Manage Attribute Definition

Purpose: Use the Manage Attribute Definition screen to:

  • Review attribute assignments to products and locations, and
  • Delete any product or location assignments that are no longer needed.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

For more information: See Using Attribute Rules for Delivery and Pickup Orders and Using Attribute Rules for Ship-for-Pickup Orders for background, and see New Location Attribute and New Product Attribute for information on creating new attribute assignments.

Assigning attributes to locations or products: Use the New Location Attribute and New Product Attribute screens to assign attributes.

How to display this screen: Select the manage icon (Illustrates the manage icon.) at the Attribute Definitions screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Attribute Definitions authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for location attribute assignments or product attribute assignments
  • Position your cursor in the first search field (above the Location field) and press Tab to begin entering search criteria, using the Tab key to advance from field to field, or Shift + Tab to move backwards.
  • Enter full or partial search criteria to restrict your search to location or product assignments that start with or match your entry. For example, enter a postal code of 01 to match all postal codes that start with 01, or enter a full postal code of 01234 to match that code exactly.
  • You can enter search criteria in any of the columns except for the Deleted column.
  • You can enter search criteria for more than one column to further restrict the displayed results.
  • Matching is not case-sensitive; entering “A” will match entries that start with “A” or “a.”

Assigned location search fields:

Illustrates the location search fields (location, name, city, state/province, country, postal code, system, and value).

Assigned product search fields:

Illustrates the product search fields (product, name, and value).
  • Select Filter (Illustrates the filter icon.) on the right of the location search fields to display location assignments that start with or match your entries, or
  • Select Filter (Illustrates the filter icon.) on the right of the product search fields to display product assignments that start with or match your entries, or
  • Press Enter to display location or product assignments that start with or match your entries in both the location and product assignment search fields.
mark one or more location or product attribute assignments for deletion

Highlight a location or product attribute assignment and select Mark Delete above the related table (location or product) to add a deletion indicator (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the Deleted column.

You can mark one or more location or product attribute assignments, or a combination of location and product attributes.

The attribute assignments are not deleted until you select Save.


The Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for location assignments are above the Assigned Locations table on the left side of the screen, and the Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for product assignments are above the Assigned Products table on the right side of the screen.
Illustrates the Undo Delete and Mark Delete options.
unmark a location or product attribute assignment for deletion

Highlight a location or product attribute assignment and select Undo Delete above the related table (location or product) to remove the deletion indicator (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the Deleted column.


The Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for location assignments are above the Assigned Locations table on the left side of the screen, and the Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for product assignments are above the Assigned Products table on the right side of the screen. See above for an illustration.

You can unmark one or more location or product attribute assignments, or a combination of location and product attributes.

delete the selected location or product attribute assignment(s)

Select Save. You exit the screen, and any location or product attribute assignments that were marked for deletion are deleted.


You cannot select Save without at least one attribute assignment marked for deletion.
exit the screen without deleting any location or product attribute assignments

Select Cancel. Any location or product attribute assignments that are currently marked for deletion are retained and are not deleted.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
At top of screen:

The following fields are display-only.


The organization that was selected at the Attribute Definitions screen. The attribute is assigned to locations or products in this organization.

Attribute Code

The attribute code that was selected at the Attribute Definitions screen. All current location and product assignments for this attribute are displayed below.

Attribute Type
  • Location: The attribute can be applied to locations to filter eligible locations when routing orders. For example, if an order originates in a location associated with a particular brand, the eligible sourcing or pickup locations can be restricted to that brand.
  • Product: The attribute can be applied to products. Not used in routing orders.
  • Location and Product: The attribute can be applied to products and locations to filter eligible locations when routing orders. For example, if a product requires engraving, the eligible sourcing and pickup locations can be restricted to those that support engraving.
Assigned Locations

When you first advance to the screen, all locations where the attribute is currently assigned are listed below.

Searching: See each field below for information on the displayed location attribute assignments, and see search for location attribute assignments or product attribute assignments for overall instructions.

Mark for deletion: See mark one or more location or product attribute assignments for deletion for information on how to mark a location for deletion, and see unmark a location or product attribute assignment for deletion for information on how to unmark a location for deletion.

Background on location fields: See the New Location for more information on the fields below related to a location.


The code identifying the location where the attribute is currently assigned.


The name describing the location.


The city for the location. Can be blank for locations not subject to proximity searching.


The code identifying the state or province for the location. Can be blank for locations not subject to proximity searching.


The code identifying the country for the location. Can be blank for locations not subject to proximity searching.

Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the location. Can be blank for locations not subject to proximity searching.


The system associated with the location.


The value specified for the attribute in the location assignment. If the Data Type is:

  • Boolean: Automatically set to true if the attribute is assigned. For example, can indicate that the location supports engraving.
  • List: The value is one of a defined list of possible values for the attribute, such as a list of brands supported by the location.
  • Number: The value is a numeric value that can include commas, decimal points, or minus signs.
  • Text: The value is a numeric or text value.

To add: To add a deletion indicator (Illustrates the red X icon.), highlight the location attribute assignment and select Mark Delete. If you:

  • Select Save, the assignment will be deleted.
  • Select Cancel, you exit the screen without deleting the assignment.

To remove: To remove a deletion indicator, highlight the attribute assignment and select Undo Delete above the Assigned Locations table.


The Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for location assignments are above the Assigned Locations table on the left side of the screen, and the Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for product assignments are above the Assigned Products table on the right side of the screen.
Assigned Products

All products that have the attribute currently assigned are listed below.

Searching: See each field below for information on the displayed product attribute assignments, and see search for location attribute assignments or product attribute assignments for overall instructions.

Mark for deletion: See mark one or more location or product attribute assignments for deletion for information on how to mark a product for deletion, and see unmark a location or product attribute assignment for deletion for information on how to unmark a product for deletion.

Background on product fields: See the New Product Attribute for more information on the fields below related to a product.


The code identifying the product with the current attribute assignment. This is the product code for the default system for the organization.


The name describing the product.


The value specified for the attribute for the product. If the Data Type is:

  • Boolean: Automatically set to true if the attribute is assigned. For example, can indicate that the product requires engraving.
  • List: The value is one of a defined list of possible values for the attribute.
  • Number: The value is a numeric value that can include commas, decimal points, or minus signs.
  • Text: The value is a numeric or text value.

To add: To add a deletion indicator (Illustrates the red X icon.), highlight the product attribute assignment and select Mark Delete. If you:

  • Select Save, the assignment will be deleted.
  • Select Cancel, you exit the screen without deleting the assignment.

To remove: To remove a deletion indicator, highlight the attribute assignment and select Undo Delete.


The Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for location assignments are above the Assigned Locations table on the left side of the screen, and the Undo Delete and Mark Delete options for product assignments are above the Assigned Products table to the right side of the screen.