Working with Pay Types (WPAY)

Working with Pay Types (WPAY)

Purpose: Use this option to perform the following for stored value card (gift card) or cash/check payment methods:

  • add or maintain these payment methods and their descriptions

  • specify an alternate refund pay type if your company allows you to change the method by which you refund the customer

  • indicate the minimum dollar value and the maximum dollar amounts for which your company will produce a refund

  • specify the characteristics of credit cards that your company accepts as a method of payment including the limits, if any, for reauthorizing a credit card order and the authorization and deposit services

  • specify the financial conditions under which an order will go on hold (for example, dollar amount limits, balance due)

  • specify the cross-reference for a ChannelAdvisor marketplace, so that orders originating in that marketplace are assigned the matching payment method, and specify whether to calculate tax and shipping at the item level or the order level.

Card number layout: You can also use this option define the format for displaying card numbers on screens and reports in Order Administration.


You cannot use the Work with Pay Types option for creating or changing credit card or wallet pay types; instead, you need to use the Payment Configurations options in Modern View. See the Modern View online help for more information. However, you can display existing credit card or wallet types.

Pay type versus pay category: A pay type defines a specific method of payment such as check, cash, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc. Each pay type is assigned to a pay category.

Valid pay categories are:

  • Cash/Check

  • Credit Card (used for stored value cards)

Charging against pay types: When billing each pay type on a multi-paytype order, the system automatically assigns charge sequences to different payment categories as follows:

Payment Method Pay Category Default Charge Sequence

Cash or check



Stored value card

Credit Card


Credit card (any Card type besides a stored value card)

Credit Card


In addition, the system assigns the charge sequence for the “catch-all” payment method the highest charge sequence. For example, if the charge sequence for a check is 10, the system updates the charge sequence for the credit card on the order to 11 (provided the credit card is the “catch-all”).

In this topic:

Work with Pay Types Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WPAY in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Pay Types from a menu.

Field Description


A code that represents the pay type.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the pay type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


A code for a category of pay type.

Valid values:

  • Cash/Check

  • Credit Card (including stored value card and debit card)


Screen Option Procedure

Create a pay type code

Select Create to advance to the Create Pay Type Screen.

You can create only cash/check or stored value card pay types through this screen. Use the Payment Configurations option in Modern View to create credit card, debit card, or wallet pay types.

Change pay type information

Select Change for a pay type to advance to the Change Pay Type screen. At this screen you can change any information except the pay type code. See the Create Pay Type Screen for field descriptions.

You can change only cash/check or stored value card pay types through this screen. Use the Payment Configurations option in Modern View to change credit card, debit card, or wallet pay types.

Delete pay type information

Select Delete for a pay type to delete it.

You can delete only cash/check or stored value card pay types through this screen. Use the Payment Configurations option in Modern View to delete credit card, debit card, or wallet pay types.

Display pay type information

Select Display for a pay type to advance to the Display Pay Type screen. You can display any pay type; however, you cannot update any information on this screen. See Create Pay Type Screen for field descriptions.

Work with credit card number format

Select Card Number Format for a Credit Card pay category pay type to advance to the Credit Card Number Format.

An error message indicates if the pay type is not a Credit Card pay category pay type: Not available for this pay type.

Work with user defined fields

Select User Field for a pay type to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Create Pay Type Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a cash/check or stored value card (gift card) pay type code.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Pay Types Screen, select Create.

Field Description

Pay type

A code that represents a pay type, such as a check, credit card, or stored value card.

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.

Desc (Description)

The description of the pay type.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


The category of the pay type.

Valid values are:

  • Cash/Check

  • Credit Card (stored value card)


Alt refund type (Alternate refund type)

The pay type to use for refunds to this pay type. Complete this field only if the pay type for refunds is different from the pay type used on the order.

The system checks the appropriate values defined for the alternate refund pay type, not the original pay type, when generating refunds.

The alternate refund type must be a pay category of Cash/Check or Stored Value Card for Card type Stored Value. The system displays an error message if you enter an invalid alternate refund type: Only SVC pay type OR alt pay category of Cash/Check allowed.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Alt refund category (Alternate refund category)

The pay category to which the system-generated refund can be charged during refund maintenance.

