About the Query List

The Query List allows you to view and work on all of the queries in your study. Obtain an overview of the queries you have permissions to view, apply filters to your list of queries, and depending on the statuses of the queries and your permissions, perform actions on your queries, all in one place.

Required permissions

The Query List requires the same set of permissions associated with viewing and working with queries. For more information, see Descriptions of permissions in Clinical One.

Actions available on the Query List page

What you can or cannot do on the Query List page depends on your permissions. See the table below for a full list tasks that a user can perform on the Query List page.

Table 5-1 Query List tasks overview

Feature Description
Show all queries

All of the queries you have permission to view are listed in the Query List. These queries are also grouped according to their status.

For more information on the ways you can group your queries, see Filter the Query List.

Filter queries

You can apply one or more filters to the list of queries you have permission to see. You can also sort them based on age.

For more information on how to perform this task, see Filter the Query List.

View query details

In a separate page, view all of the details of a query, including its history in detail.

For more information on how to perform this task, see Explore a query's history and details.

View in form

You can quickly access a question for which a query has been submitted, in order to view its answer.

For more information on how to perform this task, see Explore a query's details and history.

Close and re-open a query, open a candidate query

You can close or re-open answered queries, and provide a reason for taking this action.

You can also open candidate queries.

For more information on how to perform this task, see Work in the Query List.

Delete query

You can delete queries with the status of Candidate.

For more information on how to perform this task, see Work in the Query List.

Columns included in the Query List

The Query List page displays all of the queries you have permission to view. To help you find the queries you are looking for, the following columns are available:

Table 5-2 Query List columns

Column Description

Indicates the subject number your query is associated with.


Shows the query message.


Indicates the visit for which the query has been raised.

Form Name

Indicates the form to which the query was associated.

Created By

Indicates the author of the query.

For queries that have been automatically opened by the system, the creator is indicated as Auto Calculation.

This column is only available in the Unresolved Queries and Closed views.


Indicates the age of the query, from when it was opened to the current date.

Can be used to sort the list of queries in an ascending or descending order.


The current status of the query.

For a detailed description of each status, see Understand query statuses.

Views of the Query List


Switching between views will reset any filters you have applied to your list of queries.
In order to interact with queries more efficiently, you can switch between views of your queries in the Query List based on the actions you need to perform for them. Accordingly, the following views are available:
  • To Do: brings together all of the queries which require your action.
  • Unresolved Queries: brings together all of the queries which you have permission to view and that do not have a status of Closed or Deleted. This view includes queries that are pending the action of other users, for which you only have viewing permission.
  • Closed: includes all of the queries with a status of Closed or Deleted you have permission to see.
You can also use the Search by Query Details field to quickly narrow down your list of queries. This field searches your queries' text for the keywords you input .


We recommend using this field for all searches, instead of the Search for Query field, found in the queries sidebar, on a subject's page.

Filters of the Query List


Your filters panel may change in accordance with your view of the Query List and your permissions.

For step by step guidance on filtering the Query List, see Filter the Query List.

The table below describes the filters available in the Query List, as well as the behavior of each filter in the context of each view.

Table 5-3 Descriptions of filters in the Query List

Filter Description In the To Do view In the Unresolved view In the Closed view
Type Allows you to select your query type, based on its author or source. Choose one of the following options:
  • Auto
  • Manual
Choose one of the following options:
  • Auto
  • Manual
Choose one of the following options:
  • Auto
  • Manual
Status Filter your list of queries based on one or several statuses. Choose one or several of the following options:
  • All
  • Candidate
  • Answered
  • Opened
Choose one or several of the following options:
  • All
  • Candidate
  • Answered
  • Opened
Choose one or several of the following options:
  • All
  • Closed
  • Deleted
Age Filter your list of queries based on the age of your queries. Choose one of the following options:
  • <7 Days
  • <14 Days
  • <30 Days
  • 30+ Days
Choose one of the following options:
  • <7 Days
  • <14 Days
  • <30 Days
  • 30+ Days
Filter not available in this view.
Last Updated Date (UTC) Filter your list of queries based on a single date when they were last updated. Select a date in the calendar field. You can also type a date in the UTC format: DD-MMM-YYYY. Select a date in the calendar field. You can also type a date in the UTC format: DD-MMM-YYYY. Filter not available in this view.
Closed On Date (UTC) Filter your list of queries based on the date they were closed. Filter not available in this view. Filter not available in this view. Select a date in the calendar field. You can also type a date in the UTC format: DD-MMM-YYYY.
Subject Filter your list of queries based on a subject number, at a particular site. Select the site, then choose from a list of subjects, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Select the site, then choose from a list of subjects, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Select the site, then choose from a list of subjects, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type.
Form Name Filter your list of queries based on a form name. Choose from a list of forms, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Choose from a list of forms, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Choose from a list of forms, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type.
Creator Filter your list of queries based on the names of their creators or their roles. Select between Name or Role, then select the form name. You can also being typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Select between Name or Role, then select the form name. You can also being typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Select between Name or Role, then select the form name. You can also being typing and the list will narrow down as you type.
Assigned User Role Filter your list of queries based on the role of the assigned user. Only available for assigned queries. Choose from a list of roles, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Choose from a list of roles, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type. Filter not available in this view.
Closed By User Filter your list of queries based on the user who has closed the query. Filter not available in this view. Filter not available in this view. Choose from a list of users, which is populated based on the queries in your list. You can also begin typing and the list will narrow down as you type.