Working with Inventory Transactions (WITI)

Purpose: Use the Work with Inventory Transactions/Immediate menu option to enter transactions that should update inventory immediately. While your company can create additional transaction types, inventory transactions typically include:

  • Adjusting an item quantity (such as the on-hand balance, because the item has been damaged)
  • Returning an item to the vendor
  • Transferring items between warehouses
  • Transferring items between locations
  • Converting inventory for an existing item to a different existing item
  • Increasing the quantity of a finished good and decreasing the quantity of its component parts

Inventory transaction codes and reasons: There are two types of codes used during inventory transactions: inventory transaction codes and inventory transaction reason codes. Both are created by your System Administrator according to your company's needs.

Inventory Transaction codes tell the system:

  • whether the transaction has a positive (+) or negative (-) effect on inventory
  • the General Ledger account number to updated as a result of this transaction
  • whether a reason code is required

Certain inventory transaction codes that are delivered with the system are available for batch inventory transactions. You can also create your own codes. You cannot delete the system-delivered codes; however, you can change the General Ledger account associated with a code, or whether a reason code is required.

The table below lists the system-supplied codes.

Code Description Effect on Inventory Levels



Increases on-hand if you enter a positive quantity.

Decreases on-hand amount if you enter a negative quantity.


Item to Item Transfer

Increases on-hand amount of the target item.

Decreases on-hand amount of the source item.


Make Up Set

Increases on-hand amount for the finished good item.

Decreases on-hand amount for the components.



Increases on-hand amount in the target warehouse/location.

Decreases on-hand amount in the source warehouse/location.


Return to Vendor

Decreases on-hand amount if you enter a positive quantity.

Increases on-hand amount if you enter a negative quantity.


On Hand

Overrides on-hand amount to the amount you entered.

Transaction reason codes describe why a specific transaction is being performed. You can establish these codes through the Work with Inventory Transaction Reasons menu option. You can specify whether a reason is required for each inventory transaction type.

In this topic:

Work with Inventory Transactions Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to update inventory immediately.

How to display this screen: Enter WITI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Inventory Transactions/Immediate from a menu.

Field Description


A code to identify the type of transaction. These codes are validated against the Inventory Transaction Code table. You can define your own codes in addition to using the following system-supplied codes:

  • A = Adjustment
  • G = Item to item transfer
  • T = Transfer
  • V = Return to vendor
  • O = On-hand

Alphanumeric, 1 position, required.


A code for a unit of inventory. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

Item description (Unlabeled field below the item)

The description associated with the item. This field is included if the Display Item Description (D45) system control value is selected.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.

SKU (Stock keeping unit)

The item's unique characteristics, such as its size and color. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKU's.


The amount of inventory that this transaction affects. For adjustments (A code), you can enter a negative or positive quantity. To enter a negative quantity, enter the minus sign before the quantity.


You cannot enter a transaction that will make the on-hand quantity negative.

Numeric, 8 positions; required.

Whs (Warehouse)

A code for the warehouse that contains the item. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions, required.


The code for the area within the warehouse that contains the item.

The location code is validated against the Location table and the Item Location table. If the item location specified does not exist, you can create it by selecting Create Loc and advancing to the Create Item Location Screen.

Select OK to display a default location, determined by the following system control values:

  • Default Primary Location (C05): defines whether the primary location from the SKU table defaults.
  • Default Primary Location from an Item Warehouse (G06): defines whether a primary location for the item in the specified warehouse defaults; in this case the system will default the first primary location, in alphanumeric order, for the item in the specified warehouse.
  • If both system control values are selected, the item warehouse location for the receiving warehouse will override the item's primary location from the SKU table.

If the system cannot find a primary location for an item in the specified warehouse, the following message indicates:

No Default Location was found. Please enter a Location.

The following message indicates that you entered a location whose location class does not match the location class for the item and the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected:

Item is not compatible with location.

Click on the arrow in the field to display item location information for the item in the warehouse you have specified in the Warehouse field:

Typically the location code is composed of a single alphanumeric character for Zone, and two numbers each for Aisle, Shelf, and Bin. For instance, the location A010201 indicates:

Zone Aisle Shelf Bin

A 01 02 01

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


A code that represents a reason to perform an inventory transaction. These codes are defined in and validated against the Transaction Reason Code table. The reason could be damaged, inventory miscount, etc.

