System Products

Purpose: Use the System Products screen to review or work with existing system products, or create a new one.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

What is a system product? A system product is an identification of a product within a particular system that integrates with Order Broker.

Created how? A system product is created for a product when you import items or products from an external system, such as OCDS, Order Management System, or Xstore. See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, and Locations into the Database for an overview.

Product relationships: See Product, System Product and Product Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Broker elements, including system products.

How to display this screen: Click the system product icon (Illustrates the system product icon.) next to a product at the Products screen.


  • Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

  • If the System Products screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the system product icon, you advance to this screen with the system products for the previously-selected product displayed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a system product

Note: Normally, you should not create system products using this method. By creating a system product in Order Broker directly rather than using the process described under Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, and Locations into the Database, you run the risk that system product information will be inconsistent with that in the external system, such as Order Management System or Xstore.

  1. Select a system from the from the System drop-down box. Only systems within the product’s organization are available for selection.
  2. Enter a system product code in the System Product field. The system product code can be from 1 to 35 positions long. System products need to be unique within a system, but the same system product code can be assigned across multiple systems. For example, you cannot have more than 1 system product for AB123 in system 2, but you can have system product AB123 in systems 2, 3, and 4.

  3. Optionally, enter a master style in the Master Style field. The master style can be from 1 to 35 positions long.

  4. Click New. If:

    • there is already a system product for this product and system, Order Broker clears your entries from the screen and positions the results fields to the existing product.

    • there is already a system product for a different product in the selected system, Order Broker displays a message indicating that the product already exists. You cannot assign the same system product code for the same system to multiple products.

    • you did not enter a system product code, Order Broker displays an error message.

    • the system product was created successfully, Order Broker adds it to the results fields.

search for a system product

Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching products:

  • Select a system from the from the System drop-down box to restrict your results to this system. Only systems within the product’s organization are available for selection.

    Note:You can select a blank system to remove this field from your selection criteria.

  • Enter a full or partial system product code in the System Product field to restrict your results to system product codes starting with your entry.

  • Enter a full or partial master style in the Master Style field to restrict your results to system products whose master styles start with your entry.

  • Click Search.

Case? Both the enterable fields on this screen are case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of a does not match a system product code of ABC123.

change the master style for a system product

Note: Normally, you should never need to change the master style for a system product. Doing so might make the information in Order Broker inconsistent with the related information in the remote system.

Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a system product to open the Edit System Product window.

delete a system product

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a system product to delete the system product from Order Broker. This option is available only if there is not an existing product location for the system and product.

You might need to delete a system product if it was created inadvertently in the system and later deleted there. In this situation, deleting the system product in Order Broker is necessary because deleting the product in the remote system does not automatically delete the system product in Order Broker.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Informational fields:

The organization code and name are separated by a hyphen (-).


The product code and name are separated by a hyphen (-).

Search/new fields:

Creating a system product: Select a system from the from the System drop-down box. Required to create a system product.

Searching for a system product: Optionally, select a system from the from the System drop-down box to restrict your results to this system.

Only systems within the product’s organization are available for selection.

System Product

Creating a system product: Enter the system product code to create. Required to create a system product. The system product code can be from 1 to 35 positions long.

Searching for a system product: Optionally, enter a full or partial system product code. Case-sensitive for searching; an entry of a does not match a system product code of A12345.

Master Style

Creating a system product: Optionally, enter a master style. The master style can be from 1 to 35 positions long.

Searching for a system product: Optionally, enter a full or partial master style. Case-sensitive for searching; an entry of a does not match a master style of A12345.

Results fields:

See system.

System Product

See system product.

Master Style

See master style.


Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a system product to open the Edit System Product window.


Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a system product to delete the system product from Order Broker. This option is available only if there is not an existing product location for the system and product.