filled in as NULL when setting property "ohi.baseview.exclude.pii" to false, even though they are not null. This is only the case for entities where certain attributes are only PII if the entity is of a certain subtype. E.g. for Relation of subtype 'PERS', the code columns is seen as PII. When the "ohi.baseview.exclude.pii" property is set to false, this data should be seen.


PII data is now correctly populated when setting property "ohi.baseview.exclude.pii" to false.



Policies page : Group Account sorting not applied


Create a policy with multiple Group Accounts. All the Group Accounts added to the policy should be sorted but latest is not shown first


Group Accounts added to the policy are sorted and displayed in UI




Generate mutations activity takes disproportionate amount of time to complete in a specific scenario.


Generate mutations activity takes very long to complete in a scenario where although there are no group client level events, there are a large number of existing events (of other event levels) and group account products.


Generate mutations activity is optimized for this scenario and hence completes in reasonable amount of time.

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.