72 Tax Files Upload

Overview: How the external tax interface is enabled and configured has changed. The Use Generic XML Tax Interface (J10) system control value now defines the tax interface to use and is no longer a Yes/No field. Possible settings are:

  • AVATAX: Use the Avalara AvaTax interface.

  • VERTEX: Use the Vertex interface. The version is also displayed depending on the TAX_INT IJCT setting.

  • NONE: Do not use a tax interface. If NONE is selected, a warning message is displayed: Tax Interface is not enabled. Contact your System Administrator.


The webservicemapping.properties file that was previously used to define the tax integration is no longer used and has been removed.

A new Tax Files Upload screen suite in Modern View allows you to Review, Upload (new and modified), Download, and Delete Tax property configuration files. Files are no longer stored directly on the server however, the formats of the files have not changed. If updating from a version earlier than 23.2.401.0, files will not be automatically moved. They need to be manually loaded.

How to display: Select Tax Files Upload from the System Admin menu:


ALLOW authority to the TAXU menu option is required for access to this page.

Required properties: The following new properties are required to configure the Tax File Upload:

oms.cloud.file.transfer.url (CPRP): The full URL for file transfer service.

oms.cloud.file.transfer.bucket (CPRP): The bucket for file transfers.

oms.cloud.file.transfer.version (CPRP): The version of the file transfer service.

oms.cloud.file.transfer.timeout (CPRP): The timeout for the file transfer service.


From version 23.2.401.0, File Transfer Service properties will be auto-populated with values.

The following new property is required when integrating to AvaTax:

oms.tax.avatax.environment (CPRP): Defines if calling a Sandbox or Production environment for AvaTax. Defaults to blank.

For more information:

  • See Avalara AvaTax Setup in the Implementation guide for more information on AvaTax configuration files.

  • See Vertex Setup in the Implementation guide for more information on Vertex configuration files.

  • Tax Files Upload Options for step-by-step instructions on the actions you can perform on the Tax Files Upload page.
  • Tax Files Upload Fields for a description of the fields on the Tax Files Upload page.

Tax Files Upload Options

Purpose: You can perform the following actions on the Tax Files Upload page.

For more information:

Upload Tax File

There are two processes depending on if the tax configuration files are for a new file upload or new tax setup, or for upgrading an existing file.

  • New File

    Use this process when uploading a new tax configuration file:

    1. Select the Tax Files Upload task from the task panel in Modern View.

    2. The Tax Files Upload screen is opened in a new tab displaying the screen contents including delivered files for both Vertex and Avalara AvaTax. Only valid files that are modifiable by retailers are shown. If there are no records to return, a No Data To Display message is shown.

      Select Download from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) for one of the delivered files. The file is stored on the target/destination folder in the local machine.

      Make desired changes in the downloaded tax configuration file and select the Upload button.

    3. Select the Upload Tax File button in the screen.

    4. The Upload Tax File panel is displayed to choose a file to upload. Files are added by a slide in panel with a drag and drop field. Only tax files using the exact file name and format for the tax merchant can be uploaded.

    5. Select the prepared file (for example, DefaultValues_NNN.xml) to upload from the local system/desktop and click OK in the Upload Tax File panel. Only one file at a time can be uploaded. Default files can be used as templates:
      1. Vertex: DefaultValues_049.xml, DefaultValues_051.xml, Warehouses_049.xml, Warehouses_051.xml

      2. AvaTax: AvaTaxValues_049.properties, AvaTaxValues_051.properties

      A processing window appears as the file is being uploaded. Remain on the screen until processing is complete.

    6. In the back-end, the upload process flow takes over and the intended file is added as a new record in the new database table. The Tax Files Upload screen displays the newly uploaded file.

    7. There is a standard snackbar message displayed on the Tax Files Upload screen indicating the file has been uploaded.

  • Existing File

    Use this process to download, modify, and upload an existing tax configuration file:

    1. Select the Tax Files Upload task from the task panel in Modern View.

    2. The Tax Files Upload screen is opened in a new tab displaying the existing tax configuration files. Only valid files that are modifiable by retailers are shown. If there are no records to return, a No Data To Display message is shown.