The reason code will be required if you are using an inventory transaction code with the Reason required field selected.

Numeric, 2 positions; may be required depending on the type of transaction.


The identification number or text associated with this inventory transaction record. This number appears in Item Transaction History.


The system assigns an ID number for item to item transfers (transaction code = G); you cannot enter any information in this field for this transaction type.

If you accept a transaction (select OK) with an ID # specified, the number or text defaults for the following transactions, but you can override it.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.


The system validates that the item for the transaction appears on the purchase order whose number you enter; otherwise, it displays an error message.

You can enter a purchase order number only for an adjustment (A) transaction, and only if you have the proper authority. Authority to this field is controlled by the Allow Entry of PO Number in Inventory Transactions (A86) secured feature.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

On Hand



The quantity of the item in this warehouse and location before processing the transaction.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the item in this warehouse and location after processing the transaction.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


  1. Complete the necessary fields. If the designated location does not exist, the system prompts you to create it by selecting Create Loc.
  2. When completing the process, the transaction you entered is indicated on this screen. Inventory has been updated in the item/warehouse and item/location records. You can perform another inventory transaction or select Exit to return to the previous screen.


When performing an inventory transaction with a G, M, or T transaction code, at least two transactions are performed: a transaction for the “from” location and a transaction for the “to” location. See Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).
Code Description Inventory Transaction process



The transaction is indicated on this screen.


Item to Item Transfer

You advance to the Item to Item Transfers Window.


Make Up Set

You advance to the Work with Kit Makeup Screen. If you want to take a component item out of more than one location, you advance to the Create Kit Makeup Location Screen.



You advance to the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers). You advance to the Warehouse Selection Screen if you need to select an item warehouse, or the Select Item Location Screen if you need to select an item location. You advance to the Create Item Location for Transfer Screen if you need to create an item location.


Return to Vendor

The transaction is indicated on this screen.



The transaction is indicated on this screen.

Serial numbers: If the transaction affects the total on-hand quantity for a serial numbered item in your warehouse, you advance to the Enter Serial Number screen.

Screen Option Procedure

Create an item location if there is no record of the item in the designated location

Select Create Loc to advance to the Create Item Location Screen. This option is available only after you have attempted to enter a transaction and the system has displayed an error message such as Location (PRIM2 ) specified for this item does not exist; click "Create Loc" button to create.

Change an item's primary location

Select Primary Transfers to advance to the Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen.

Transfer all of the items in one non-primary location to another non-primary location

Select Location Transfers to advance to the Perform Location Transfer - Non Primary Screen.

Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers)

Purpose: Use this window to enter a target location when you process an inventory transfer (inventory transaction code = T).

How to display this screen: Enter valid information for an inventory transfer at the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen.

Completing this window:

  1. Enter the code of an alternate company in the company (Cmp) field if you are working in a multi-company environment and are transferring stock to another company. The company code is a three-position, numeric field, defined in the company table; the code of your current company defaults in this field. See Working with Companies (WCMP).

  2. Enter the code of the target warehouse and location. See Work with Inventory Transactions Screen for field descriptions.

    • You can prompt on the Warehouse field to advance to the Warehouse Selection Screen, where you can select an existing item warehouse or create a new item warehouse record.
    • You can prompt on the Location field to advance to the Select Item Location Screen, where you can select an existing item location. If you would like to create a new item location record, enter the location code in the Location field and select OK to advance to the Create Item Location for Transfer Screen, where you can create the item location record.
  3. Select OK.

    • If you did not define a warehouse, the system advances you to the Warehouse Selection Screen, where you can select an item warehouse or create a new item warehouse record.
    • If you did not define a location, the system advances you to the Select Item Location Screen, where you can select an existing item location. If you would like to create a new item location record, enter the location code in the Location field and select OK to advance to the Create Item Location for Transfer Screen, where you can create the item location record.

The system processes the transfer and returns to the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen. The transfer you just entered appears on the screen.

Serial numbers: If the transfer affects the total on-hand quantity for a serial numbered item in a warehouse, you advance to the Enter Serial Number screen.

