Workflow Management

Topics in this part: The following topics describe the functions available for workflow management.

Workflow Management Overview and Setup

Workflow management allows you to automate system actions, during which tasks (ticklers) are assigned to a user for action, according to a defined set of procedures, until the issues associated with the ticklers are resolved.

Tickler events are the system actions for which the system may create a workflow task (tickler).

Tickler event rules are the criteria that must be met by the system action for the system to create a tickler for a user to resolve.

Ticklers are tasks automatically created by the system and assigned to a user when a system action meets the criteria defined for a tickler event rule. For each tickler, you can define the procedures, or instructions, the user should follow to complete the task. A tickler can also be created manually.

Tickler procedures are the instructions a user follows to complete the tickler task.

Workflow Management Illustration

Workflow Management Illustration

Example: This flowchart provides an example of the workflow process.

This flowchart provides an example of the workflow process. This flowchart provides an example of the workflow process.

With workflow management:

  • the system automatically creates ticklers when a task must be performed and resolved.

  • the system assigns tasks to a specific user or group of users as soon as a tickler is created ensuring the tasks are not misplaced, stalled, or duplicated. Tickler assignment allows only authorized users access to the tickler and the associated data.

  • supervisors are notified if a tickler remains unresolved for a specified number of days to ensure the tasks are resolved in a timely manner. Supervisors can reassign ticklers to the appropriate resource.

  • the procedures to resolve a task are formally documented to ensure users are following the instructions exactly and reducing the cost of training staff.

  • the most important ticklers are worked on first by a specified priority so users don’t waste time choosing which tickler to work on or putting off difficult tasks.

  • a history of the activity performed against the tickler is stored for easy tracking and review of what was done and when.

In this topic:

System Delivered Tickler Events

This table describes the 11 system delivered events that can create ticklers, based on the system action and the criteria defined for the event rules. You use the Working with Tickler Events (WTEV) menu option to set up each tickler event and define criteria for each event rule.


Each tickler event is delivered as inactive.

Tickler Event... creates a tickler when the system... and one or more of the following criteria is met...



places an item on backorder

An item is backordered, regardless of any other criteria.

The backordered item is initially backordered in order entry/maintenance and not by some other program.

The customer’s life-to-date order dollars is less than, equal to, or greater than a specified life-to-date order dollars.

The customer class defined for the sold to customer matches a specified customer class.

The item/SKU on backorder matches a specified item/SKU.

The item status of the backordered item matches a specified item status.

The item class of the backordered item matches a specified item class.

The ship via on the backordered order matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the backordered order matches a specified ship via priority.

See BO (Backorders) Event Processing.


cancelled orders

cancels an item

An item is cancelled, regardless of any other criteria.

The item is cancelled by a batch process instead of interactively.

The customer’s life-to-date order dollars is less than, equal to, or greater than a specified life-to-date order dollars.

The customer class defined for the sold to customer matches a specified customer class.

The cancelled item/SKU matches a specified item/SKU.

The item status of the cancelled item matches a specified item status.

The item class of the cancelled item matches a specified item class.

The cancel reason matches a specified cancel reason.

The ship via on the cancelled order matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the cancelled order matches a specified ship via priority.

See CO (Cancelled Orders) Event Processing.


held orders

places an order, order recipient, or order payment method on hold

The hold reason (order or pay type) matches a specified hold reason (order or pay type).

The pay type on the held order matches a specified pay type.

The order total for the held order is less than, equal to, or greater than a specified order total.

The ship via on the held order matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the held order matches a specified ship via priority.

See HO (Held Orders) Event Processing.


manually created

manually creates a workflow task

You cannot define criteria for this tickler event.

See MN (Manually Created) Event Processing.


new orders

updates the status of an order line to open (during order accept) or closed (during the Billing Async)

The order line status is updated to open or closed.

The quantity ordered/shipped for the open/closed order line matches a specified quantity.

The item status for the item on the open/closed order line matches a specified item status.

The sold to customer on the order is a first time buyer.

The item class for the item on the open/closed order line matches a specified item class.

The item/SKU on the open/closed order line matches a specified item/SKU.

The order type for the order matches a specified order type.

The country code for the order matches a specified country code.

The country code for the order is a country other than the Default Country for Customer Address (B17) system control value.

The last order date for the sold to customer is past the current date by a specified number of days.

The order total on the order is less than, equal to, or greater than a specified order dollars.

The ship via code on the order line or order header matches the ship via code on the event rule.

The priority for the ship via code on the order line or order header matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

See NO (New Orders) Event Processing.

OO aged open orders

evaluates aged open orders using the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function (program name PFR0072)

The order’s entered date or arrival date is older than the current date by a specified number of days.

The ship via on the order matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the order matches a specified ship via priority.

See OO (Aged Open Orders) Event Processing.

SD stored value card activation decline

receives a declined stored value card activation response from the service bureau

You cannot define criteria for this tickler event.

See SD (SVC Activation Decline) Event Processing.

SO soldout orders

sells out an item

The order line is soldout by a batch process and not interactively.

The order line is sold out interactively in order entry or order maintenance.

The life-to-date order dollars for the sold to customer is less than, equal to, or greater than a specified life-to-date order dollars.

The customer class for the sold to customer matches a specified customer class.

The soldout item/SKU matches a specified item/SKU.

The item status for the soldout item matches a specified item status.

The item class for the soldout item matches a specified item class.

The ship via on the soldout order matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the soldout order matches a specified ship via priority.

See SO (Soldout Orders) Event Processing.

SV stored value card number assignment

processes an order containing a stored value card item without a number assignment through the Billing Async

You cannot define criteria for this tickler event.

See SV (SVC Number Assignment) Event Processing.

UP unconfirmed pick tickets

evaluates unconfirmed pick slips using the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function (program name PFR0072)

The pick control date for the unconfirmed pick slip is older than the system date by a specified number of days.

The pick category for the unconfirmed pick slip matches a specified pick category.

The ship via on the unconfirmed pick slip matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the unconfirmed pick slip matches a specified ship via priority.

See UP (Unconfirmed Pick Tickets) Event Processing.

VP voided pick tickets

voids a pick slip

The ship via on the voided pick slip matches a specified ship via.

The ship via priority for the ship via on the voided pick slip matches a specified ship via priority.

The item/SKU on the voided pick slip matches a specified item/SKU.

See VP (Voided Pick Tickets) Event Processing.

WF remote workflow

receives a CWWorkflow XML message from an external system

The source value in the CWWorkflow XML message matches the value in the Source field for the event rule.

See WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing.

Defining Tickler Events and Event Rules

To create a tickler, you must define:

  • the tickler events that can create a tickler; see System Delivered Tickler Events.

  • tickler event settings, that define how the system creates ticklers for each event; see Tickler Event Settings.

  • event rule settings, that override the settings defined at the event level and determine how the event rule is processed; see Event Rule Settings.

  • event rule criteria, that define the criteria the system action must meet to create a tickler; see Event Rule Criteria.

  • event rule procedures, that define the instructions a user should follow to work with and resolve a tickler created by the event rule.

You use the Working with Tickler Events (WTEV) menu option to set up the system delivered tickler events and define event rules.

Creating Ticklers

The Create Tickler program determines if the system creates a tickler during certain system actions.

You can also manually create a tickler for the MN (manually created) tickler event; see MN (Manually Created) Event Processing.

Ticker creation logic: This flowchart describes the process the system uses to determine if a tickler is created for a system action.

This flowchart describes the process the system uses to determine if a tickler is created for a system action.

The Create Tickler program:

  1. 1.Determines the tickler event to evaluate, based on the system action currently being performed.

    See System Delivered Tickler Events for more information on when the system evaluates tickler events.

  2. Determines if the tickler event is active.

    In order to create a tickler for a tickler event, the Active field defined for the event must be selected.
    • If the Active field for the event is selected, the tickler event is active and the system can create a tickler for the event.

    • If the Active field for the event is unselected, the tickler event is not active and the system cannot create a tickler for the event.

    See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

  3. Determines if any event rules for the tickler event are active.

    In order to create a tickler for an event rule, the Active field defined for the event rule must be selected.
    • If the Active field for an event rule is selected, the event rule is active and the system can create a tickler if the system action meets the rule’s criteria.

    • If the Active field for an event rule is unselected, the event rule is not active and the system cannot create a tickler for the system action.

      See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

  4. Determines if the system action meets the criteria required for any of the event rules to create a tickler.

    In order to create a tickler for an event rule, the system action must meet the criteria defined for the event rule. If the system action does not meet the criteria, the system does not create a tickler.
    • the system only evaluates event rules whose Active field is selected.

    • the system evaluates the active event rules in processing sequence order, from lowest sequence number to highest. You define the processing sequence number for an event rule in the Processing sequence number field; see Event Rule Processing Sequence.

