Downloading a Registry Report

To download a registry report either:

  • In the Registries Found list (see Figure 8-2), click the Actions Menu in the row of the registry for which you want to download a report, and choose the Download Report option.

  • In the Edit Registry Review or View Registry page, click the Download Report icon.

Either action displays a prompt for saving or running the report with these options:

  • The steps in the prompt can vary based on the browser that is being used.

  • The report is available in PDF format

  • The steps in the prompt can vary based on the browser that is being used.

Registry Report Output

The following example shows the output of a downloaded registry report:

Figure 8-16 Registry Report

This figure shows the Registry Report

The Registry Report contains the following information:

Header Information

  • Organization - The code identifying your organization.

  • Date Range - The date range selected when generating the report.

  • Customer ID - The numeric ID for the Customers selected when generating the report. Displays ALL if there was no restriction when running the report.

  • Registry ID - The numeric ID for the Registries or Wish Lists selected when generating the report. Displays ALL if there was no restriction when running the report.

Detail Information

  • Primary Customer ID - The unique numeric identifier for a Customer.

  • Registry ID - Name - The unique numeric identifier for a Registry or Wish List, and the Name describing the Registry or Wish List.

  • Event Date - The date for an Item Registry. Set to N/A for a Wish List. Repeated for each Item for the Registry.

  • Venue Name and Venue Address - The Venue Name and Address for an Item Registry. Set to N/A for a Wish List. Repeated for each Item for the Registry.

  • First Name and Last Name - The primary Customer's first and last name. Repeated for each Item for the Registry or Wish List.

  • Email Address and Phone Number - The primary Customer's email address and phone number, as specified for the Registry or Wish List.

  • Address - The primary Customer's address, as specified for the Registry or Wish List.

  • Item ID - Name - The ID and Name of the Item on the Registry or Wish List.

  • Desired Quantity - The desired quantity of the Item.

  • Purchased Quantity - The purchased quantity of the Item.

  • Totals for Registry:

    • Desired Quantity - The total desired quantity of all Items on the Registry or Wish List that are included on the report.

    • Purchased Quantity - The total purchased quantity of all Items on the Registry or Wish List that are included on the report.

  • Report Totals:

    • Desired Quantity - The total desired quantity of all Items included on the report.

    • Purchased Quantity - The total purchased quantity of all Items included on the report.