73 Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts available in Modern View to open windows or advance to pages are listed below.

Display a list of available shortcuts: Press CTRL + ALT + / to display the list of available keyboard shortcuts in the help panel to the right of the main window.

Hide help panel and shortcuts: If the help panel is open, press CTRL + ALT + / to close it.


Keyboard shortcuts are not available if a window requiring an action is open.

Close current active tab: Press CTRL + ALT + k to close the tab that is currently displayed.

For example, if the Order Summary and Search for Orders or Customers pages are open, and the Order Summary page is the current tab, pressing CTRL + ALT + k closes the Order Summary page and returns you to the Search for Orders or Customers. page.

You can’t close the tab if you are working on an order that is currently locked. You need to unlock the order before you can close the tab.

Return to search:

  • New search: Press CTRL _ ALT + o (letter o rather than zero) to return to the Search for Orders or Customers page, where you can perform a new search.
  • Edit search: Press CTRL + ALT + 1 to return to the Search for Orders or Customers page, where your previous search criteria are retained, provided:

    • You searched using information about the customer, such as the customer last name, and the search results included multiple customers; or,

    • You searched using information about the order, such as an item on the order, and the search results included multiple orders.

    • Otherwise, if your search results included only a single customer or order, your search criteria are not retained, and you can perform a new search.

Unlock order: Press CTRL + ALT + u to unlock an order that is currently locked.