Edit Web Services

Purpose: Use the Edit Web Services for window to review, add, or delete the web service user authentication records for an application that submits web service requests to Order Broker.


The description of the selected application client is indicated in the window title; for example, if the application client’s description is Client Sample, the window title is Edit Web Services for Client Sample.

How to display this screen: Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an application at the Manage External Application Access screen.


Only users with Manage External Application Access authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

About Creating Access

Select or unselect any of the displayed web services. Click OK to update the web service access; otherwise, click Cancel.

Once created, the inbound web service user records are listed in the Web Service Access column at the Manage External Application Access page, and are also displayed at the Web Service User screen, with the User set to the Client ID for the application. The client ID can now be used for OAuth authentication for that web service.

Delete web service access: If you delete the web service option, the inbound web service user authentication record is deleted, is no longer displayed at the at the Web Service User, and can no longer be used for authentication for that web service.

Web Services

  • Admin: Includes:
    • ProductUpdate
    • LocationUpdate
    • LocationDetail
    • Email Out API
    • setDSAcknowledge
    • getInventoryAvailability
    • getDSOrders
    • setDSShipConfirm
    • Store Associate Location Assignment


Admin authority is also required for the inventory quantity web service; see Probability Rules Update and Incremental Quantity Web Service for background.
  • Discovery: Requests include Location discovery and System discovery.
  • Locate: Includes all requests related to the Routing Engine:

    • EchoTest

    • Fulfillments

    • Intransit

    • InventoryAvailability

    • LocateItems

    • OrderSearch

    • OrderUpdate

    • ProductAvailability

    • StatusListRequest

    • StatusRequest

    • StatusUpdate

    • SubmitOrder

  • Private Data Request: Includes all requests to inquire on or delete private data:

    • GetPrivateData

    • ForgetPrivateData

  • Purchasing: Includes all requests from the retailer to Order Broker related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

    • CreateDSOrder

    • CreateDSVendor

    • GetDSChanges

    • GetDSInvoices

    • SetDSAddressChange

    • SetDSCancel

    • SetDSCostChange

  • Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service: Includes all requests received from Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS). See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background on order-related messages. Not currently implemented.

    This authentication is also required to receive individual updates to the available quantities for product locations through the Retail Integration Bus (RIB). See Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) for a discussion.

  • Run Job:

    Includes the Run Job request message to submit a job, as an alternative to submitting or scheduling a job at the Schedule Jobs screen. OAuth is required for the Run Job API.

See the Operations Guide for background.

For more information: See the Operations Guide for details on the above messages.

  • Vendor: Includes all requests submitted by an integrated vendor to Order Broker for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

    • setDSAcknowledge

    • getDSOrders

    • setDSShipConfirm


If Vendor access is selected, the client ID is available for selection as the Vendor Client Id for an integrated vendor at the New Vendor or Edit Vendor screen, provided the client ID has not already been assigned to a different vendor.

For more information: See the Vendor Integration Guide for details on the above messages.