Generate Reporting Views (Deprecated)

The reporting views described in this section, are deprecated. They will be dropped in a future release. Instead, base view generation is now part of the application itself, no runnable jar-file is needed.

Oracle Health Insurance Components applications have dedicated database schemas for reporting views. Reporting views are a logical presentation on the tables, resolving details such as dynamic field definitions, languages etc.

The views should be regenerated after:

  • an upgrade of an Oracle Health Insurance application;

  • changing dynamic field or dynamic record definitions;

  • using the Configuration Migration utility.

Running the generator

The generator is delivered as a so-called runnable jar-file. The way to run it is:

$ java -jar ohi-views-generator.jar -h
usage: java -jar ohi-views-generator.jar <options>
 -c <configFile>               Config file
 -d <definitionsDir>           Directory containing the XML definition
 -e,--env <environment name>   Name of target the environment
 -h,--help                     Show usage information and quit
 -n                            Do not execute the SQL on the database
 -o <outputFile>               The file the generator writes SQL
                               statements to
 -s                            Do not regenerate base views

The config file is mandatory. This file can be created from the supplied ohi_create_views.cfg.template. If the -d argument is omitted, no functional views will be generated; if the argument is used, you can provide the directory containing the functional view XML definition files. If you want to run the generator once and apply the result to multiple databases, you have the option to write the SQL-statements to a file by using the -o argument. Note that this will still execute the SQL, unless you use the -n flag.

In the config file it is defined which views are considered confidential (i.e. which views will only be granted access to through the OHI_<APPLICATION>_CONF_VWS_ROLE role).

For example, in Oracle Health Insurance Claims, the following views could be marked as confidential (because PHI data):