Valid values are:

  • Cash/Check

  • Credit Card (stored value card)

When you define an alternate refund category for a pay type, you give yourself the option of changing the refund to the type that corresponds to this category.

The alternate refund category must be a pay category of Cash/Check.


Authorization service

A code for the service bureau that authorizes or declines credit card charges.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Credit card length

The required length of the stored value card number. You can require any length up to 20 positions.


The system does not validate the credit card length if you enter a 0 in this field.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Deposit service

A code for the service bureau that performs stored value card deposits for this pay type.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Leading digits

The first digits numbers of a valid stored value card number. You can enter up to 4 leading digits.

Numeric, 4 positions; optional.

Reauthorization days

The number of days before a stored value card authorization expires.


If online authorization is enabled, you should specify this number of days for a payment method in order to prevent repeated, unnecessary authorization requests. If this field is blank for a stored value card pay type, the authorization expires immediately. Also, if the order is submitted to Order Orchestration for fulfillment, there will be unsuccessful authorization attempts.

The REAUTH periodic function uses this date to determine when to attempt to reauthorize an expired authorization. Only pay types that have this field set to a number greater than 0 are eligible for reauthorization attempts.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Modulus check

This setting indicates if the system performs a calculation against the digits of the stored card number to ensure that the card is valid.

Valid values are:

  • Modulus 10 = for a modulus 10 check

  • Modulus 11 = for a modulus 11 check

  • Modulus User Defined = for a user-defined modulus check

  • blank = no modulus check is performed

If you enter MU in this field, the system uses the program name from the User Defined Modulus Check Program (E94) system control value. An error message indicates if a program name has not been defined: Modulus check program has not been specified for SCV E94.


The system cannot perform a modulus check against the number if the number includes spaces; for example: 4111 1111 1111 1111. To perform a modulus check, you must enter the number without any spaces between the numbers; for example: 4111111111111111.


Require start date

Indicates whether to require a start date when the customer uses this stored value card pay type. For example, you might use a start date for a stored value card to indicate the first date when the card is effective. If a start date is required but not entered, the system displays an error message in order entry or maintenance:

Credit card start date (0) is not valid.

The start date is a four-position date in MMYY format, similar to the expiration date.

Select this flag if you want to require a start date for this pay type. This is a valid selection only if the pay type is a stored value card.

Do not select this field if you do not want to require a start date for the pay type.


  • Even if you require a start date for a pay type, the system does not validate the card based on whether the start date is before or after the current date. Typically, if your authorization service requires a start date for this pay type, the service would validate the start date provided against the current date.

  • If you require the start date for a stored value card, you will not be able to enter the start date at the recap screen in order entry. Instead, you should advance to the Enter Payment Method screen, where all pay type fields are available for entry.

Card type

Indicates the type of card — Credit Card, Debit Card, Stored Value or Wallet.

See Stored Value Card Overview and Setup).

You cannot enter a card type for a cash/check pay type.

You can define a card number format to specify how the credit card number should display on Order Administration screens and reports for all card types; see Credit Card Number Format for instructions.

Required for stored value card pay types.

Require expiration date

Indicates whether to require an expiration date when the customer uses this stored value card pay type. If an expiration date is required but not entered, the system displays an error message in order entry or maintenance:

Credit card expiration date (0) is not valid.

The expiration date is a four-position date in MMYY format.

  • Select this flag if you want to require an expiration date for this stored value card pay type.

  • Leave this field blank if you do not want to require an expiration date for the pay type.

Send reversal

Defines whether the REVERSE Send Reversals for Expired Authorizations (program name PFR0133) periodic function processes all open Authorization History records for this pay type that are eligible for authorization reversal.

  • Selected = The REVERSE periodic function processes all open Authorization History records for this pay type that are eligible for authorization reversal.

  • Unselected = The REVERSE periodic function does not process open Authorization History records for this pay type.