  5. Determines if more than one tickler can be created.

    The Allow multiple ticklers field for the tickler event must be selected in order to create a tickler for each event rule whose criteria are met by the system action.
    • If the Allow multiple ticklers field is unselected, the system creates one tickler for the first event rule, in processing sequence order, whose criteria are met by the system action. The AR, OO, and UP tickler events do not allow multiple ticklers.

    • If the Allow multiple ticklers field is selected, the system creates a separate tickler for each event rule whose criteria are met by the system action.

      See Allowing Multiple Ticklers.

  6. The system creates a tickler for the system action.

    The system creates a tickler record in the Tickler table in an open status.

  7. The system determines if the assigned to user or assigned to tickler group should be notified of the created tickler.

    The Notify user/group field defined for the tickler event that created the tickler indicates whether the system sends an email notifying the user or tickler group of the created tickler.
    • If the Notify user/group field is selected, the system sends an email to the assign to user or all users associated with the assign to tickler group. The system uses the email address defined for the user in the User Extended table. See Tickler Notification to review a sample email.

    • If the Notify user/group field is unselected, the system does not send an email. The user must review the ticklers assigned to him or his user group at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view).

      Regardless if the user is notified by email of the newly created tickler, the user can review the ticklers assigned to him and his tickler user group at the Work with Tickler screen; see Working with Ticklers.

  8. Creates a record in the Tickler History table.

    The Tickler History table tracks the work cycle of a tickler; the system creates a tickler history record when a tickler is created, updated, or resolved.You can review tickler history at the Display Tickler History Screen.

  9. Creates a record in the Order Transaction History table if the tickler is associated with an order.

For MN ticklers:



For all other ticklers, where XX is the tickler event code:



You can review order transaction history at the Display Order History Screen.

For more information: For more information on the processing that occurs for each tickler event, see:

Why Wasn’t a Tickler Created?

Use the list below as a checklist to determine why the system did not create a tickler.

A tickler is not created because... Reason

You did not restart the background jobs after you changed an event or event rule, or created a new event rule.

The system evaluates new updates only after the background async jobs in the Background Job Control menu option are restarted.

The Active field for the tickler event is unselected.

The system only evaluates tickler events that are active. See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

The Active field for the event rule is unselected.

The system only evaluates event rules that are active. See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

The Allow multiple ticklers field for the tickler event is unselected.

If Allow multiple ticklers is selected, the system creates 1 tickler for the first event rule, in processing sequence order, whose criteria are met by the system action. If the criteria for another event rule is met, the system does not create a tickler. See Allowing Multiple Ticklers.

BO tickler event: the backordered item did not meet the BO event rule criteria.

See BO (Backorders) Event Processing.

CO tickler event: the cancelled item did not meet the CO event rule criteria.

See CO (Cancelled Orders) Event Processing.

HO tickler event: the held order did not meet the HO event rule criteria.

See HO (Held Orders) Event Processing.

NO tickler event: the open/closed order line did not meet the NO event rule criteria.

The system evaluates the NO event when an order:

  • is accepted (because the status of an order line updates from suspended to open), before creating a pre-generated pick. If a web order is placed in an error status in an order batch, the system evaluates the NO event when you edit and accept the order batch. Note: The system does not evaluate the NO event when you accept an order in order maintenance.

  • is processed through the Billing Async (because the status of an order line updates to closed).

See NO (New Orders) Event Processing.

OO tickler event: the aged open order did not meet the OO event rule criteria.

See OO (Aged Open Orders) Event Processing.

SD tickler event: the stored value card received an approved activation response from the service bureau.

SO tickler event: the soldout item did not meet the SO event rule criteria.

See SO (Soldout Orders) Event Processing.

SV tickler event: the stored value card item was assigned a number.

See SV (SVC Number Assignment) Event Processing.

UP tickler event: the unconfirmed pick slip did not meet the UP event rule criteria.

See UP (Unconfirmed Pick Tickets) Event Processing.

VP tickler event: the voided pick slip did not meet the VP event rule criteria.

See VP (Voided Pick Tickets) Event Processing.

WF tickler event: the remote workflow message did not meet the WF event rule criteria.

See WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing.

Working with Ticklers

Once a tickler is created, a user can review, work with, and resolve ticklers using the following screens:

Update All Ticklers Secured Feature

The Update All Ticklers (B09) secured feature controls whether you can update all ticklers, regardless if the tickler is not assigned to you or your tickler groups.

If you have access to this feature, you can update any tickler, regardless if the tickler is not assigned to you or your tickler groups by:

  • selecting Change for a tickler to change it.

  • selecting Delete for a tickler to delete it.

  • selecting In process for a tickler to assign the tickler to yourself.

  • selecting Resolve for a tickler to resolve it.

If you do not have access to this feature, you can update only ticklers assigned to you or your tickler groups. However, you can still release an order associated with the tickler from hold.

User Workflow Management Window

Purpose: The system displays this window when you sign-in to Order Administration if open or in process ticklers exist that are assigned to you or your tickler groups.

You can review, work with, and resolve ticklers assigned to you or your tickler groups using the Working with Tickler Users/User Groups (WTIC) menu option

Customer Workflow Management Window

Purpose: The system displays this window if open or in process ticklers exist that are associated with the customer or order you are reviewing.

How to display this screen:

The window displays once per functional area for each customer you review that has open or in process ticklers.

Example: In standard order inquiry, if you select an order for a customer with open ticklers, the system displays the Customer Workflow Management window; if you then advance to order maintenance for that customer, the system does not display the window again. Back in standard order inquiry, if you select an order for a different customer with open ticklers, the system re-displays the Customer Workflow Management window for the new customer you are reviewing.

Screen Option Procedure

Review and work with the ticklers associated with the customer or order

Select Ticklers to advance to the Work with Ticklers screen. The view of this screen varies, depending on the function you were performing:

Tickler Merge/Purge

Customer merge/purge: If you perform customer merge/purge (sold to or bill to), the system adds the ticklers associated with the source customers to the target customer.

Order purge: If you purge orders associated with ticklers, the system also purges the ticklers.

Resolving Ticklers

A tickler is resolved when you:

When you resolve a tickler associated with an order, the system creates an order transaction history message indicating the tickler has been resolved.

For MN ticklers:



For all other ticklers, where XX is the tickler event code:



You can review order transaction history at the Display Order History Screen.

Workflow Management Setup

Purpose: To use workflow management, you must perform the necessary setup. Information requiring creation and setup includes:

System Control Value

System Control Value Description

Use Workflow Management (H96)

Select this field if you wish to use workflow management.

Secured Feature

Secured Feature Description

Update All Ticklers (B09)

Eligible users can update all ticklers, regardless if the tickler is not assigned to him or his tickler user groups.

Prohibited users cannot update all ticklers, only those ticklers assigned to him or his tickler user groups.

Create Manual Tickler (B13)

Eligible users can manually create ticklers.

Prohibited users cannot manually create ticklers.

Number Assignment Value

Number Assignment Description

Tickler Number

Assigns the next available number to a newly created tickler.

Note: The system automatically creates this number assignment value when the first tickler is created.

Menu Options

Menu Option Description

Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG)

Allows you to create, change, and delete tickler user groups.

For each tickler event and event rule, you can define the tickler user group the system assigns to a newly created tickler.

Working with User Records (WUSR)

Allows you to define the e-mail address the system uses when the user is notified of a tickler. Also, allows you to assign a tickler user group to a user.

Working with Tickler Category (WTCT)

Allows you to create, change, and delete a tickler category.

Tickler categories are used to further group ticklers.

Working with Tickler Resolution Reasons (WTRR)

Allows you to create, change, and delete a tickler resolution reason.

The system assigns a tickler resolution reason to a tickler once it is resolved. You can define the tickler resolution reason to use for ticklers associated with a particular event or event rule.

Working with Tickler Events (WTEV)

Allows you to change the settings for a tickler event, create, change, or delete event rules, and create or modify event rule procedures.

Note: You must restart the async jobs in the Background Job Control menu option after you change an event or event rule, or create a new event rule.

Working with Tickler Users/User Groups (WTIC)

Allows a user to review and work with ticklers assigned to him or his tickler user groups.

Workflow Management (WWFM)

Allows a supervisor to review and work with ticklers.

Purging Ticklers (MPTK)

Allows you to purge resolved ticklers, based on date.

Periodic Functions

Periodic Function Description

Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers (program name PFR0072)

Evaluates the:

  • OO tickler event to determine if any open orders qualify for an OO event rule. Also, determines if any existing OO ticklers can be resolved.

  • UP tickler event to determine if any unconfirmed pick slips qualify for a UP event rule. Also, determines if any existing UP ticklers can be resolved.

  • AR tickler event to determine if any existing AR ticklers can be created or resolved.

  • Next notification date for an existing open or in process tickler to determine if the system sends an email to the tickler supervisor notifying him of the aged tickler.

