Generate Application Client

Purpose: Use the Generate Application Client window to:

  • Generate a new client for the XOffice On Premises application and assign web service access, if it has not already been created through another application.
  • Generate a new client for another application besides XOffice On Prem, if it does not already exist in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management) and it directly integrates with a cloud service.

How to display this screen: Select New Client from the Manage External Application Access screen.


Only users with Manage External Application Access authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Before you start: Before beginning the generation steps, you would typically select the Refresh option at the Manage External Application Access screen to confirm that the required client application was not already created.

Creation steps: If the required client application is not displayed after you select Refresh:

  1. Complete the Application Details.

    • Application Type: Can be either:

      • XOffice On Prem: Select this option only if the application has not already been created through another application.

      • External: Select this option if the application integrates with IDCS or OCI IAM and an OAuth Client does not already exist in IDCS or OCI IAM.

      Selecting an Application Type is required.

      • Application Description: Enter a brief description of the application. This will be the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM, and is informational. If you require multiple environments, such as one for production and one for UAT, you can include this information in the application description. Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required.

      • Environment: If the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, specify the type of environment, such as PROD or TEST. Your entry is converted to upper case, and no spaces or special characters are allowed. Required if the Application Type is XOffice On Prem; otherwise, if you set the Application Type to External, this field is not enterable and is not used. Informational.

  2. Click Generate Client to generate the new client and submit it to IDCS or OCI IAM; otherwise, select Cancel to close the window without generating the client.
  3. If you click Generate Client and the generation is successful, the window displays the Generated Credentials:

    • The new generated Client ID, and a link to copy it to the clipboard.

    • The new generated Secret, and a link to copy it the clipboard.


Important: Copy and paste the new client ID and the new client secret so that you can update an external application so that it can request the token from IDCS or OCI IAM. This information will not be available later so should be stored in a secure location.


If your browser displays a warning message when you select the Copy to Clipboard option, click Allow Access.

The window displays an error if it cannot create the client, such as if the client ID already exists, or if communication with IDCS or OCI IAM fails. See Manage External Application Access for information on the properties used for communication with IDCS or OCI IAM.

Click Done to close the window, and click OK at the confirmation window to confirm that you are done copying the client ID and secret to the clipboard.

About the generated client ID:

  • When the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the generated Client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_<ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the specified Environment.
  • When the Application Type is External, the generated Client ID is RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where <RANDOM> is a random string of 8 characters and OBCS identifies Order Broker.

Define web service access: After creating the client, you can define web service access. See the Edit Web Services window for more information.

Regenerate secret: Use the Regenerate Application Client Secret if you need to regenerate the secret for the client application.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Application Details
Application Type

Indicates whether the new application is either:

  • XOffice On Prem: Select this option only if the application was not created through another application.
  • External: Select this option if the application integrates with IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management).


About XOffice On Prem:The Manage External Application Access screen displays records only if they are not associated in IDCS or OCI IAM with a parent ID. If you use XOffice on premises, each store location record in IDCS or OCI IAM is associated with the XOffice on premises application as its parent ID. Because there can be many store locations associated with the parent application record, the Manage External Application Access screen displays just the XOffice rather than the individual store locations.

Application Description

The description of the application created for web service authentication. This is the Description in IDCS or OCI IAM. Alphanumeric, 50 positions. Required.


If the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, use this field to specify the type of environment, such as PROD or TEST. Your entry is converted to upper case, and no spaces or special characters are allowed.

Required if the Application Type is XOffice On Prem; otherwise, if you set the Application Type to External, this field is not enterable and is not used. Informational.

Generated Credentials

If the new client is generated correctly, the following fields are displayed.

Client ID

When the Application Type is XOffice On Prem, the generated Client ID is RGBU_XTROFFOP_<ENV>_XOFFICE_APPID, where <ENV> is the specified Environment.

When the Application Type is External, the generated Client ID is RGBU_OBCS_<RANDOM>_APPID, where <RANDOM> is a random string of 8 characters.


This is the Name in IDCS or OCI IAM. Note that the Display Name in IDCS or OCI IAM is the Client ID without the _APPID suffix.

Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the client ID to the clipboard, so you can more easily share it with the external application that needs to use it for OAuth authentication. The window indicates that the ID has been successfully copied.


The client secret to use for generating the OAuth token.

Select Copy to Clipboard to copy the secret to the clipboard, so that you can share it with the external application that needs to use it for OAuth authentication. The window indicates that the secret has been successfully copied.