Receive and destroy kits

If depot kit reconciliation is required in your study and the depot you're assigned to is drug destruction capable, then you might receive shipments containing kits that need to be destroyed.

You may receive kits for destruction if a site user or Clinical Research Associate (CRA) ships kits to your drug destruction depot or if a depot user sent a shipment for destruction to your facility. In both situations, you must confirm that you've received those kits for destruction and destroy the shipment at your depot.
  1. Navigate to the Shipments tab. For step-by-step instructions, see Access the Shipments tab
  2. Use the filters above the table of shipments to find the shipment you want to work with:
    • If you copied the shipment ID from the notification, paste it into the Search by Shipment ID field, and press Enter.
    • If you don't have the shipment ID or want to see all shipments that need to be destroyed, select Pending Destruction from the Filter by Status drop-down.
  3. In the table, select the shipment.
  4. On the right, click Confirm Receipt Per Kit.


    If depot kit reconciliation isn't required in your study, you'll only see the Mark Shipment as Received button to confirm you've received an entire shipment.
  5. On the Confirm Receipt Per Kit dialog, either scan or manually enter a kit number or barcode for a kit that you found in the shipment and can be marked as Received.
  6. Click Confirm.


    You can also click the gray checkbox (Gray checkbox is a circle) for every kit displayed in the Not Received column to confirm you received it.
  7. On the right, select a number for the returned units that need to be destroyed.
  8. After you mark all kits as received, click Finish.
  9. On the right, click Mark Shipment as Destroyed.
    The shipment's status is updated to Destroyed.

Figure 3-1 How depot users see the new Confirm Receipt Per Kit pop-up

A dialog is a new smaller window that appears on the screen

Figure 3-2 How depot users see a destroyed shipment

A destroyed shipment is marked with a black trash can icon