Event Rule Settings

For each event rule you define for a tickler event, you can define:

You can define event rule settings at the Create Tickler Event Rule Screen or Change Tickler Event Rule Screen.


If you create or change a tickler event rule, you must restart the asyncs in the Background Job Control menu option before your updates are applied to new ticklers.

Event Rule Processing Sequence

For each event rule you create, you can define a processing sequence number. In addition, the system assigns a rule sequence number to each event rule, based on the order in which the rules were created (the first rule created is assigned rule sequence number 1, etc.).

The Processing sequence number defined for each event rule indicates the order in which the system evaluates event rules to determine if a tickler is created.

The event rule with the lowest processing sequence number is evaluated first (where 0 is the lowest number); the event rule with the highest processing sequence number is evaluated last.

If all of the event rules have the same processing sequence number, the system evaluates the rules in rule sequence order. The event rule with the lowest rule sequence number is evaluated first; the event rule with the highest rule sequence number is evaluated last.


If the event rule is not active (the Active field is unselected), the system does not evaluate the event rule and instead skips the rule and evaluates the next event rule, based on processing or rule sequence order.

Remember: Give the most important rule the lowest processing sequence number and the least important rule the highest processing sequence number. This way the system evaluates the rules in the order of the most important to the least important. This is especially true if you do not allow multiple ticklers: you want the system to create a tickler for the most important rule whose criteria are met by the system action.

If you allow multiple ticklers, you do not need to define a processing sequence number since the system creates a tickler for each rule whose criteria are met.

Example: This example displays the order in which the system evaluates tickler rules based on processing sequence number and rule sequence number.

Processing seq # Rule seq # Rule active? Action meets criteria? Results





The system does not create a tickler for this event rule since the event rule is not active and the system action does not qualify.





The system does not create a tickler for this event rule since the system action does not qualify.





The system does not create a tickler for this event rule since the event rule is not active.





The system creates a tickler for this event rule since the event rule is active and the system action qualifies.





The system creates a tickler for this event rule only if the Allow multiple ticklers field for the event is selected; see Allowing Multiple Ticklers.





The system creates a tickler for this event rule only if the Allow multiple ticklers field for the event is selected; see Allowing Multiple Ticklers.

Event Rule Criteria

For each event rule, you must define the criteria that the system action must meet to create a tickler. Different criteria display for each tickler event. You can create multiple rules for each event by defining different criteria for each rule.

You can define more than one criterion for each event rule; however, you must define at least one criterion. If you define more than one criterion for an event rule, the system action must meet all of the rule’s criteria to create a tickler.

Example: If you create an event rule whose criteria are Pay type is 1 and Ship via is 1, the system creates a tickler only if the pay type on the order is 1 and the ship via is 1. The system does not create a tickler if the ship via on the order is 1 but the pay type on the order is 4.

Remember: If you allow multiple ticklers, you must think carefully before you create event rules. For example, if you create the following rules and you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates 3 ticklers, even though event rule 3 is a combination of rules 1 and 2:

  • Event rule 1: Ship via is 1 (UPS)

  • Event rule 2: Pay type is 1 (cash/check)

  • Event rule 3: Ship via is 1 (UPS) and Pay type is 1 (cash/check)

You can define event rule criteria at the Create Tickler Event Rule Screen.


You cannot create a duplicate event rule, meaning, you cannot create 2 rules that have the same criteria or an error message indicates: Duplicate rule exists.


If you create or change a tickler event rule, you must restart the asyncs in the Background Job Control menu option before your updates are applied to new ticklers.

For more information: For more information on the criteria you can define for each tickler event, see:

Event Rule Procedures

For each event rule, you can create tickler instructions for a user to follow to resolve the tickler.

You can create and modify event rule procedures at the Work with Tickler Event Rule Procedure Screen.

Example: These procedures may display for ticklers that are created when an order payment method is placed on AT (declined credit card hold) and the ship via is UPS Second Day.

  1. Release order from hold.

  2. Resend credit card for authorization.

  3. Contact UPS to determine if they can deliver by expected arrival date.

  4. If package will arrive late, notify customer of possible late delivery.

  5. If customer is a valued customer, give customer 25% off coupon on next purchase.


A tickler user may not complete all of the tasks required to complete the tickler. Using the example above, the first assigned to user may release the order from hold and then assign the tickler to another user to resend the credit card for authorization.

Tickler work notes: The tickler user completing some or all of the tasks associated with the tickler can enter notes regarding the steps he performed for other users and the supervisor to review. See Tickler Work Notes.

Work with Tickler Event Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to change, review, or define rules for a tickler event.

When you first advance to this screen, the system automatically creates the system delivered tickler events if the Use Workflow Management (H96) system control value is selected. However, you must still define settings for each tickler event you wish to enable. You cannot create other tickler events for the system to evaluate for tickler creation.


You cannot delete a tickler event. If you do not wish to use a tickler event, set the Active field for the event to unselected.

How to display this screen: Enter WTEV in the Fast path field or select Work with Tickler Event from a menu.

Field Description


A code that determines the system action for which the system may create a tickler.

There are 11 system actions that can create ticklers. You cannot create other tickler events for the system to evaluate for tickler creation.

BO: backorders; see BO (Backorders) Event Processing

CO: cancelled orders; see CO (Cancelled Orders) Event Processing

HO: held orders; see HO (Held Orders) Event Processing

MN: manually created; see MN (Manually Created) Event Processing

NO: new orders; see NO (New Orders) Event Processing

OO: aged open orders; see OO (Aged Open Orders) Event Processing

SD: stored value card activation decline; see SD (SVC Activation Decline) Event Processing

SO: soldout orders; see SO (Soldout Orders) Event Processing

SV: stored value card number assignment; see SV (SVC Number Assignment) Event Processing

UP: unconfirmed pick tickets; see UP (Unconfirmed Pick Tickets) Event Processing

VP: voided pick tickets; see VP (Voided Pick Tickets) Event Processing

WF: remote workflow; see WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


A description of the tickler event.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Cat (Tickler event category)

A code for the tickler category assigned to the tickler event. Tickler categories are used to group ticklers.

Tickler categories are defined in and validated against the Tickler Category table; see Working with Tickler Category (WTCT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Pty (Tickler event priority)

The priority assigned to the tickler event, used to determine the importance of ticklers created for this event.

Numeric, 1 position; optional.

Act (Tickler event active flag)

Indicates whether the tickler event is active.

Selected = The tickler event is currently active; the system creates a tickler if the system action qualifies for an event rule.

N = The tickler event is not currently active; the system does not create a tickler, regardless of whether the system action qualifies for an event rule.

See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

Screen Option Procedure

Change the settings of a tickler event

Select Change for a tickler event to advance to the Change Tickler Event Screen.

Display a tickler event

Select Display for a tickler event to advance to the Display Tickler Event Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Change Tickler Event Screen for field descriptions.

Work with tickler event rules

Select Rules for a tickler event to advance to the Work with Tickler Event Rule Screen.

You cannot define event rules for the MN (manually created) or SV (SVC number assignment) tickler events.

Create Tickler Event Rule Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an event rule for a specific tickler event.

This screen is divided into 2 areas:

  • The top half of the screen displays the event rule settings, such as who to notify, the tickler category, resolution reason, and processing sequence number; see Event Rule Settings.

  • The bottom half of the screen displays the event rule options, or criteria, that must be met by the system action in order for the system to create a tickler. The event rule options are different for each tickler event.

For each event rule you create, you must define at least one event rule option, or criterion, the system uses to determine if a tickler should be created. If you define more than one rule criterion, the system action must meet all of the options defined for the event rule to create a tickler.


You cannot create a duplicate event rule, meaning, you cannot create 2 rules that have the same criteria or an error message indicates: Duplicate rule exists.

The Processing sequence number defined for each event rule determines the sequence in which the system validates each event rule to determine if a tickler should be created, 1 being the first priority. You should assign the most important event rules a lower sequence number.


If you create or change an event rule, you must restart the async jobs in the Background Job Control menu option before your updates are applied to new ticklers.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Tickler Event Rule Screen.

Field Description


The code and description for the tickler event associated with the event rule.

Code: Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Rule description

A description of the event rule, usually indicating the criteria defined for the rule.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.


A code for the tickler category assigned to the event rule. Tickler categories are used to group ticklers.

The tickler category at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The tickler category defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler category defined at the event level.

Tickler categories are defined in and validated against the Tickler Category table; see Working with Tickler Category (WTCT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Resolution reason

A code for the reason why a tickler for this event rule is resolved. Tickler resolution reason codes are assigned to a tickler once the tickler has been resolved.

The resolution reason at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The resolution reason defined at the event rule level overrides the resolution reason defined at the event level.

You must define a tickler resolution reason for all tickler events except for the MN (manually created) tickler event.

Tickler resolution reasons are defined in and validated against the Tickler Resolution Reason table; see Working with Tickler Resolution Reasons (WTRR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required except for MN tickler event.


