Release Notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

This document contains the release notes for Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Patch

Version compatibility: Oracle Health Insurance Enterprise Policy Administration Release 3.22.2.x is only compatible with other Oracle Health Insurance applications release version 3.22.2.x unless explicitly stated otherwise.
As per the Service Description, you are obligated to request a service upgrade within 90 days of this release being generally available (GA). In line with the Oracle Cloud Services Pillar document, Section 4.2.2 End of Life, this release will be EOL in 12 months.


ID Summary Patch


Clearance of activities stuck in In Process stage from coherence submission caches using IP

Due to excessive load, the processing-pattern grid service stops processing activities, causing them to be stuck in the in process stage for a long time. Manually marking these activities to technical error (TE) and resubmitting them results in an exception as a reference to these activities already exist in coherence submission caches. Thus, the recovery of activities is only possible upon a full restart. The new integration point supports the clearance of coherence submission caches to facilitate the activity recovery process to avoid a complete restart.

Configuration Properties

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Web Services

Ref Action Description



clearsubmissioncaches IP

New IP to clear coherence submission caches.

Data Conversion

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Dynamic Logic

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UI Changes

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Breaking Changes

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Bug Fixes

BugDB SR Internal Summary




Date Paid To is not reset when enrollment ended and future dated payments exist


When policy enrolllment products are all (retroactively) ended while applied registrations exist after the end date, the date paid to is not reset to the end date of the policy enrollment products when apply registrations is executed.


If there are no new calculation results, but only reversed calculation results (which means that the (unzipped) registrations are no longer applicable for that period that is reversed): the date paid to is set to the start date of the first reversed calculation result minus one day.




Policy search by Policy Holder name is case sensitive


When searching for a policy using POLICYHOLDER NAME with the name captured all in lowercase then no results are returned


Policy search with POLICYHOLDER NAME with the name captured all in lowercase letters works fine

Issues that were backported in previous Release / Patch

No backports.