See the REVERSE Send Reversals for Expired Authorizations periodic function for processing information.


This setting does not affect Stored Value Card Reversal with the External Payment Service.

Require issue #

Indicates whether to require an issue number when the customer uses this credit card pay type. Some banks assign an incremental issue number when they replace a card because it is lost or stolen.

Select this flag if you want to require an issue number for this pay type. This is a valid selection only if the pay type is a credit card.

Do not select this flag if you do not want to require an issue number for the pay type.

If an issue number is required but not entered in order entry or order maintenance, the system displays an error message:

Credit card issue# () is not valid.


  • Debit cards might require a start date, an issue number, both, or neither. Even if a start date or an issue date are not required, you can still enter this information in order entry if it is available.

  • If you require the issue number for any credit card type besides a debit card, you will not be able to enter the issue number at the recap screen in order entry. Instead, you should advance to the Enter Payment Method screen, where all pay type fields are available for entry. However, if the pay type is a debit card, the system displays a pop-up window from the order recap screen for you to enter additional information such as the issue number and start date, regardless of whether the issue number or start date are required.

Notify of installments

CyberSource: Indicates whether to send a commerceIndicator set to install in the subsequent authorization and deposit request to CyberSource for an order using a deferred or installment pay plan, or to have the information passed in the ccAuthService element similar to other subsequent authorizations, such as a split shipment.

Important: To determine how to set this flag if you offer deferred or installment billing and use CyberSource, you need to confirm the information that the end processor requires for deferred or installment payment plans for each payment type.

Possible settings are:

  • Selected = The commerceIndicator is set to install in the authorization and deposit request, and no subsequentAuthReason, subsequentAuthStoredCredential, or subsequentAuthOriginalAmount is passed.

  • Unselected (default) = The authorization and deposit request includes the commerceIndicator set to either moto or internet, based on where the order originated, and also includes the subsequentAuthReason, subsequentAuthStoredCredential, and subsequentAuthOriginalAmount, similar to the request for a split shipment.

External Payment Service: Indicates whether to send a subsequentAuthReason of INSTALLMENT in the subsequent authorization request for an order using a deferred or installment pay plan. For External Payment Service:

  • Selected = The subsequentAuthReason is set to INSTALLMENT in the authorization request.

  • Unselected (default) = The subsequentAuthReason is set to either REAUTH, similar to the request for a split shipment.

For more information: See:


You need to verify that the end processor supports the selected option.

Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit)

If a customer short pays an order by an amount equal to or greater than this amount, the system places the order automatically on BD (Balance Due) hold.


Orders are evaluated for Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit) and Bal due % limit (Balance due percentage limit). Balance due % limit takes precedence over balance due $ limit, so the system puts the order on hold when it is underpaid by the percentage even if it not underpaid by the dollar amount. When you apply a cash/check payment method:
  • If there is a Bal due % limit specified, and the order is underpaid by this percentage, put the order on hold; otherwise,

  • If there is a Bal due $ limit specified, and the order is underpaid by this amount, put the order on hold; otherwise,

  • Do not put the order on hold for an underpayment.

Example: A customer underpays a $1,250.00 order by $25.00. The Balance due $ limit is $5.00; however, the Balance due % limit is 5%. Five percent of this order is $62.50. This order will not go on hold. The customer has underpaid by more than the Balance due $ limit but less than the Balance due % limit.


If the underpaid amount is less than the amount specified here (and there is no Bal due % limit specified), the order does not go on hold. The system creates a balance due record (negative refund record) and puts this record into a write-off pending status. These refund write-off amounts accumulate for the sold-to customer, and can be applied to a subsequent order as an additional charge. The Default Additional Charge Code (C45) to be used in these instances is specified in the System Control table.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Order $ limit (Order dollar limit)

If the order total meets or exceeds this dollar amount, the system places the order on dollar hold, regardless of the pay category (cash/check or credit card).

Multi-pay orders: If there is more than one payment method on the order, the system places the order on hold if the order total meets or exceeds the Order $ limit for any pay type.