Indicates whether the event rule is active.

selected = The event rule is currently active; the system creates a tickler for the event rule if its criteria are met by the system action. Remember, to create a tickler for the event rule, the Active flag at the event level must also be selected.

unselected = The event rule is not currently active; the system does not create a tickler, regardless of whether the system action qualifies for the event rule.

See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

Processing seq

The processing sequence number for the event rule. The processing sequence number defines the order in which the system evaluates the rules to determine if a tickler is created, from lowest sequence number to highest.

Note:  The first tickler event rule that meets the criteria creates a tickler. It is important that you assign the most important event rule the lowest processing sequence number.

If you do not define a processing sequence number for an event rule, the system assigns the event rule a processing sequence number of 0.

If all of the rules have the same processing sequence number, the system evaluates the rules in rule sequence number.

See Event Rule Processing Sequence.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Notify user/group

Indicates whether the system sends a Tickler Notification email to the assigned user or to all of the users in the assigned tickler user group when a tickler is created for this event rule.

selected = Notify the assigned user/user group when a tickler is created; use the email address defined for the user in the User Extended table. If the tickler is assigned to a user group, send a notification to each user in the group, using the email address defined for each user in the User Extended table.

unselected = Do not notify the assigned user/user group when a tickler is created; the user can review the ticklers in his queue at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view).

The notify user/group setting at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The notify user/group setting at the event rule level overrides the notify user/group setting defined at the event level.

See Tickler Notification for a sample Tickler Notification email.

Assign to orig user

Indicates if ticklers created for this event rule are assigned to the user that entered the order associated with the tickler.

selected = Assign ticklers created for this event rule to the user that entered the associated order. If this field is selected, you must also enter a user ID in the Assign to user field.

unselected = Do not assign ticklers created for this event rule to the user that entered the associated order; instead, assign the tickler to the specified user or tickler user group.

The assign to original user setting at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The tickler assignment defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler assignment defined at the event level.

Note:  See Tickler Assignment.

Assign to user

The user ID of the user the system assigns to ticklers for this event rule.

The assign to user setting at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The assign to setting at the event rule level overrides the assign to setting defined at the event level.

You can define either an assign to user or assign to user group for the event rule, but not both.

Users are defined in and validated against the User table; see Working with User Records (WUSR).

See Tickler Assignment.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Assign to user group

The tickler user group the system assigns to ticklers for this event rule.

The assign to user group setting at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The assign to setting at the event rule level overrides the assign to setting defined at the event level.

You can define either an assign to user or assign to user group for each event, but not both.

The tickler user group you enter must be defined as a user type and not a supervisor type.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group table; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

See Tickler Assignment.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Supervisor group

The tickler supervisor group the system assigns to ticklers for this event rule.

The supervisor group setting at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The supervisor group at the event rule level overrides the supervisor group defined at the event level.

The tickler user group you enter must be defined as a supervisor type and not a user type.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group table; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

See Tickler Assignment.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Notify supervisor

Indicates when a Supervisor Notification Count email is sent to the supervisor, based on the number of days since a tickler was created.

The system uses this calculation to determine the next notification date when a tickler is first created: tickler creation date + value in Number of days to notify supervisor field for the event/rule that created the tickler = next notification date. The system does not update the next notification date after a tickler is created.

The system sends the email to the email address defined for the supervisor user group in the Tickler User Group table.

The system continues sending an email to the supervisor group as long as a tickler assigned to the supervisor group is in an open or in process status and the Next notification date in the Tickler table is equal to or past the current date. If the next notification date is a future date, the system does not send an email until the next notification date is reached. If all ticklers assigned to the supervisor are resolved, the system no longer sends a Supervisor Notification Count email.


Leave this field blank if you do not want to notify the supervisor about aging ticklers for this event rule; the supervisor can review ticklers using the Workflow Management (WWFM) menu option.

The notify supervisor setting at the event level defaults, but you can override it. The notify supervisor setting at the event rule level overrides the notify supervisor setting defined at the event level.

If you define a number of days in this field, you must also define the supervisor group.

See Tickler Notification for a sample Supervisor Notification Count email.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Event rule options: For each event rule, you must define the options, or criteria, that must be met by the system action in order for the system to create a tickler. The event rule options are different for each tickler event. You must define at least one option, or criterion, for each tickler event rule. For more information on defining event rule options, see:

BO (Backorders) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the BO tickler event when an item on an order is placed on backorder and the order qualifies for a BO event rule.

When is the BO event evaluated? The system evaluates the BO event when you or the system place an item on backorder:

Allowing multiple ticklers for the BO event:

  • If you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates multiple ticklers for an order that contains one or more backordered items; a separate tickler is created for each event rule whose criteria are met.

  • If you do not allow multiple ticklers, the system creates only 1 tickler per order ship to that contains one or more items on backorder, regardless of whether the backordered order qualifies for more than one event rule; the system does not create a separate tickler for each transaction that backorders an item on the order.

BO Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for a BO event rule.


The system creates a separate tickler for each ship to order that has a backordered item that meets the rule’s criteria, regardless of the Allow multiple ticklers setting.

Criterion Event rule set up

An item is placed on backorder by a batch process, such as voiding and unreserving a pick ticket or unreserving an item during Interactive Reservation.

Deselect the Initial backorder field.

The backordered item was initially backordered in order entry/maintenance and not by some other program.

Select the Initial backorder field.

The life-to-date order dollars for the sold to customer (the $ orders LTD field in the Customer Sold To Order History table) on the order meets the comparison criteria on the event rule.

Enter a comparison value (valid values are GT greater than, GE greater than or equal to, LT less than, LE less than or equal to) in the Comparison field and a dollar amount in the LTD order dollars field.

You can only define a whole number for the life-to-date order dollars.

You can review the life-to-date order dollars for a sold to customer at the Display Customer Order History Screen.

The customer class for the sold to customer on the order matches the customer class on the event rule.

Enter a customer class in the Customer class field.

Note:  The system does not look at the customer class defined for the ship to customer.

The item and/or SKU on backorder matches the item and/or SKU on the event rule.

Enter an item code in the Item field and optionally, a SKU code in the SKU field.

If you define an item but not a SKU code and the item contains SKUs, the system creates a tickler for the item if any of the SKUs for the item are on backorder.

If you define both an item and SKU, the system creates a tickler only if that specific SKU is on backorder.

The item status for the item on backorder matches the item status on the event rule.

Enter an item status in the Item status field.

The item class for the item on backorder matches the item class on the event rule.

Enter an item class in the Item class field.

The ship via for the order line or order where the item on backorder is located matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the ship via for the ship to must match the ship via on the event rule.

The priority of the ship via for the order line or order where the item on backorder is located matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the ship via priority for the ship to must match the ship via priority on the event rule.

BO Event Examples

Example 1: Allow multiple ticklers is unselected for the BO event.

The following event rules are defined for the BO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Item is A123.

  • Event rule 2: Item status is B.

  • Event rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than $100.

  • Event rule 4: Customer class is CC.

You enter an order and:

  • item A123 is on backorder.

  • item B456 is on backorder and the item status is B.

  • the sold to customer’s class is CC and life-to-date order dollars is $500.

The system creates 1 tickler for rule 1: Item is A123.

In this scenario, the system creates only 1 tickler for the order containing backordered items even though the order qualified for all of the event rules.

An example: the system creates only 1 tickler for the order containing backordered items even though the order qualified for all of the event rules.

Example 2: Allow multiple ticklers is selected for the BO event.

The following event rules are defined for the BO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Item is A123.

  • Event rule 2: Item status is B.

  • Event rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than $100.

  • Event rule 4: Customer class is CC.

You enter an order and:

  • item A123 is on backorder.

  • item B456 is on backorder and the item status is B.

  • the sold to customer’s class is CC and life-to-date order dollars is $500.

The system creates 4 ticklers for the order:

  • the first tickler is created for rule 1: Item is A123.

  • the second tickler is created for rule 2: Item status is B.

  • the third tickler is created for rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than $100.

  • the fourth tickler is created for rule 4: Customer class is CC.

In this scenario, the system creates 4 ticklers for the order containing backordered items; a separate tickler is created for each rule whose criteria are met.

In this scenario, the system creates 4 ticklers for the order containing backordered items; a separate tickler is created for each rule whose criteria are met.

Resolving BO Ticklers

A BO tickler is resolved when you or the system:

CO (Cancelled Orders) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the CO tickler event when an order is cancelled or contains an order line that is cancelled and the order qualifies for a CO event rule.

When is the CO event evaluated? The system evaluates the CO event when you or the system cancels an order or order line during:

Allowing multiple ticklers for the CO event: 

  • If you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates multiple ticklers for an order that is cancelled or contains cancelled order lines; a separate tickler is created for each event rule whose criteria are met.

