Reprocess Drop Ship Authorizations Screen (RPDS)

Purpose: Run this recovery program if an error occurs when transmitting Authorizations (either sending or receiving) for a drop ship order or if you responded to an error with a C (to cancel the transmission) and there are stranded records in the Credit Card Authorization Transaction table (CCAT00) for drop ship orders.

This procedure enables you to resend all records that have not been sent or received and process the authorizations.


When you reprocess drop ship authorizations, the system sends all authorization transactions that exist in the CC Authorization Transaction table to the service bureau, regardless if the order is a drop ship order or regular order.

Selecting this option: Enter RPDS in the Fast path field at the top of any menu screen or select the Reprocess Drop Ship Authorizations option from a menu.

Retransmitting Authorizations

Select Transmit/Receive/Process Authorizations if you need to retransmit Authorizations.

This option resends all records in the CC Authorization Transaction table (CCAT00) that have not been sent, regardless if the order is a drop ship order or regular order. These records have a status of *RDY in this table.

Records successfully sent have a status of *SENT.

The Enter Drop Ship Options Window opens when you select this opti

Enter Drop Ship Options Window

This window gives you the same options you can select during Drop Ship Processing.

Field Description

Print drop ship purchase orders

Indicates whether to print drop ship purchase orders.

Valid values:

  • NONE (no print) = The system will not print drop ship purchase orders.

  • PURCHASE ORDER (Purchase order print) = The system prints drop ship purchase orders in purchase order number sequence. The system uses the PO Print Program for PO Print in PO Sequence (C76) system control value to print drop ship purchase orders in purchase order number sequence.

  • VENDOR (Vendor print) = The system prints drop ship purchase orders in vendor number sequence. The system uses the PO Print Program (C64) system control value to print drop ship purchase orders in vendor number sequence.

Note:  Drop ship purchase orders print only if:

  • the vendor’s Drop ship output field = Drop ship purchase order, and

  • the vendor’s Print PO field = selected, and

  • the Print drop ship purchase orders field on the Enter Drop Ship Options window = Purchase order

The system also prints a Drop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice for the drop ship purchase order.

The system also creates pick download triggers (File code of PCH) in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you generate a drop ship pick (invoice) if the Create Generic Pick Download Triggers (I31) system control value is selected. The PICK_OUT process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) generatesthe Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut) for each of these trigger records.


Fax picks to vendors

Indicates whether the drop ship pick slips or invoices should be faxed to the vendor instead of printed. This option is not currently implemented.

Receiving Authorizations

Select Receive/Process Authorizations at the Reprocess Drop Ship Authorizations Screen (RPDS) if you need to receive the Authorizations from the service bureau and process the authorizations.

Overview: When you receive authorizations, records successfully received have a status of *RCVD and have drop ship output (pick slip or purchase order) if authorized or no AVS hold or card identification hold. When an authorization is approved, the Authorization History record is updated with the authorization code, authorization date, and authorization amount.

If an authorization is declined, no drop ship output (pick slip or purchase order) prints and the Authorization History record is updated with the decline code.

When you select the Receive/Reprocess Authorizations option:

  1. The Enter Drop Ship Options window opens; see above for more information.

  2. After you complete this window, you advance to the Select Auth Service window. Select the service bureau that you are receiving an authorization file from to submit the REPROC_DS job and produce the following reports:

Address verification: If the service bureau provides AVS (address verification service), it evaluates the billing address on the credit card to ensure that it is valid. If not, the credit card charge may be authorized, but the order may be placed on hold, based on the response code for the authorization service. This gives you the opportunity to contact the customer and obtain the correct address. For example, the order is placed on hold if the customer's address is correct, but the zip code is incorrect. Once you contact the customer and update the zip code, you may take the order off of hold through the Release Held Orders (ERHO) menu option. See Address Verification Service (AVS).

Credit card identification: If the service bureaus also provides credit card identification (CID, CVV2, or CVC2), it evaluates the card identification number on the credit card to ensure that the credit card data from the transaction matches the data stored by the authorization service for that card. If not, the credit card charge may be authorized, but the order may be placed on hold, based on the response code for the authorization service. Once you verify credit card ownership, you can take the order off of hold through Release Held Orders. See Credit Card Security Service (CID, CVV2, CVC2).

The credit card authorization is captured in the Authorization History table. The order will not be resent for authorization as long as the authorization is valid (based on the number of days in the Reauthorization days field in the Pay Type table).