Warehouse Selection Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the warehouse that carries the item displayed on the "To" Location pop-up window when you process an inventory transfer (transaction code = T).

How to display this screen: At the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers), prompt on the Warehouse field or select OK before completing the Warehouse field.

Field Description


A code representing the unit of inventory to transfer.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU (Stock keeping unit)

The item's unique characteristics, such as its size and color. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Whs (Warehouse)

A code for the warehouse that contains the item. Two warehouse fields display on this screen; the first one is for scanning and the second one is display-only.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Name (Warehouse name)

The description of the warehouse that contains the item.

Alphanumeric; 30 positions; display-only.

On hand

The number of units of the item across all locations in the warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the item that is available to sell.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


The total quantity of pickable stock in the warehouse.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

On order

The total quantity of the item in the warehouse that is due to be received on open purchase orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Completing this screen: Select a warehouse. You return to the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers), where the warehouse you selected defaults.

Screen Option Procedure

Create an item warehouse

Select Create to advance to the Create Item Location Screen.

Select Item Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select the location where you wish to transfer an item when you process an inventory transfer (transaction code = T).

How to display this screen: At the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers), prompt on the Location field or select OK before completing the Location field.

Field Description


A code representing the unit of inventory to transfer.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU (Stock keeping unit)

The item's unique characteristics, such as its size and color. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Whs (Warehouse)

A code for the warehouse specified on the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


A code for an area within the warehouse that contains the item or item SKU. Two location fields display on this screen; the first one is for scanning and the second one is display-only.

The following message indicates that you selected a location whose location class does not match the location class for the item and the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected:

Item is not compatible with Location.

The location code is composed of a single alphanumeric character for Zone, and two numbers each for Aisle, Shelf, and Bin. For example, the location A010203 indicates:

Zone Aisle Shelf Bin

A 01 02 03

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.


Indicates whether inventory can be picked from this location to fulfill an order.

Valid values are:

  • YES = pickable
  • NO = non-pickable


Identifies the area in the warehouse where the location is situated.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


Identifies the aisle within the warehouse location.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.


Identifies the location's shelf number within the aisle.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Bin #

This code identifies the location's bin number on the shelf.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Freeze (Reservation freeze flag)

Indicates whether the item location or SKU location is frozen.

Valid values are:

  • YES = The item/SKU location is frozen.
  • NO = The item/SKU location is not frozen.

If a location is frozen, Pick Slip Generation does not print picks. See Performing Pick Slip Generation.


Even though a pick slip does not print for an item from a frozen item location, the system still reserves the item on the Order Lines Fields in Order Entry.


The quantity of the item that is available to sell. This field is not currently implemented.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

How to use this screen: Select a location. You return to the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers) with the location you have selected displayed.

If you wish to create a new item location, do not select a location at this screen; instead, return to the Enter To Location Window (Inventory Transfers) and enter the new location in the Location field. When you select OK, the system advances you to the Create Item Location for Transfer Screen.

Item to Item Transfers Window

Purpose: Use this window to enter target item information when you process an item to item transfer (inventory transaction code = G).

An item to item transfer converts inventory for an existing item, in the quantity you specify, to a different existing item. You might want to process an item to item transfer if you will discontinue offering an item on its own, and sell it only as part of a grab bag instead.

How to display this screen: Enter valid information for an item to item transfer at the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen.

Soldout control code: Each field on this window except the Soldout control code is described under Work with Inventory Transactions Screen. The system uses the soldout control code if, as a result of processing this transfer, the source item will be sold out. If the Default Soldout Control Code for Item to Item Transactions (D94) system control value is not blank, the value appears here. The soldout control code is a 2-position, alphanumeric code; see Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

List price and changing quantity: The system requires that the list price of the source and target item be identical for item to item transactions. The list price is defined in the SKU table for SKUed items, and displayed on the second base item screen for non-SKUed items. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM).

If the quantity of the source and target items are different, you must select Change at the pop-up window to change the quantity of the target item. The Quantity field appears below the Warehouse field; this is a numeric, 8-position field.

The system will consider the relationship between the source item quantity and the target item quantity when validating that the list prices are the same. In the following example, a target item would constitute a set of three of the source item.

