Enter data in a form with two sections

The first part in a two section form represent the flat part of the form, which creates the overall form instance, and contains the leading questions. The second part contains the repeating table where multiple rows of data can be added as it relates to the applicable form instance.

Depending on your protocol, you can create as many form instances of the two-section form you need.

For more information on how to handle reference information during the process of collecting data, as well as tips and tricks on how to answer certain question types, see Best practices for collecting data.

  1. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  2. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  3. Enter data in the form with multiple sections:
    1. Answer the introductory questions first.
    2. Complete the fields in the table below the introductory questions.
  4. To add a new instance of the form (including its introductory questions) click Add Add a record icon in the form.
  5. To add a new row in the repeating form table (located in the second section of the form) click the Add a record icon Add a record icon to the left of the table.
  6. To delete an instance of a form with multiple sections, click the Delete icon Trashcan icon to the left of the form title.

On the Forms sidebar, you can view a cumulative status of all two-section form instances and navigate to a specific form instances, if needed.

Figure 3-1 How you may see the Forms sidebar

Screenshot of the Forms sidebar diplaying different types of form status icons
Depending on a form's status, you may see one of the following status icons on the Forms sidebar:
  • When complete, a form displays a Complete icon Complete form icon.
  • When a required question is not answered, a form displays an Incomplete icon Incomplete form icon.
  • When a required question contains a validation error, a form displays a Validation error icon Form contains error icon.

Want to learn more about the possible statuses of a form? See Form status icon descriptions in the Icon Reference guide.