  • If you do not allow multiple ticklers, the system creates only 1 tickler per order ship to that contains a cancelled order/order line, for example if 1 tickler is created during order maintenance another tickler cannot be created during Process Auto Soldout Cancellations.

CO Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for a CO event rule.


The system creates a separate tickler for each ship to order that has a cancelled order line and meets the rule’s criteria, regardless of the Allow multiple ticklers setting. When you cancel an order, the system creates a separate tickler for each ship to order you cancel.

Criterion Event rule set up

The order or order line is cancelled, regardless of whether it is by a batch process or interactively.

Deselect the Batch process only field.

The order or order line is cancelled by a batch process and not interactively.

Select the Batch process only field.

You can cancel an order/order line during a batch process using:

  • Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB)

  • Working with Credit Card Cancellations (WCCC)

  • Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO)

The life-to-date order dollars for the sold to customer (the $ orders LTD field in the Customer Sold To Order History table) on the order meets the comparison criteria on the event rule.

Enter a comparison value (GT greater than, GE greater than or equal to, LT less than, LE less than or equal to) in the Comparison field and a dollar amount in the LTD order dollars field.

You can only define a whole number for the life-to-date order dollars.

You can review the life-to-date order dollars for a sold to customer at the Display Customer Order History Screen.

The customer class for the sold to customer on the order matches the customer class on the event rule.

Enter a customer class in the Customer class field.

Note:  The system does not look at the customer class defined for the ship to customer.

The item and/or SKU on the cancelled order line matches the item and/or SKU on the event rule.

Enter an item code in the Item field and optionally, a SKU code in the SKU field.

If you define an item but not a SKU code and the cancelled item contains SKUs, the system creates a tickler for the item if any of the SKUs for the item are cancelled.

If you define both an item and SKU, the system creates a tickler only if that specific SKU is cancelled.

The item status for the item on the cancelled order line matches the item status on the event rule.

Enter an item status in the Item status field.

The item class for the item on the cancelled order line matches the item class on the event rule.

Enter an item class in the Item class field.

The cancel reason on the cancelled order line/order matches the cancel reason on the event rule.

Enter a cancel reason code in the Cancel reason field.

The ship via for the cancelled order/order line matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via on the event rule.

The priority of the ship via for the cancelled order/order line matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the priority of the ship via on the detail line first, then the priority of the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via priority, you cannot define a Ship via for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the priority of the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via priority on the event rule.

CO Event Examples

Example 1: Allow multiple ticklers is unselected for the CO event.

The following event rules are defined for the CO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Batch process only is selected

  • Event rule 2: Item is A123

  • Event rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than 500

  • Event rule 4: Ship via is 1

You enter an order and:

  • the ship via on the order header is 1.

  • the items on the order are A123 and B456.

  • the sold to customer’s life-to-date order dollars is $75.00.

  • in order maintenance, you cancel order line 1 for item B456.

  • in Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB), you cancel item A123.

In this scenario, the system creates 1 tickler during order maintenance for rule 4: Ship via is 1. The system does not create a tickler for the other rules whose criteria are met. The system does not create a tickler during Process Substitute Items since a CO tickler already exists for the order/order ship to.

Workflow of the system that creates 1 tickler during order maintenance for rule 4: Ship via is 1

Example 2: Allow multiple ticklers is selected for the CO event.

The following event rules are defined for the CO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Batch process only is selected

  • Event rule 2: Item is A123

  • Event rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than 500

  • Event rule 4: Ship via is 1

You enter an order and:

  • the ship via on the order header is 1.

  • the items on the order are A123 and B456.

  • the sold to customer’s life-to-date order dollars is $75.00.

  • in order maintenance, you cancel order line 1 for item B456.

  • in Processing Item Substitutions (PSUB), you cancel item A123.

In this scenario, the system creates 1 tickler during order maintenance for rule 4: Ship via is 1.

The system creates 2 ticklers during Process Substitute Items:

  • the first tickler is created for rule 1: Batch process only is selected.

  • the second tickler is created for rule 2: Item is A123.

A tickler is not created for rule 3 during Process Substitute Items because a tickler already exists for that order using that rule.

This shows the work flow for creating the process substitute tickler.

Resolving CO Ticklers

A CO tickler is resolved when you or the system select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

HO (Held Orders) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the HO tickler event when an order’s order header, order ship to (recipient), or order payment method is placed on hold and the order qualifies for an HO event rule. The system does not create a tickler for an order line placed on hold.

When is the HO event evaluated? The system evaluates the HO event when you or the system place an order on hold during:

  • order entry processing

  • order maintenance processing

  • batch order entry (this includes orders received via the phone order interface and ecommerce)

  • credit card authorization (during order entry (online authorization), pick slip generation, and drop ship processing)

Allowing multiple ticklers for the HO event: 

  • If you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates multiple ticklers for an order or order payment method that is held; a separate tickler is created for each event rule whose criteria are met.

  • If you do not allow multiple ticklers, the system creates only 1 tickler per order ship to that places an order or order payment method on hold, for example if the system creates 1 HO tickler during order entry the system will not create another HO tickler during credit card authorizations.

HO Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for an HO event rule.


The system creates a separate tickler for each ship to customer order that meets the rule’s criteria, regardless of the Allow multiple ticklers setting.

Criterion Event rule set up

The order hold reason for the held order matches the order hold reason on the event rule.

Enter a hold reason in the Order hold reason field.

This setting is used for order header holds and recipient holds.

The system creates a tickler for both system and user hold reasons.

The pay type for the held order matches the pay type on the event rule.

Enter a pay type code in the Pay type field.

The pay type hold reason for the held order payment method matches the pay type hold reason on the event rule.

Enter a hold reason in the Pay type hold reason field.

The system creates a tickler for both system and user hold reasons.

Note:  The system does not create a tickler for the CW (awaiting credit card authorization) pay type hold.

The order total for the held order meets the order total comparison on the event rule.

Enter a comparison value (valid values are GT greater than, GE greater than or equal to, LT less than, LE less than or equal to) in the Comparison field and a dollar amount in the Order total field.

You can only define a whole number for the order total.

The order total is the sum of all charges on the order, including merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, and additional charges across all recipients on the order.

The ship via for the held order/order line matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via on the event rule.

The priority of the ship via for the held order/order line matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the priority of the ship via on the detail line first, then the priority of the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via priority, you cannot define a Ship via for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the priority of the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via priority on the event rule.

HO Event Examples

Example 1: Allow multiple ticklers is selected for the HO event.

The following event rules are defined for the HO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Order hold reason is HS (sold to/ship to fraud)

  • Event rule 2: Order hold reason is PT (pay type hold)

  • Event rule 3: Pay type hold reason is PV (pay plan velocity hold)

You enter an order and:

  • the sold to customer on the order is a fraud (F in the Hold/bypass/fraud field for the customer). The system places the order ship to customer on HS (sold to/ship to fraud).

  • the order pay type on the order is credit card with deferred payment and the card has been used too many times within a specified time period with a deferred payment option. The system places the order header on PT (pay type) hold and the order pay type on PV (pay plan velocity) hold.

In this scenario, the system creates 3 ticklers:

  • the first tickler is created for the order ship to hold using rule 1: Order hold reason is HS (sold to/ship to fraud).

  • the second tickler is created for the order header hold using rule 2: Order hold reason is PT (pay type hold).

  • the third tickler is created for the pay type hold using rule 3: Pay type hold reason is PV (pay plan velocity hold)

This shows the work flow for creating 3 ticklers.

Example 2:

Allow multiple ticklers is unselected for the HO event.

The following event rules are defined for the HO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Order hold reason is HS (sold to/ship to fraud)

  • Event rule 2: Order hold reason is PT (pay type hold)

  • Event rule 4: Pay type hold reason is PV (pay plan velocity hold)

You enter an order and:

  • the sold to customer on the order is a fraud (F in the Hold/bypass/fraud field for the customer). The system places the order ship to customer on HS (sold to/ship to fraud).

  • the order pay type on the order is credit card with deferred payment and the card has been used too many times within a specified time period with a deferred payment option. The system places the order header on PT (pay type) hold and the order pay type on PV (pay plan velocity) hold.

This shows an example of an HO tickler event rule.

In this scenario, the system creates 1 tickler for the order ship to hold using the first rule: Order hold reason is HS (sold to/ship to fraud). The system does not create a tickler for the other rules whose criteria are met.

Resolving HO Ticklers

An HO tickler is resolved when you:

MN (Manually Created) Event Processing

You can manually create a tickler at the Create Tickler Screen.

How to display this screen: You can advance to the Create Tickler screen from the:

Allowing multiple ticklers for the MN event: The Allow multiple ticklers setting does not apply to manually created ticklers.