    3. Select Download from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) for one of the files shown. The file is stored on the target/destination folder in the local machine.

    4. Make desired changes in the downloaded tax configuration file and save the modified file with the exact same filename to replace it.

    5. Select Upload to upload the modified file. The Upload Tax File panel is displayed to choose a file to upload. Files are added by a slide in panel with a drag and drop field. Only tax files using the exact file name and format for the tax merchant can be uploaded.

    6. Select the modified file to upload from the local system/desktop and click OK in the Upload Tax File. A processing window appears as the file is being uploaded. Remain on the screen until processing is complete. 

    7. The existing file in the database is replaced with the new file and modified date/user fields are updated for the record.

    8. There is a standard snackbar message displayed on the Tax Files Upload screen indicating the file has been uploaded.

    9. If the Tax Merchant for the corresponding file that was uploaded is enabled, it will immediately start using the updated file contents.


Even if a retailer is supporting multiple versions of Vertex, at any single point of time, any one version will be used by the retailer. From a tax properties file perspective, when a newer version file is uploaded, it will just replace the older version file. The version would be determined by the TAX_INT IJCT process.

Download Tax File

  1. Select the Tax Files Upload task from the task panel in Modern View.

  2. The Tax Files Upload screen is opened in a new tab displaying the existing tax configuration files.

  3. Select Download from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) for one of the delivered files. Only one file can be downloaded at a time.

Delete Tax File

Delete either single or multiple tax files can be deleted.

  1. Select the Tax Files Upload task from the task panel in Modern View.

  2. The Tax Files Upload screen is opened in a new tab displaying the existing tax configuration files.

  3. Select Delete from the actions menu (illustrates options icon (vertical 3 dots)) for one of the delivered files.

  4. A warning message displays the name of the file being deleted along with a standard message. Select OK to confirm the deletion. The file is removed permanently from the database table and is no longer displayed in the Tax Files Upload screen.

  5. There is a standard snackbar message displayed on the Tax Files Upload screen indicating the file has been successfully deleted.

Tax Files Upload Fields

Purpose: The following information displays on the Tax Files Upload window.

For more information: For more information on Tax Files Upload, see:

Tax Files Upload Window

The Tax Files Upload window displays information for the configuration files for the tax interfaces. Existing configurations can be retrieved, modified, and uploaded, or new configuration files uploaded.

The Tax Files Upload panel displays the following fields:

Upload Tax File: Used to upload a new or an existing file with a valid filename. Files are added by a slide in panel with a drag and drop field. Only one file at a time can be uploaded. Only tax files using the exact file name and format for the tax merchant can be uploaded.

Refresh: Select to update the data on the screen on-demand.

Enabled Tax Merchant: Read-only label indicating the currently enabled tax merchant for the company such as Avalara AvaTax or Vertex.

If Use Generic XML Tax Interface (J10) system control value is AVATAX, then “AvaTax interface is enabled" is displayed.

If Use Generic XML Tax Interface (J10) system control value is Vertex, the version is also displayed depending on the TAX_INT process.
  • If the Inbound XML Msg/WSDL Doc Name in the TAX_INT IJCT process = CalculateTax90.wsdl , then "Vertex 9.0 interface is enabled" is displayed.

  • If Inbound XML Msg/WSDL Doc Name in the TAX_INT IJCT process = CalculateTax70.wsdl, then "Vertex 7.0 interface is enabled" is displayed.

If Use Generic XML Tax Interface (J10) system control value is set to NONE, a warning message is displayed: Tax Interface is not enabled. Contact your System Administrator.

Filter results: Optionally, you can further filter the results by using the Filter results field above the list of files to enter one or more terms to search across any of the displayed information.

Sort the search results: You can sort on any column by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

File Name: Name of the file as it is from the Database. It is case-sensitive and must be stored and displayed as it is from the database.

Interface Type: Name of the tax merchant such as AvaTax or Vertex.

Created By: User id of the user who create/uploaded the file.

Created Date: Date the file was added into the database.

Modified By: User id of the user who edited/uploaded the file.

Modified Date: Date when an existing file was uploaded again.

Ellipsis: Actions available for each record. Options are Delete and Download. See Delete Tax File and Download Tax File for more information.