Source item Target item

quantity = 150

quantity = 50

list price = $3.00

list price = $1.00

The system divides $3.00 by 3 and confirms that the list price of the target item is $1.00.

If the list prices are not identical, the following message indicates:

List prices, qtys of "From" and "To" item do not match.

Completing this window: Complete the necessary fields on this window. The system processes the transfer and returns to the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen, where the transfer you just entered appears.

Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to transfer an existing item's primary location when you process an inventory transfer (inventory transaction code = T). The system requires that an item/location exist before you can perform this transaction.

The location you are transferring the item to becomes the item's “primary primary” location. A “primary primary” location is the first primary location the system searches when performing any action dealing with inventory. The “primary primary” location is stored in the Primary location field in the SKU table.

When you complete this screen, the system:

  • updates the “primary primary” location in the SKU table.
  • moves all the inventory from the original location to the new location.

How to display this screen: Select Primary Transfers at the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen.

Field Description


A code for a unit of inventory. Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

SKU (Stock keeping unit)

The item's unique characteristics, such as its size and color. SKU codes are defined and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.


A code for the warehouse that contains the item. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Transfer from location

The original location within the warehouse that the item is taken from.

If you enter a location other than the item’s “primary primary,” the system does not perform the transfer and displays an error message:

Location not Primary for item.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Transfer to location

The location within the warehouse that the item will be transferred to. This location becomes the “primary primary” location for this item.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Transfer reason

A code that represents a reason to perform an inventory transaction. These codes are defined in and validated against the Transaction Reason Code table. The reason code will be required if you are using an inventory transaction code with the Reason required field selected.

Numeric, 2 positions; may be required depending on the type of transaction.

Delete “from” location

Indicates whether or not to delete

location the item's from location.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = the system will delete the item/location
  • Unselected = the system will not delete the item/location


If the “from” location is not deleted, the item will have multiple primary locations. In order to have multiple primary locations, you must have the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value set to CONFIRM or ALLOW.

Pick Locations Exist Window

A pop-up window appears automatically when you select OK to perform a location transfer if printed pick slips exist for the “from” location:

To continue the transfer, select the Continue field, or deselect the Continue field to perform the location transfer at a later time when the pick slips are confirmed.

If you enter a location that has not been assigned this item, the system brings you to the Create Item Location for Transfer Screen.

Create Item Location for Transfer Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an item location.

How to display this screen:

Field Description

Reservation Freeze (Freeze flag)

Indicates whether the item location or SKU location is frozen.

Valid values are:

  • Selected = The item/SKU location is frozen.
  • Unselected = The item/SKU location is not frozen.

If a location is frozen, Pick Slip Generation does not print picks. See Performing Pick Slip Generation.


Even though a pick slip does not print for an item from a frozen item location, the system still reserves the item on the Order Lines Fields in Order Entry.

Min qty

The minimum amount of stock for this item or SKU that can be kept in this location. You should perform an inventory transaction or restock procedure when the inventory reaches the minimum level.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Max qty

The maximum amount of stock for this item or SKU that can be kept in this location.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Completing this screen: When you return to the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen, all previous transactions are cleared from the screen.

Perform Location Transfer - Non Primary Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to transfer all of the items in a non-primary location to another non-primary location.

The non-primary location transfer process transfers the on-hand quantity for all item locations in the specified Transfer From Location to the Transfer To Location. If the item location does not already exist in the Transfer To Location, the system creates it. If the item location already exists in the Transfer To Location, the system adds the on-hand quantity to transfer to the existing item location. You can review each item location transfer in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).

In order to complete a non-primary location transfer:

  • inventory sharing must not be turned on for the warehouse where the non-primary location transfer will take place (the Sharing warehouse field for the warehouse must be unselected and the Shared company and Shared warehouse fields for the warehouse must be blank).
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location must be non-primary locations (the Location type for the location must not be P Primary) in the warehouse specified. See Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen to transfer an existing item's primary location.
  • items must exist in the Transfer From Location. The item locations for the Transfer From Location:
    • must have an on-hand quantity to transfer.
    • must have a 0 printed quantity.
    • must have a 0 pending quantity.
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location cannot be the same location.
  • if the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected, the item's location class must match the Transfer To Location’s location class.