MN event rule criteria: You cannot define event rules for the MN tickler event. However, you can associate a manually created tickler with a specific:

  • order number and ship to number

  • customer sold to number

  • customer ship to number

  • customer bill to number

  • existing tickler number

Depending on how you advance to the Create Tickler screen, the system automatically associates the tickler with a specific order or customer. For example, if you advance to the Create Tickler screen from the Work with Ticklers Screen (sold to customer view), the system automatically associates the manually created tickler with the sold to customer.

Resolving MN Ticklers

A MN tickler is resolved when you select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

NO (New Orders) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the NO tickler event when the status of an order line updates to open or closed and the order qualifies for an NO event rule.

The system creates a tickler for each order containing one or more order lines that are updated to open or closed; the system does not create a separate tickler for each order line that is updated to open or closed.

Soldout orders: The system will never create an NO tickler for an order that is entirely soldout; this is because none of the lines on the order are ever updated to open or closed.


Even if a NO tickler exists for an order, the order can continue through the order cycle.

When is the NO event evaluated? The system evaluates the NO event when an order:

  • is accepted (because the status of an order line updates from suspended to open), before creating a pre-generated pick. If a web order is placed in an error status in an order batch, the system evaluates the NO event when you edit and accept the order batch. Note: The system does not evaluate the NO event when you accept an order in order maintenance.

  • is processed through the Billing Async (because the status of an order line updates to closed).

Allowing multiple ticklers for the NO event: 

  • If you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates multiple ticklers for an order containing one or more order lines that are updated to open or closed; a separate tickler is created for each event rule whose criteria are met.

  • If you do not allow multiple ticklers, the system creates only 1 tickler for an order containing one or more order lines that are updated to open or closed, regardless of whether the order qualifies for more than one event rule; the system does not create a separate tickler for each transaction that updates or closes an order.

NO Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for an NO event rule.

The Order line status setting is used with all other criteria you define for an event rule. For example, if you define an item status, the item on the order line must match the specified item status and the status of the order line must update to open or closed (whichever order line status you specify).

Hold reason: If you enter a valid hold reason in the Hold reason field, the system places the order on hold at the user level when a NO tickler is created for the event rule. In this situation, the system removes any pick slip preparation from the order; see Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation.


Unless otherwise noted, the system creates a separate tickler for each ship to customer on the order that has an open/closed order line that qualifies for an event rule, regardless of the Allow multiple ticklers setting.

Criterion Event rule set up

The order line status changes to open/closed.

Enter an order line status code in the Order line status field.

blank = The order line status changes to open; for example, you enter a new order line.

X = the order line status changes to closed; for example, you ship an order line.

The ordered quantity or shipped quantity for the open/closed order line is equal to or greater than the quantity on the event rule.

Enter a quantity in the Quantity ordered/shipped field.

  • the quantity represents the ordered quantity if the Order line status is blank.

  • the quantity represents the shipped quantity if the Order line status is X.

The item status for the item on the open/closed order line matches the item status on the event rule.

Enter an item status in the Item status field.

The open/closed order line is for a first time buyer.

Select the First time buyer field.

The system considers the sold to customer a first time buyer if the Current mail type field for the customer is a value other than B (buyer).

Note:  The system creates one tickler for the first ship to order if the sold to customer on the order qualifies; the system does not create a tickler for subsequent ship to orders.

The item class for the item on the open/closed order line matches the item class on the event rule.

Enter an item class in the Item class field.

The item and/or SKU on the open/closed order line matches the item and/or SKU on the event rule.

Enter an item code in the Item field and optionally, a SKU code in the SKU field.

If you define an item but not a SKU code and the item contains SKUs, the system creates a tickler for the item if any of the SKUs for the item are on an open/closed order line.

If you define both an item and SKU, the system creates a tickler only if that specific SKU is on an open/closed order line.

The order type on the order matches the order type on the event rule.

Enter an order type in the Order type field.

Note:  A tickler is created for each ship to order whose order type matches the order type on the event rule.

The last order date for the sold to customer (the Last order field in the Customer Sold To Order History table) on the order is past the current date by the number of days on the event rule.

Enter a number in the Number days since field.

You can review the last order date for a sold to customer on the Display Customer Order History Screen.

Note:  The system does not create a separate tickler for each ship to.

The country code on the ship to order matches the country code on the event rule.

Enter a country code in the Country field.

Note:  A tickler is created for each ship to order whose country code matches the country code on the event rule.

If you define a country code you cannot exclude the default country.

The country code on the ship to order must be a country other than the Default Country for Customer Address (B17).

Select the Exclude default country field.

Note:  A tickler is created for each ship to order whose country code qualifies for the event rule.

If you exclude the default country you cannot define a country code.

The order total on the order meets the order dollars comparison criteria on the event rule.

Enter a comparison value (valid values are GT greater than, GE greater than or equal to, LT less than, LE less than or equal to) in the Comparison field and a dollar amount in the Order dollars field.

The order total is the sum of all charges on the order, including merchandise, freight, additional freight, tax, handling, and additional charges across all recipients on the order.

You can only define a whole number for the order dollars.

The ship via code on the order line or order header matches the ship via code on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field. Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via table.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

A tickler is created for each ship to order whose ship via code at the line level or header level matches the ship via code on the event rule.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

The priority for the ship via code on the order line or order header matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority (1-9) in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

A tickler is created for each ship to order whose ship via code at the line level or header level has a ship via priority that matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

If you enter a Ship via priority, you cannot define a Ship via for the event rule.

NO Event Examples

Example 1: Allow multiple ticklers is selected for the NO event.

The following event rules are defined for the NO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Order line status is blank and Order type is I.

  • Event rule 2: Order line status is X.

  • Event rule 3: Order line status is blank and Exclude default country is selected.

You enter an order and:

  • the order type is I.

  • the country code on the order is JPY (the default country code is USA).

In this scenario, the system creates 2 ticklers when the order is processed by the Order Async:

  • the first tickler is created for rule 1: Order line status is blank and Order type is I.

  • the second tickler is created for rule 3: Order line status is blank and Exclude default country is selected.

You generate a pick ticket and ship the order. The system creates 1 tickler when the order is processed by the Billing Async for rule 2: Order line status is X.

Work flow example for generating a pick ticket and order

Example 2: Allow multiple ticklers is unselected for the NO event.

The following event rules are defined for the NO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Order line status is blank and Order type is I.

  • Event rule 2: Order line status is X.

  • Event rule 3: Order line status is blank and Exclude default country is selected.

You enter an order and:

  • the order type is I.

  • the country code on the order is JPY (the default country code is USA).

In this scenario, the system creates 1 tickler when the order is processed by the Order Async for rule 1: Order line status is blank and Order type is I.

You generate a pick ticket and ship the order. The system does not create a tickler when the order is processed by the Billing Async.

This is an example

Resolving NO Ticklers

A NO tickler is resolved when you:

OO (Aged Open Orders) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the OO tickler event when an aged open order exists.

An aged open order is:

  • an order whose order header is open or held, and

  • the order contains one or more order lines that are open or held, and

  • the order line is not reserved (Quantity reserved is 0) or is reserved but not printed (Quantity reserved is greater than 0 and Quantity printed is 0), and

  • the order is older than a specified number of days, based on entered date or arrival date defined for the order lines on the order.

One tickler is created for each ship to customer on an aged open order that qualifies for an OO event rule; if an aged open order qualifies for more than 1 event rule, the system creates 1 tickler for the first event rule, in processing sequence order, that qualifies.


The system does not allow multiple ticklers for the OO event (the Allow multiple ticklers field must be unselected).

When is the OO event evaluated? The system evaluates the OO event when you run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Tickler periodic function (program name PFR0072).

Graduating OO ticklers: Each time you run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Tickler periodic function, the system determines is any existing OO ticklers should be graduated.

  • If an OO tickler exists for an aged open order and the aged open order qualifies for a new event rule, based on processing sequence order, the system keeps the existing tickler open and applies the new event rule to the tickler.

  • If an OO tickler exists for an aged open order and the aged open order qualifies for the event rule currently assigned to the existing tickler, the system does not create a new tickler and keeps the existing tickler without any updates.

  • If an OO tickler exists for an aged open order and the aged open order no longer qualifies for the current event rule and does not qualify for any other OO event rules, the system resolves the tickler; see Resolving OO Ticklers.

The system updates the existing tickler with the information related to the event rule that is now associated with the tickler:

  • Rule number updates to the new event rule assigned to the tickler.

  • Category updates to the category for the new event rule.

  • Priority updates to the priority for the new event rule.

  • Assigned to updates to the assigned to user/group for the new event rule.

  • Assigned date updates to the date the tickler is graduated.

  • Supervisor group updates to the supervisor group for the new event rule.

  • Date to notify supervisor updates, based on the new supervisor group assigned.

  • Tickler procedures updates to the procedures for the new event rule.

  • if the tickler was in-process, the system changes the status back to open.

  • if the Notify user/group field is selected for the new event rule, the system sends a Tickler Reassignment email; see Tickler Notification for a sample email. Note: The system sends a Tickler Reassignment email only if the new event rule has a different assigned to user/group from the previous event rule assigned to the tickler.

