9 Receive Order

Purpose: Use this screen to receive a ship-for-pickup order that has been shipped to your current store location, where the customer can pick it up.

Available when? This screen is available by selecting Begin Receiving in the bottom right at the Ready to Receive screen, the View Order screen, or the View Full Order screen for an order that includes one or more items shipped to your current store location for pickup by the customer.

You can also advance to this screen by scanning the barcode on a shipment at the Ready to Receive screen.

Items sourced from your current location: This screen is not available for a ship-for-pickup order that only contains items that are assigned to your current store location for both sourcing and pickup, because in this case, the receipt step isn’t necessary. Instead, after you accept and pick the order, it is then available for pickup at the Ready for Pickup screen, similar to a pickup order.

Are all items on the order listed? If your organization supports it, there might be additional items on the order that weren’t included in the current shipment to your location. For example, if other items shipped separately, these items might be available for receiving at a later date. In this case, these items are not listed at the Receive Order screen for the current shipment to your location.

Items listed but not in shipment? If the items have all been shipped from multiple sourcing locations and not yet received, all sourced items are listed at this screen. For example, one item on the order was sourced from location A and one was sourced from location B, and both items have been shipped to your current location. In this case, both items are listed at this screen, even though they were shipped separately. However, items that haven’t been shipped yet from a sourcing location aren’t listed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure

receive the items on the order

By increasing the received quantity for an item: Increase the number of units on the right-hand side of the screen.

By scanning items: Use the Scan Item to Add option to scan each unit.

Select Complete Receiving when you are done.

Partial receipt without rejecting: If your organization supports it, when you select Complete Receiving without confirming the full quantity of each order line, a window confirms that you are performing a partial receipt at this time. For example, you might receive a partial quantity if you’re unable to complete receiving, but can finish later. If you don’t reject any of the units to receive, the unreceived order lines or units remain eligible for receipt at a later time.

Partial receipt with rejecting: If your organization supports it, you can also receive a partial quantity of an order line with a quantity of 2 or more by first rejecting the units that you won’t be receiving. For example, you might reject a partial quantity if any of the units were damaged in shipment, or are missing. To reject a partial quantity of an order line:

  • Select Reject Item from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) to the right of the item. The Reject Item window opens.

  • At the window, change the Reject quantity to the quantity you are rejecting, and select the Reason for the rejection.

  • After you select OK, the order line quantity is reduced by the rejected quantity. You can now receive the remaining quantity on the order line, as described above.

See below for a discussion of rejecting.

View Packing Documents: The settings in Order Orchestration control whether Store Connect automatically generates the Packing Slip when you complete receiving an order at your current location.

When you complete receiving, an error message indicates if the status of the order has changed since you advanced to the screen, and the order can’t be received.

set all units to received

Optionally, select Set All Units to Received to confirm receipt of all listed items, and then select Complete Receiving. The option to set all units to received is available only when the displayed items were shipped from a single sourcing location.

When you complete receiving, an error message indicates if the status of the order has changed since you advanced to the screen, and the order can’t be received.

restrict the displayed items based on the sourcing location that shipped the items to your current location

If items have been shipped to your current location from multiple sourcing locations, the message Sourced from Multiple Locations is displayed at the top of the screen, and the location code and description of each of these sourcing locations is displayed.

A check box next to each sourcing location is selected by default. To remove the items shipped from a sourcing location from display on this screen, clear the check box next to the sourcing location at the top of the screen.

reject the entire order

Select Reject Order from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) at the bottom right to reject the entire order. The Reject Order window opens.

You might reject an order if the entire order was damaged in transit.

What happens when you reject: When you reject a ship-for-pickup order that has been shipped to your current store location, Order Orchestration sees if there is another location that can source the order and ship it to your location.

Cancel? You can’t cancel an order at this screen. If the customer no longer wants to pick up the order, you can first receive the order, and then cancel it instead of confirming pickup.

reject an item

Select Reject Item from More Options (Illustrates the ellipsis.) to the right of the item to reject the item on the order. This option is available only if your organization supports updates to individual order lines.

The Reject Item window opens. At this window, you can reject all units of the order line, or a partial quantity if your organization supports it.

You might reject an item if it was damaged in transit, or missing.

What happens when you reject: When you reject an item on a ship-for-pickup order that has been shipped to your current store location, Order Orchestration sees if there is another location that can source the item and ship it to your location.

Cancel? You can’t cancel an item at this screen. If the customer no longer wants to pick up the item, you can first receive the item, and then cancel it instead of confirming pickup.

return to the previous screen

Select X from the top right to return to the previous screen.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description

Order number

The number or code identifying the order in the originating system. If the order is currentlyUnder Review, this is indicated to the right.

Next action

The next action indicated is Ready to Receive.

Lines Received

The current number of order lines that you have confirmed as received, and the total number of order lines that have been shipped from a different sourcing location. For example, if 3 order lines were shipped and you haven’t yet confirmed receipt of any of these lines, the Lines Received indicated is 0 of 3.

Sourcing locations (labeled Sourced from Multiple Locations)

If more than one sourcing location is shipping items to your current location for customer pickup, the message Sourced from Multiple Locations is displayed, followed by the code and description of each sourcing location.

Optionally, you can clear the check box next to one of the sourcing locations to remove the item(s) shipped from that location from the screen.

Fulfillment Type

A fulfillment type of Ship for Pickup is indicated to the right. The express icon (Illustrates the express carrier icon.) is to the right of the fulfillment type if the carrier assigned to the order by the originating system is flagged as an express shipper.

Set All Units to Received

This option is available above the items if a single sourcing location shipped all the items to your current store location.

Items: For each item on the order that has been shipped to your current store location and ready to be received, the following information is displayed.

Items that have not yet been shipped to your current store location are not displayed on this screen. You can review all order lines at the View Full Order screen.

Item description

A description of the item.

An image of the item may also be displayed.

Item code

A code identifying the item, for example, Item ABCDE where ABCDE is the item code.

Same item listed more than once? If your organization supports it, it’s possible that units of he same item could be sourced and shipped from more than one location.


The price of a single unit of the item.

Sourcing location (unlabeled field)

The code and description of the location sourcing the item.

Quantity Received (unlabeled field)

The current quantity of the order line that has been flagged as received.

Units Needed (to be received)

The current quantity of the order line that is ready to be received but has not yet been flagged as received. You can also use the Scan Item to Add option to scan each unit, or the Set All Units to Received option at the top of the screen, if it’s available.

Order Details: Information about the customer and the locations where the order was placed, sourced, and selected for pickup are displayed.

Sold To

The customer who placed the order. Can include:

  • Company name

  • Ship-to name, including title, first name, middle initial, last name, and suffix (such as Jr.)

  • First address line and apartment or suite number

  • Second through fourth address lines

  • City, state or province, zip or postal code, and country code

  • Daytime phone number

  • Evening phone number

  • Email address

If the address has been updated in the originating system since the order was originally created, it isn’t automatically updated here.

Location Detail

Includes the location code and description for each of the following:

  • Placed at: The location where the order was placed. May represent another store location, the contact center, or the web storefront.

  • Sourced from: The location that shipped the items to your current location. Multiple locations indicates that the items were sourced from and shipped from more than one location.

  • Pick Up at: Your current location.

Scan Item to Add

Optionally, you can use the scan item option at the bottom of the screen instead of increasing the quantity to the right of the order line.