10 Ready to Ship

Purpose: Use this screen to:

  • Review delivery orders that have been picked and are ready to be shipped to the customer.

  • Review ship-for-pickup orders that have been picked at your current location, and are ready to be shipped to the pickup location.

  • Select a delivery order to confirm shipment to the customer.

  • Select a ship-for-pickup to confirm shipment from your current location to the pickup location.


When are ship-for-pickup orders listed? Ship-for-pickup orders are listed only if they are assigned to your current location for sourcing, but the customer wants to pick them up at a different location.

If you advance to a different screen and then return to this screen, the list of picked orders is refreshed: any newly accepted picked are added, and orders that have been shipped, rejected, or canceled are removed.

Under review? If a delivery or ship-for-pickup order is currently under review, the option to Begin Shipping is greyed out (not available).

How many orders are displayed? If there are more than 100 delivery or ship-for-pickup orders that have been picked, the first 100 orders are displayed, and a message indicates that there are additional orders. You can use the Search Options to restrict the displayed orders.

Selecting an order for shipment: Highlight an order and select Begin Shipping to advance to the Ship Order screen.

How to display this screen: Select Ready to Ship (Illustrates the Ready to Ship icon.).

Fields at this screen:

  • Order ID, preceded by the icon (Illustrates the express carrier icon.) indicating if the carrier assigned to the order is flagged as an express shipper, and followed by an indicator if the order is Under Review

  • Date and Time, with a red triangle indicating if the order hasn’t been processed within the number of hours defined by your system administrator

  • Customer and Pickup

  • Request ID


    The date and request ID are listed together when you are using a tablet. The date and time, order ID, customer and pickup, and request ID are listed under Date and Details when you are using a small screen, such as a mobile device or phone.
  • Fulfillment Type of Delivery or Ship for Pickup

  • Lines: The number of lines ready to ship


Additional existing items for displayed orders? If your organization supports it, the displayed orders might include additional order lines that are not ready for shipment from your current location. For example, if items on a delivery order are assigned to two different locations for fulfillment, the number of order lines indicated here includes only order lines that have been assigned to your current store location. Also, if any lines on the order have already been shipped from your current location, these lines are not included in the total number of order lines indicated.

More information: See Store Connect Overview for background on processing delivery or ship-for-pickup orders in Store Connect.

Options at this screen:

Option Procedure
Search for an order or limit the results to certain orders

Use the Search Options, available by clicking the magnifying glass icon (Illustrates magnifying glass.) or putting the cursor in the Search Criteria field.

Select an order to begin the shipment process

Select an order and click Begin Shipping to advance to the Ship Order screen. This option is available only if the order isn’t Under Review.

Note: When manual shipping is enabled, this screen is entitled the Ship order Manually screen.

Error message? A message indicates if the status of the order selected for shipping has changed since the screen displayed the list of orders, and the order is no longer eligible for shipping.

Select an order to view it and optionally update it (begin shipping, view packing documents, view order history, cancel, or reject)

Select an order and click View to advance to the View Order screen.

Select an order to view or print the pack slip

Select an order and select View Packing Documents from More Options (Illustrates the More Options menu (ellipsis)) to display and optionally print the Packing Slip.

Select an order to view order history

Select an order and click View Order History from More Options (Illustrates the More Options menu (ellipsis)) to advance to the Order History screen.

Cancel an order

Cancel order? You might cancel an order if the customer has indicated that they don’t want the order. Order Orchestration does not attempt to find another location for the order.

How to cancel: Select an order and select Cancel Order from More Options (Illustrates the More Options menu (ellipsis)). The Cancel Order window opens.

A message indicates if the status of the order has changed since the screen displayed the list of orders.

Reject an order

Reject order? You might reject any order if you don’t have the stock available to fulfill it.

What happens when you reject: When you reject a delivery order, or a ship-for-pickup order that is assigned to your current location for sourcing, Order Orchestration sees if there is another location that can fulfill or source the order.

How to reject: Select an order and select Reject Order from More Options (Illustrates the More Options menu (ellipsis).). The Reject Order window opens.

A message indicates if the status of the order has changed since the screen displayed the list of orders.

Additional tasks

Select the Tasks icon (Illustrates the Tasks icon.) to open a drawer on the left that displays a list of options. See Tasks.

These options are also available by opening the Menu option (Illustrates the Menu icon.).