Example:  The order total is $200.00, and the customer sends a $50.00 check and puts the balance on a credit card. The Order $ limit for the check pay type is $150.00, and the Order $ limit for the credit card is $250.00. The system places the order on hold, because the order total of $200.00 meets or exceeds the Order $ limit of $150.00 for the check pay type (even though the check payment amount is less than the Order $ limit).

Cash/check orders: The system evaluates both Order $ limit and Hold days. Order $ limit takes priority over Hold days.

Example:   The order total is $350.00 and the customer pays by check. Order $ limit is $225.00; Hold days is 5. Six days pass; this order will still be on hold. This customer order meets the value specified in Hold days but still exceeds the Order $ limit specified in this table.

The system does not check this setting if:

  • the order is already on any type of system hold

  • an authorization service has been defined for this payment type; instead, the system places the order payment method automatically on CW (credit wait) hold

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Bal due % limit (Balance due percentage limit)

If a customer underpays on an order by a percentage equal to or greater than this amount, the system places the order on hold.


Orders are evaluated for both Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit) and Balance due % limit. Balance due % limit takes priority over balance due $ limit. See the Bal due $ limit (Balance due dollar limit) for a discussion.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Hold days

The number of days to hold an order while waiting for a check to clear the bank. The system releases the order from hold automatically through Daily Periodic Processing once the number specified here has passed.


Cash/check orders are evaluated for both Order $ limit (Order dollar limit) and Hold days. Order $ limit takes priority over Hold days.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Ref chk min (Refund check minimum)

The minimum dollar amount for which you issue a refund. Refunds less than this amount are put in a write-off pending status. These write-off amounts accumulate in the Customer Sold-to table and can be used as an order credit on a subsequent order. The Default Cash Pay Type (C07) to be used in these instances is indicated in the System Control table.

If a pay type has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Ref chk max (Refund check maximum)

The maximum dollar amount for automatic refund creation. Any refund exceeding this dollar amount is put on hold. For example, if you leave this field blank for a credit card alternate refund type, all refunds will go on hold because they exceed the blank (zero) amount.

If a pay type has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Release days

The number of days to hold a refund from processing. The system changes the status of the refund to “open” when you process the refund if the release days have passed. This feature ensures that the customer's check for the order clears before you print a refund check for the overpayment.

If a pay type has an alternate refund type, the system checks the refund check minimum for the alternate refund type.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Store tender

A cross-reference to the corresponding tender code in a point-of-sale system. This field is available only if you specify a Default Location for ORCE Integration (K69).

This code is passed in the POSLog integration to Customer Engagement as the tender ID, which can be used as a loyalty qualifier.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

CA cross reference #

A cross-reference to a ChannelAdvisor marketplace, set up through Work with ChannelAdvisor Offers Screen, from which you receive orders:

  • If the CAORDUP periodic function creates an order from ChannelAdvisor, and the ItemSaleSource passed for the order matches this cross-reference, the periodic function assigns this payment method to the order. Your marketplace needs to match a ChannelAdvisor Site Token value.

  • If an order has a payment method whose cross-reference matches a ChannelAdvisor marketplace and also matches the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90), the Processing Refunds (MREF) option submits any pending refunds for the order to ChannelAdvisor, and does not actually generate the refund.

If more than one pay type has the same matching cross-reference, the periodic function selects the pay type with the highest pay type code.

Cash/check category: If a CA cross reference # is specified, the pay type Category must be Cash/Check.

See ChannelAdvisor Integration Overview and ChannelAdvisor Setup.

This field is available only if the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90) system control value specifies an order type. If you enter a value in this field, then the CA type field is required.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

CA type

Controls how the CAORDUP periodic function calculates shipping and tax, and how refund amounts are passed when Submitting Refunds for ChannelAdvisor Orders. If this field is set to:

  • Item Level or blank = Consistent with the Amazon and eBay with premium tax marketplaces:

    • the CAORDUP periodic function calculates shipping and tax based on the amounts in the OrderLineItemItem element

    • refund processing calculates tax and shipping at the item level and passes these amounts in the RefundItem level in the SubmitOrderRefund message

  • Order Level = Consistent with the eBay marketplace (without premium tax):

    • the CAORDUP periodic function uses the tax and shipping amounts from the OrderLineItemInvoice element and prorates them across the lines on the order

    • the SubmitOrderRefund message specifies amounts at the order level

This field is available only if the ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90) system control value specifies an order type. If a CA cross reference # is specified for the pay type, then this field is required.