How to display this screen: Select Location Transfers at the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen.

Field Description


A code for the warehouse where the location transfer will take place.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

The system does not perform the transfer and displays an error message if the warehouse shares inventory with a warehouse in a different company: Cannot transfer to a whs (111) which shares inventory with another whs (222).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Transfer From Location

The original location within the warehouse that the items are taken from.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table; see Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

The system does not perform the transfer and displays an error message if:

  • the location is a primary location: Location (B010101) is a primary location. Transfer not allowed using this function. Use the Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen to transfer an existing item's primary location.
  • no items exist in the Transfer From Location with an on-hand quantity to transfer: No items to transfer from B010101 to B020202.
  • a printed quantity exists for one or more item locations: Printed quantity exists against one or more item locations for location B010101.
  • a pending quantity exists for one or more item locations: Pending quantity exists against one or more item locations for location B010101.
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location are the same location: The From location and To location must not be the same.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Transfer To Location

The location within the warehouse where the items will be transferred to.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table; see Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

The system does not perform the transfer and displays an error message if:

  • the location is a primary location: Location (A010101) is a primary location. Transfer not allowed using this function. Use the Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen to transfer an existing item's primary location.
  • the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected and the item's location class does not match the Transfer To Location’s location class: One or more items is not compatible with location (B010101).
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location are the same location: The From location and To location must not be the same.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Transaction Reason

A code that represents the reason to perform the inventory transaction.

Inventory transaction reason codes are defined in and validated against the Transaction Reason Code table; see Work with Inventory Transaction Reason Codes (WIT1).

A transaction reason code is required if the Reason required field for the T Transfer inventory transaction code is selected.

Numeric, 2 positions; required if the Reason required field for the T Transfer code is selected.

Completing this screen:

  1. In the Warehouse field, enter the warehouse code where the non-primary location transfer will take place.
  2. In the Transfer From Location field, enter the non-primary location where the items will be transferred from.
  3. In the Transfer To Location field, enter the non-primary location where the items will be transferred to.
  4. In the Transaction Reason field, enter the reason for the non-primary location transfer.
  5. Select OK to validate your entries. If necessary, correct any errors and select OK again.
  6. If no errors are found, the system displays a Confirm Transfer window. Select OK to confirm the transfer; otherwise, select Exit to cancel. If you select OK and:
    • there are less than 50 item locations to transfer, the system interactively completes the non-primary location transfer and displays the message Transfer from B010101 to B020202 complete.
    • If there are 50 or more item locations to transfer, a Large Transfer Warning window displays with the message: 50 or more items exist to be transferred. Process will be submitted to batch . When you select OK on this window, the system submits the non-primary location transfer as a batch job and displays the message Job (LOC_TRANS) has been submitted to batch. You can review the LOC_TRANS batch job on the Job Management (My Jobs) screen.

The non-primary location transfer process:

  • Transfers the on-hand quantity for all item locations in the specified Transfer From Location to the Transfer To Location.
  • Deletes the from item location records.
  • If the item location does not already exist in the Transfer To Location, the system creates it.
  • If the item location already exists in the Transfer To Location, the system adds the on-hand quantity to transfer to the existing item location.
  • If serial numbers are associated with the Transfer From Location, the system does NOT update the serial numbers to use the new Transfer To Location.

You can review each item location transfer in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).

Perform Whs to Whs Location Transfer - Non Primary Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to transfer all of the items in a non-primary location to another non-primary location. The two locations can be in different warehouses, although they do not need to be.

When you use this screen, the system transfers the on-hand quantity for all item locations in the specified Transfer From Warehouse and Transfer From Location to the specified Transfer To Warehouse and Transfer To Location. If the item warehouse and item location do not already exist in the Transfer To Warehouse and Transfer To Location, the system creates them. If the item location already exists in the Transfer To Location, the system adds the on-hand quantity being transferred to the existing item location. You can review each transfer in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).

In order to complete a non-primary warehouse-to-warehouse location transfer:

  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location must be non-primary locations (the Location type for the location must not be P Primary). See Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen for information on how to transfer an existing item's primary location.
  • there must be at least one item location in the Transfer From Warehouse and Transfer From Location. The item locations for the Transfer From Location:
    • must have an on-hand quantity to transfer.
    • must have a 0 printed quantity.
    • must have a 0 pending quantity.
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location cannot be the same location in the same warehouse.
  • if the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected, the item's location class must match the Transfer To Location’s location class.

