Associate Assignment

The Associate Assignment page lets you add, update, or delete associates assigned to a role for a customer. Choose the Associate Assignment option on the Actions menu in the Customer Dashboard for access to the Associate Assignment page:

Figure 4-60 Associate Assignment

This figure shows the Associate Assignment

The Associate Assignment window offers the following information and features:

  • The customer name and ID

  • The user who last updated the window and the date it was last updated

  • The Actions menu and corresponding icons let you Assign and Unassign associates.

  • Primary – Indicates the pre-designated Primary role, which is set by the client.

  • Role – Associate Role. See the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Cloud Service Implementation Guide for more information about Associate Roles

  • Associate – Name of the associate

  • Email – The email of the associate

  • Location – ID of the associate's location

  • Lock – Indicates whether the associate user assignment can be changed (Unlocked) or not changed (Locked).

    • If an associate is not assigned, this field is blank.

    • When the assignment is locked, the logged in user must be the same as the assigned user to edit or unlock the associate user assignment, with the exception of a system administrator. The system administrator can edit any assigned user.

    • If a user without the privileges to change the associate assignment attempts to do so, an error message displays: The assignment is locked, and can only be changed by the assigned user or a system administrator.

Assigning an Associate

To assign an associate to a role for a customer:

  1. In the Associate Assignment grid, select the role to which you want to assign an associate.

  2. From the Action menu, choose Assign, or click the Assign icon. This displays the Assign Associate dialog:

    Figure 4-61 Assign Associate

    This figure shows the Assign Associate to Manager
  3. In the Search for Associate prompt, enter the ID, Name, Location or E-mail of the associate you want to assign to the role. Select Partial to search on a partial entry, or Exact, to search for only exact matches.

  4. Click Search. This displays the associates matching the search criteria in the Search Results grid.

  5. Click Assign in the row of the associate that you want to assign to the role. Assign changes to Unassign, and the Locked check box is displayed:

  6. If you want to lock the assignment so that only you and system administrators can change it, select the Locked check box. If not, leave it clear.

  7. Click OK. This returns you to the Associate Assignments page. The associate added to the role is displayed in the assignment row.

Unassigning an Associate

To un-assign an associate from a role for customer:

  1. In the Associate Assignment grid, select the assignment from which you want to un-assign an associate. Only one assignment can be selected to un-assign at one time.

  2. From the Action menu, choose Unassign, or click the Unassign icon. This removes the associate from the role, and their information is deleted from the assignment row.

  3. Click Done when you are finished with associate assignments. This returns you to the Customer Dashboard