Credit Card Number Format

Card number formats allow you to specify which digits of a credit card number are masked on Order Administration screens and reports using a special character, such as an asterisk (*). For example, you may wish to mask all but the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number: ************1111.

Data security: You should set up a masking format for all credit cards. See Guidelines for Data Security in the Security document for a checklist of recommended data security settings.

Tokenization: If you use credit card tokenization, the number that is masked is a token, rather than the actual credit card number.

Defining a format: You can use the Card Number Layout Screen to define which digits of the credit card number on Order Administration screens and reports are masked. You can define a separate credit card number format for each Credit Card pay category pay type and also define a default format to use for those Credit Card pay category pay types that do not have a card number format defined.

When a card number displays on a screen or report, the system looks at the pay type associated with the card number to determine which digits of the card number are masked. If the system cannot determine the pay type associated with the card number, the card number displays in the default card number format.

Which Cards are Eligible for Card Number Formatting?

Eligible cards: You can define a card number format for the following types of Credit Card pay category pay types:

  • Credit card (Card type Credit)

  • Debit (Switch) card (Card type Debit)

  • Stored value card (Card type Stored Value)

Ineligible cards: You receive the error message Not available for this pay type if you try to define a card number format for any non-pay category Credit Card pay type.

Card number scan screens: You can scan on credit card number at the following Order Administration screens:

However, if you have defined a card number format, the credit card numbers that display on the bottom half of the scan screen will be masked by the associated card number format.

In addition, if you have credit card encryption enabled, the system will not find a credit card number match unless you enter the full credit card number in the scan field. The credit card number you entered in the scan field is display-only at the top of the screen and the credit cards that display at the bottom of the screen are masked by the associated card number format.


If you use credit card tokenization, you will not be able to scan on the full credit card number on these screens since the credit card number has been replaced with a token. Instead, you can scan on the last four digits of the credit card number on these screens; the system advances you to the Scan By CC Last 4 screen, where you can review orders that contain a credit card payment whose CC Last 4 field in the Order Payment Method table matches the last four digits of the credit card number that you entered in the scan field.

Setting Up a Credit Card Number Format

Use the Unformatted card number positions field on the Card Number Layout Screen as a layout of the number of positions in the Credit card number field. There are 20 positions available in a credit card number that you can select to display or mask with a special character.


Even if a credit card number only includes 16 digits, you will still be required to enter a value in positions 17-20 of the card number format. Enter 17, 18, 19, and 20 in the respective fields if you do not want a special character to display.

To create or change:

  1. At the Work with Pay Types Screen, select Card Number Format for a Credit Card pay category pay type to advance to the Card Number Layout Screen.

  2. In the Formatted card number positions fields, decide which digits of the credit card number you wish to display and enter the digit number in the appropriate field. For example, if you wish to display the last 4 digits of a 16-digit card number, enter 13 in field 13, 14 in field 14, 15 in field 15, and 16 in field 16.

  3. In the Formatted card number positions fields, decide which digits of the credit card number you wish to mask and enter a special character in the appropriate field. You can enter any special character, such as an asterisk (*) or a number sign (#) as well as any letter, such as C. However, you cannot use a number to mask a credit card number. For example, if you wish to mask all but the last 4 digits of a 16 digit credit card number using an asterisk, enter * in fields 1-12 and enter 13, 14, 15, and 16 in the respective fields.


    You cannot mask the digits of a credit card number using a number. If you enter a number between 1 - 20 in any of the Formatted card number positions fields, the system will display that digit of the credit card number in the position specified. For example, if you enter 9 in field 1, the system will display the 9th digit of the credit card number in position 1 and not the number 9. You will receive an error if you enter a number greater than 20: Only one character or number 1-20 allowed per position.
  4. Select OK to validate your entries. You must enter a number between 1 and 20 or a special character in each of the Formatted card number positions fields.

