Test Product

This operation changes the status of a Product from Review to Test. The change in status shows that the Product is ready for loading into the Claims test environment.

Only a Product in the Review status has the Test status.

Resource Representation

The test link determines whether the Product status can change to Test.

The following is a resource representation of a Product with an updatable status:

  ... Product properties ...
  "links": [
      "rel": "self"
      "rel": "product:test",
      "httpMethod": "PUT"

The following is a resource representation for a Product that cannot change to Test. For example, when the Product is already in the Approved status:

  ... Product properties ...
  "links": [
      "rel": "self"

Response Messages

Following are the messages the operation returns:


A successful operation returns an HTTP 200 OK response.


If an error occurs, the operation returns an appropriate HTTP status code. See Response Messages for more information on error codes.

The following is the message that shows when the operation encounters an error:

Table 1. Failure
Code Severity Message Text



To change the product status to Test, the product must be in status Review.


The products.test IP access restriction protects this operation.