  • the system creates a tickler history record, indicating the tickler has been graduated from one event rule to another.

OO Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for an OO event rule.

The Orders older than date setting is used with all other criteria you define for an event rule. For example, if you define a ship via, the aged open order must match the specified ship via and the order’s entered/arrival date must be older than the system date by the number of days defined.


The system creates a separate tickler for each ship to order that has an order line that qualifies; the system does not create a separate tickler for each order line that qualifies.

Criterion Event rule set up

The order line’s entered date/arrival date is older than the current date by the number of days on the event rule.

Enter a date indicator code (E = entered date, A = arrival date) in the Date indicator field and enter a number in the Orders older than field.

The system requires you to enter a date indicator and number of days.

Note:  The system evaluates the entered date/arrival date on the order detail line; the system does not evaluate the entered date/arrival date on the order header.

The ship via for the aged open order matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you define a ship via for the event rule, you cannot define a ship via priority.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via on the event rule.

The priority of the ship via for the aged open order matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the priority of the ship via on the detail line first, then the priority of the ship via on the order header.

If you define a ship via priority for the event rule, you cannot define a ship via.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the priority of the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via priority on the event rule.

OO Event Example

The following event rules are defined for the OO event rule, in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Orders older than 5 days by Arrival date and Ship via is 2

  • Event rule 2: Orders older than 1 day by Arrival date and Ship via is 2

You run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function and:

  • Order # 6599 qualifies for event rule 2 (an order line’s arrival date is older than 1 day and the ship via is 2)

  • Order # 6601 qualifies for event rule 2 (an order line’s arrival date is older than 1 day and the ship via is 2)

The system creates an OO tickler for each order.

You run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function again and:

  • Order # 6599 qualifies for event rule 1 (an order line’s arrival date is older than 5 days and the ship via is 2)

  • Order # 6601 qualifies for event rule 2 (an order line’s arrival date is older than 1 day and the ship via is 2)

The system graduates the existing tickler for order # 6599 to event rule 1; the existing tickler for order # 6601 continues using rule 2.

You run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function again, and:

  • order # 6599 qualifies for event rule 1 (an order line’s arrival date is older than 5 days and the ship via is 2)

  • order # 6601 does not qualify for any rules (a pick has been generated)

The existing tickler for order # 6599 continues using rule 1. The system resolves the existing tickler for order # 6601.

This is an example of the existing tickler for order # 6599 continues using rule 1. The system resolves the existing tickler for order # 6601

Resolving OO Ticklers

An OO tickler is resolved when you:

  • select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

  • run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function (program name PFR0072), if the tickler no longer applies to any OO event rules. For example, the order is now cancelled.

  • generate a pick slip for the order. Note: When you generate a pick slip for the order, the system resolves the tickler automatically and does not wait until you run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function.

SD (SVC Activation Decline) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the SD tickler event when a stored value card activation request receives a declined activation response from the service bureau.

The system creates a tickler for each stored value card activation request that receives a declined response.

The tickler indicates the:

  • order number and ship to number associated with the stored value card

  • customer number (sold to and ship to) on the order

  • stored value card item number, SKU code, and description

To activate a declined stored value card: You must call the service bureau to activate the card.

When is the SD tickler event evaluated? The system evaluates the SD tickler event when the SVC_OUT job receives a stored value card activation response from the service bureau.

Allowing multiple ticklers for the SD event: The Allow multiple ticklers setting does not apply to SD ticklers.

SD event rule criteria: You cannot define event rules for the SD tickler event.

Resolving SD Ticklers

An SD tickler is resolved when you select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation.

SO (Soldout Orders) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the SO (soldout orders) event each time an item on an order is soldout and the order qualifies for an SO event rule.

When is the SO event evaluated? The system evaluates the SO event when you or the system sell out an item during:

Quotes: The system does not evaluate the SO tickler event for a quote until you convert it to an order.

Allowing multiple ticklers for the SO event: 

  • If you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates multiple ticklers for an order containing soldout order lines; a separate tickler is created for each event rule whose criteria are met.

  • If you do not allow multiple ticklers, the system creates only 1 tickler per order ship to that sells out an order line, for example if the system creates 1 tickler during order entry the system will not create another tickler during auto soldout cancellations.

SO Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for an SO event rule.

Hold reason: If you enter a valid hold reason in the Hold reason field, the system places the order on hold at the user level when an SO tickler is created for the event rule unless the order is in a closed status. If the order contains more than one ship to, both ship to orders are placed on hold.


The system creates a separate tickler for each ship to order that has a soldout item, regardless of the Allow multiple ticklers setting.

Criterion Event rule set up

The order line is soldout by a batch process, such as Process Auto Soldout Cancellations, and not interactively.

Select the Batch process only field.

Note:  If the Batch process only field is selected, the Interactive mode field must be blank.

The order line is sold out interactively in order entry, order maintenance, or batch order entry (this includes orders received via the phone order interface and ecommerce).

Enter a mode in the Interactive mode field.

E = The order line is soldout interactively in order entry or batch order entry.

M = The order line is soldout interactively in order maintenance.

B = The order line is soldout interactively in order entry, order maintenance, or batch order entry.

Note:  If you enter a value in the Interactive mode field, the Batch process only field must be unselected; this means the system creates ticklers for soldout items during the specified interactive mode and during batch processing.

The life-to-date order dollars for the sold to customer (the $ orders LTD field in the Customer Sold To Order History table) on the order meets the life-to-date order dollars comparison on the event rule.

Enter a comparison value (valid values are GT greater than, GE greater than or equal to, LT less than, LE less than or equal to) in the Comparison field and a dollar amount in the LTD order dollars field.

You can only define a whole number for the life-to-date order dollars.

You can review the life-to-date order dollars for a sold to customer at the Display Customer Order History Screen.

The customer class for the sold to customer on the order matches the customer class on the event rule.

Enter a customer class in the Customer class field.

Note:  The system does not look at the customer class defined for the ship to customer.

The item and/or SKU on the soldout order line matches the item and/or SKU on the event rule.

Enter an item code in the Item field and optionally, a SKU code in the SKU field.

If you define an item but not a SKU code and the soldout item contains SKUs, the system creates a tickler for the item if any of the SKUs for the item are soldout.

If you define both an item and SKU, the system creates a tickler only if that specific SKU is soldout.

The item status for the soldout item matches the item status on the event rule.

Enter an item status in the Item status field.

The item class for the soldout item matches the item class on the event rule.

Enter an item class in the Item class field.

The ship via for the soldout order line matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via on the event rule

The priority of the ship via for the soldout order line matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the detail line first, then the ship via on the order header.

If you enter a Ship via priority, you cannot define a Ship via for the event rule.

Note:  To create a tickler for each ship to order, the priority of the ship via for the ship to customer must match the ship via priority on the event rule.

SO Event Examples

Example 1: Allow multiple ticklers is unselected for the SO event.

The following event rules are defined for the SO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Ship via is 1

  • Event rule 2: Item is A123

  • Event rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than $100

  • Event rule 4: Interactive mode is M (order maintenance)

You enter an order and:

  • the ship via on the order header is 1.

  • the item on the order is A123 and is not soldout in order entry.

  • the sold to customer’s life-to-date order dollars is $75.00.

  • in order maintenance, you sell out item A123.

In this scenario, the system creates 1 tickler during order maintenance for the first rule: Ship via is 1. The system does not create a tickler for the other rules whose criteria are met.

This is an example of the system creating 1 tickler during order maintenance for the first rule: Ship via is 1. The system does not create a tickler for the other rules whose criteria are met.

Example 2: Allow multiple ticklers is selected for the SO event.

The following event rules are defined for the SO event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Ship via is 1

  • Event rule 2: Item is A123

  • Event rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than $100

  • Event rule 4: Interactive mode is M (order maintenance)

You enter an order and:

  • the ship via on the order header is 1.

  • the item on the order is A123 and is not soldout in order entry.

  • the sold to customer’s life-to-date order dollars is $75.00.

  • in order maintenance, you sell out item A123.

In this scenario, the system creates 3 ticklers during order maintenance:

  • the first tickler is created for rule 1: Ship via is 1.

  • the second tickler is created for rule 2: Item is A123.

  • the third tickler is created for rule 4: Interactive mode is M (order maintenance).

A tickler is not created for rule 3: LTD order dollars is greater than $100, since the sold to customer’s life-to-date order dollars is less than $100.

This is the work flow of a the system creating 3 ticklers during order maintenance.

Resolving SO Ticklers

An SO tickler is resolved when you select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

SV (SVC Number Assignment) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the SV tickler event when an order containing a stored value card item is processed by billing without a number assignment. This may occur if you send a physical stored value card item to the manifesting station without first using the Working with Physical Stored Value Card Assignment (WPSA) menu option to assign a number to the card.