How to display this screen: Select Warehouse Transfers at the Work with Inventory Transactions Screen.

Field Description

Transfer From Warehouse

A code for the warehouse associated with the Transfer from Location. Can be the same as the Transfer To Warehouse.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Transfer From Location

The original location within the Transfer From Warehouse where the items are currently stored.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table; see Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

The system does not perform the transfer and displays an error message if:

  • the location is a primary location: Location (B010101) is a primary location. Transfer not allowed using this function. Use the Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen to transfer an existing item's primary location.
  • no items exist in the Transfer From Location with an on-hand quantity to transfer: No items to transfer from B010101 to B020202.
  • a printed quantity exists for one or more item locations: Printed quantity exists against one or more item locations for location B010101.
  • a pending quantity exists for one or more item locations: Pending quantity exists against one or more item locations for location B010101.
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location are the same location in the same warehouse: The From location and To location must not be the same.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Transfer To Warehouse

A code for the warehouse associated with the Transfer To Location. Can be the same as the Transfer From Warehouse.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Transfer To Location

The location within Transfer To Warehouse where the items will be transferred to.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table; see Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

The system does not perform the transfer and displays an error message if:

  • the location is a primary location: Location (A010101) is a primary location. Transfer not allowed using this function. Use the Transfer Item’s Primary Location Screen to transfer an existing item's primary location.
  • the Allow Location Class Edit in Inventory Transaction (F86) system control value is selected and an item's location class does not match the Transfer To Location’s location class: One or more items is not compatible with location (B010101).
  • the Transfer From Location and Transfer To Location are the same location in the same warehouse: The From location and To location must not be the same.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.

Transaction Reason

A code that represents the reason to perform the inventory transaction.

Inventory transaction reason codes are defined in and validated against the Transaction Reason Code table; see Work with Inventory Transaction Reason Codes (WIT1).

A transaction reason code is required if the Reason required field for the T Transfer inventory transaction code is selected.

Numeric, 2 positions; required if the Reason required field for the T Transfer code is selected.

Completing this screen:

  1. In the Transfer From Warehouse field, enter the warehouse code identifying where the non-primary location transfer originates.
  2. In the Transfer From Location field, enter the non-primary location where the items will be transferred from.
  3. In the Transfer To Warehouse, enter the warehouse code identifying where the items will be transferred to.
  4. In the Transfer To Location field, enter the non-primary location where the items will be transferred to.
  5. In the Transaction Reason field, enter the reason for the non-primary location transfer.
  6. Select OK to validate your entries. If necessary, correct any errors and select OK again.
  7. If no errors are found, the Confirm Transfer window opens. Select OK to confirm the transfer; otherwise, select Exit to cancel. If you select OK and:
    • there are less than 50 item locations to transfer, the system interactively completes the non-primary location transfer and displays the message Transfer from B010101 to B020202 complete.
    • If there are 50 or more item locations to transfer, a Large Transfer Warning window opens with the message: 50 or more items exist to be transferred. Process will be submitted to batch. When you select OK on this window, the system submits the non-primary location transfer as a batch job and displays the message Job (LOC_TRANS) has been submitted to batch. You can review the LOC_TRANS batch job on the Job Management (My Jobs) screen.

The non-primary warehouse location transfer process:

  • Transfers the on-hand quantity for all item locations in the specified Transfer From Warehouse and Transfer From Location to the Transfer To Warehouse and Transfer To Location.
  • Deletes the From item location records.
  • If the item warehouse does not already exist in the Transfer To Warehouse, the system creates it.
  • If the item location does not already exist in the Transfer To Location, the system creates it.
  • If the item location already exists in the Transfer To Location, the system adds the on-hand quantity to transfer to the existing item location.
  • If serial numbers are associated with the Transfer From Location, the system does NOT update the serial numbers to use the new Transfer To Location.


The process does not prevent you from performing the transfer regardless of whether the "from" warehouse or the "to" warehouse uses inventory sharing.

You can review each item location transfer in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).