Create a manual shipment

You might need to create a manual shipment if a shipment was damaged at the depot before it was shipped or if another depot requires more supplies sent to their facility.


If the study doesn't allow single-kit ordering and you create a shipment with only one kit, Oracle Clinical One Platform adds an additional kit to the shipment. The sponsor specifies whether single-kit ordering is allowed in a study.

Want to see how to perform this task? Watch the video below.

  1. Navigate to the Shipments tab. For step-by-step instructions, see Access the Shipments tab.
  2. Click Create Shipment and select Manual Shipment.
  3. On the Create Shipment dialog, fill in the fields. To view tips for completing a field, click into the field or choose an option.


    Depending on how kits are designed in your study, a kit type may include information about its block size. If you add a number of kits that is lower than its block size, the system adds additional kits to complete the block. For example, if you include 2 vials in a shipment, the system includes 2 additional vials to complete the block of 4 units.
    Field Description
    Select whether the destination of this shipment is a site or a depot.
    • If you select Site, then you must select the destination site from the second drop-down.
    • If you select Depot, then you must specify the destination depot (in the Destination field) and the source depot (in the Ship From field), too.
    Kit Type and Description For a specific kit type, turn on the toggle (The toggle is turned off and grayed out.) to specify that the shipment must include that kit type.
    Quantity Enter the number of kits of this type to include in the shipment.
    Lot From the Select Lot drop-down, select the lot that you want to associate with the pooled kit.


    Specifing a lot is only available for pooled kits that are included in a shipment sent out to sites. You cannot include pooled kits in a depot-to-depot shipment.
  4. Click Create Shipment.
  5. Click Close.
Next, you must fulfill the shipment and then specify a ship date for the shipment after it leaves the depot. For step-by-step instructions, see: