Rule statuses and lifecycle

During the lifecycle of the rule, you can create, test, approve, and publish in an iterative manner to help you refine your rules and implement them according to your product specification.

Figure 2-1 A rule's lifecycle and what each user role has to do

A rule's lifecycle starts in Testing mode where it needs to be drafted, tested, approved and published. Once published a rule is active in Production and Training mode.

A rule needs to be created in Testing mode, where it goes over different stages before it gets published. Rules are study version independent and apply to every mode once they reach the Published status. Different roles participate at the different stages of the rule's lifecycle.

Icon Status Description

Gray circle with white letter "D".

Draft The rule is newly created and can be edited by a Rule Designer.

Once drafted, Prepare your rule for testing and approval. If it has no syntax errors and works as expected move it to the next stage. Otherwise make edits to your rule still in draft.

Blue circle with white letter "U".

UAT The rule has no syntax errors and is ready to be tested by a Rule Tester.

Test and approve a rule for every possible scenario. If the rule fails testing you can take it back to draft mode so that the rule designer makes the necessary edits.

Purple circle with white letter "A".

Approved The rule has no syntax errors, it has the expected results and is ready to be published by a Rule Publisher.

At this point you can Publish a single rule, Publish multiple rules at the form level or Publish multiple rules at the study level.

Green circle with white checkmark.

Published The rule has been published by a Rule Publisher. Once a rule has reached the Published status, the rule becomes active in all modes regardless of the study version.

If you edit a published rule in Testing mode, its state goes back to Draft, but this doesn't affect the published rule in Production and Training modes. To update in all modes you need to Modify and republish a published rule.

If a rule is no longer needed you can Disable a rule.