Printing the Email Error Report (PEME)

Purpose: Use this screen to generate a list of email addresses that are formatted incorrectly in the following tables:

  • Customer Sold To
  • Customer Sold To Email
  • Customer Ship To
  • Customer Bill To
  • Vendor (both vendor email and remittance email addresses)
  • Vendor Contact
  • Order Ship To Address
  • OM Batch Header
  • Soldout Notification
  • Threshold Value

In this topic:

When is an Email Address in Error?

An email address is considered in error if:

  • there is not an @ sign and a period (.)
  • there is no text:
  • before the @ sign
  • between the @ sign and the period
  • after the period

For example, the following email addresses would appear on the error report:

  • sbrown@example

Any additional validation? The system does not confirm that an entry represents a valid email address, or that the domain name (such as “company” in even exists.

Email Errors Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PEME in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Email Error Report from a menu.

Completing this screen: Click Accept to submit the Email Errors Report.