To delete: To delete a card number format, clear the data in all of the Formatted card number positions fields and select OK.

If you delete a card number format, but still have a default credit card number format defined, the card number will display in the default format on Order Administration screens and reports.

Creating a Default Card Number Format

If you wish to assign most of your Credit Card pay category pay types to the same card number format, you can create the format and select the Set as default format field. Any Credit Card pay category pay type that does not have a card number format defined, will use the default card number format.

You can create only 1 default card number format. If you flag a card number format as the default and then create a new card number format and flag it also as the default, the system advances you to the Override Default window, where you must confirm that you wish to change the default card number format.

Select Accept to change the default card number format; otherwise, select Exit to keep the current default card number format.

If you wish to create a default card number format, but still display the entire card number for one of your Credit Card pay category pay types, create a card number format for that pay type and enter all of the card digits in the Formatted card number positions fields: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20. The system will display the entire card number on Order Administration screens and reports.

If you do not define a default card number format, and a format has not been defined for a Credit Card pay category pay type, the system displays the full card number for that pay type on Order Administration screens and reports.

Card Number Format Examples

The table below displays examples of card number formats.

Card Format Formatted card number positions fields Card Display

Mask the card number using the number sign.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

If the number is 4111111111111111, it displays as:


Display the full card number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


You may wish to define this format if you have also defined a default card number format and you want to display the full card number for this pay type. For example, you may wish to display all stored value card numbers.

If the number is 4111111111111111, it displays as:


Only display the last 4 digits of a 16-digit credit card number. For all other digits, display an asterisk.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4111111111111111, it displays as:


Display all but the last 4 digits of a 16-digit card number. For all other digits, display an asterisk.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * * * * 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4111111111111111, it displays as:


Only display the first 4 digits and the last 4 digits of a 16-digit card number. For all other digits, display an asterisk.

1 2 3 4 * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4111111111111111, it displays as:


Display all of the digits in a 16-digit card number, but display the first 4 digits in the last 4 positions and the last 4 digits in the first 4 positions.

13 14 15 16 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 17 18 19 20

If the number is 4788250000121443, it displays as:


Card Number Layout Screen

Use this screen to create a card number format; see Card Number Format for an overview and setup instructions.

How to display this screen: Select Card Number Format for a Credit Card pay category pay type at the Work with Pay Types Screen.

Field Description

Pay type

The code and description of the credit card pay type assigned to the card number layout.

Pay type code: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Set as default format

Indicates if you wish to set this card number format as the default format. Any Credit Card pay category pay type that does not have a card number format defined, will use this format.

  • Selected = This card number format is the default format to use if a format has not been defined for a Credit Card pay category pay type.

  • Unselected (default) = This card number format is not the default format and is only used to display card numbers for this pay type.

If you select this flag and a default card number format already exists, the system advances you to the Override Default Window, where you can confirm that you wish to change the default card number format.


If you do not define a default card number format, and a format has not been defined for a Credit Card pay category pay type, the system displays the full card number for that pay type on Order Administration screens and reports.

See Creating a Default Card Number Format.

Unformatted credit card number positions

Displays the number of positions available to format in a card number. Use this field as a reference when creating the card number format in the Formatted credit card number positions field.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Formatted card number positions

The position and format of each of the card digits to display on Order Administration screens and reports.

For example, to display only the last 4 digits of a 16 digit card number, enter a special character, such as an asterisk (*) in fields 1 - 12. Enter the digit number in fields 13 - 20.

* * * * * * * * * * * * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

If the card number is 411111111111111, the system displays ************1111 as the card number on Order Administration screens and reports.


You must enter either a digit number (1-20) or a single position special character in each field or an error message displays: Only one character or number 1-20 allowed per position.

See Setting Up a Card Number Format for setup instructions and examples.

Numeric, 20 positions; required.