The system creates a tickler for each unit of the item that is not assigned a stored value card number.

The tickler indicates the:

  • order number and ship to number associated with the stored value card

  • customer number (sold to and ship to) on the order

  • stored value card item number, SKU code, and description

  • pick control number containing the stored value card item

If the stored value card is a physical card (SVC type P or E), you must call the customer, indicate the stored value card has not yet been activated, and ask for the number printed on the card.

If the stored value card is a virtual card (SVC type V), you must assign a number from the Virtual Card Number Table (FLSVCA) to the card and email this information to the recipient card holder.

When is the SV tickler event evaluated? The system evaluates the SV tickler event when an order containing a stored value card item is processed through the Billing Async.

Allowing multiple ticklers for the SV event: The Allow multiple ticklers setting does not apply to SV ticklers.

SV event rule criteria: You cannot define event rules for the SV tickler event.

Resolving SV Ticklers

An SV tickler is resolved when you select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

For more information: See Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation.

UP (Unconfirmed Pick Tickets) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the UP tickler event when a pick ticket exists that has not been confirmed.


You can use the UP event in place of printing the Carryover report.

The system considers a pick ticket unconfirmed if the pick control header status is blank (open), M (submitted to manifest), or O (carryover). If the pick ticket’s status is some other value, the system does not create a tickler for the pick ticket.

One tickler is created for each unconfirmed pick ticket that qualifies for a UP event rule; if an unconfirmed pick ticket qualifies for more than 1 event rule, the system creates 1 tickler for the first event rule, in processing sequence order, that qualifies.


The system does not allow multiple ticklers for the UP event (the Allow multiple ticklers field must be unselected).

When is the UP event evaluated? The system evaluates the UP event when you run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Tickler periodic function (program name PFR0072).

Graduating UP ticklers: Each time you run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Tickler periodic function, the system determines is any existing UP ticklers should be graduated.

  • If a UP tickler exists for an unconfirmed pick ticket and the unconfirmed pick ticket qualifies for a new event rule, based on processing sequence order, the system keeps the existing tickler open and applies the new event rule to the tickler.

  • If a UP tickler exists for an unconfirmed pick ticket and the unconfirmed pick ticket qualifies for the event rule currently assigned to the existing tickler, the system does not create a new tickler and keeps the existing tickler without any updates.

  • If a UP tickler exists for an unconfirmed pick ticket and the unconfirmed pick ticket no longer qualifies for the current event rule and does not qualify for any other UP event rules, the system resolves the tickler; see Resolving UP Ticklers.

The system updates the existing tickler with the information related to the event rule that is now associated with the tickler:

  • Rule number updates to the new event rule assigned to the tickler.

  • Category updates to the category for the new event rule.

  • Priority updates to the priority for the new event rule.

  • Assigned to updates to the assigned to user/group for the new event rule.

  • Assigned date updates to the date the tickler is graduated.

  • Supervisor group updates to the supervisor group for the new event rule.

  • Date to notify supervisor updates, based on the new supervisor group assigned.

  • Tickler procedures updates to the procedures for the new event rule.

  • if the tickler was in-process, the system changes the status back to open.

  • if the Notify user/group field is selected for the new event rule, the system sends a Tickler Reassignment email; see Tickler Notification for a sample email. Note: The system sends a Tickler Reassignment email only if the new event rule has a different assigned to user/group from the previous event rule assigned to the tickler.

  • the system creates a tickler history record, indicating the tickler has been graduated from one event rule to another.

UP Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for a UP event rule.


The Pick older than setting is used with all other criteria you define for an event rule. For example, if you define a pick category, the pick ticket must match the specified pick category and the pick control date for the pick ticket must be older than the system date by the number of days defined.

Criterion Event rule set up

The Pick control date for the unconfirmed pick ticket is older than the system date by the number of days on the event rule.

Enter a number in the Picks older than field.

The system requires you to enter a number of days.

The pick category defined for the pick ticket matches the pick category on the event rule.

Enter a pick category code in the Picks category field.

D = The pick category for the unconfirmed pick ticket is D (drop ship pick ticket).

R = The pick category for the unconfirmed pick ticket is R (regular pick ticket).

S = The pick category for the unconfirmed pick ticket is S (special handling pick ticket.

The ship via for the unconfirmed pick ticket matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

The system evaluates the ship via on the unconfirmed pick ticket, not the ship via on the order.

If you enter a ship via for the event rule, you cannot define a ship via priority.

The priority of the ship via for the unconfirmed pick ticket matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

The system evaluates the priority of the ship via on the unconfirmed pick ticket, not the ship via on the order.

If you enter a ship via priority for the event rule, you cannot define a ship via.

UP Event Example

The following event rules are defined for the UP event rule, in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Pick control date is 5 days for Pick category R (regular picks)

  • Event rule 2: Pick control date is 1 day for Pick category R (regular picks)

You run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function and:

  • Pick ticket # 69 qualifies for event rule 2

  • Pick ticket # 72 qualifies for event rule 2

The system creates a UP tickler for each pick ticket.

You run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function again and:

  • Pick ticket # 69 qualifies for event rule 1

  • Pick ticket # 72 qualifies for event rule 2

The system graduates the existing tickler for pick ticket # 69 to event rule 1; the existing tickler for pick ticket # 72 continues using rule 2.

You run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function again, and:

  • pick ticket # 69 qualifies for event rule 1

  • pick ticket # 72 does not qualify for any rules (the pick ticket has been confirmed)

The existing tickler for pick ticket # 69 continues using rule 1. The system resolves the existing tickler for pick ticket # 72.

The work flow for the system creation of a UP tickler for each pick ticket.

Resolving UP Ticklers

A UP tickler is resolved when you:

  • select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

  • run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function (program name PFR0072), if the tickler no longer applies to any OO event rules. For example, the pick ticket has been voided or reprinted.

  • confirm the pick ticket. Note: When you confirm the pick ticket, the system resolves the tickler automatically and does not wait until you run the Evaluate Create/Resolve Ticklers periodic function.

VP (Voided Pick Tickets) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the VP tickler event when a pick ticket is voided.

When is the VP event evaluated? The system evaluates the VP event when you void a pick ticket by:


The Void Pick Batch (WSVP) option does not create VP ticklers.

Allowing multiple ticklers for the VP event: 

  • If you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates multiple ticklers for the voided pick ticket; a separate tickler is created for each event rule whose criteria are met.

  • If you do not allow multiple ticklers, the system creates only 1 tickler for the voided pick ticket.

VP Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criteria for a VP event rule.

Hold reason: If you enter a valid hold reason in the Hold reason field, the system places the order on hold at the user level when a VP tickler is created for the event rule. In this situation, the system removes any pick slip preparation from the order; see Preparing Orders for Pick Slip Generation.

Criterion Event rule set up

The ship via for the order ship to associated with the voided pick ticket matches the ship via on the event rule.

Enter a ship via code in the Ship via field.

If you enter a Ship via, you cannot define a Ship via priority for the event rule.

The system evaluates the ship via on the order ship to, on the ship via on the pick ticket header.

The priority of the ship via for the order ship to associated with the voided pick ticket matches the ship via priority on the event rule.

Enter a ship via priority number in the Ship via priority field.

If you enter a Ship via priority, you cannot define a Ship via for the event rule.

The system evaluates the ship via on the order ship to, not the ship via on the pick ticket header.

The item and/or SKU on the voided pick ticket matches the item and/or SKU on the event rule.

Enter an item code in the Item field and optionally, a SKU code in the SKU field.

If you define an item but not a SKU code and the item contains SKUs, the system creates a tickler for the item if any of the SKUs for the item are on a voided pick ticket.

If you define both an item and SKU, the system creates a tickler only if that specific SKU is on a voided pick ticket.

VP Event Examples

Example 1: Allow multiple ticklers is unselected for the VP event.

The following event rules are defined for the VP event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Ship via is 1

  • Event rule 2: Item is A123

  • Event rule 3: Item is SKU2002 RED

You void 2 pick tickets:

  • pick ticket 55 is for ship via 1 and contains 2 pick ticket lines:

  • pick ticket line 1: item A123

  • pick ticket line 2: item B456

  • pick ticket 56 is for ship via 2 and contains 2 pick ticket lines:

  • pick ticket line 1: item SKU2002 GRN

  • pick ticket line 2: item SKU2002 RED

In this scenario, the system creates:

  • 1 tickler for pick ticket 55 for rule 1: Ship via is 1.

  • 1 tickler for pick ticket 56 for rule 3: Item is SKU2002 RED.

The system does not create a tickler for the other rules whose criteria are met.

This is an example work flow of a tickler for a pick ticket.

Example 2: Allow multiple ticklers is selected for the VP event.

The following event rules are defined for the VP event, displayed in processing sequence order.

  • Event rule 1: Ship via is 1

  • Event rule 2: Item is A123

  • Event rule 3: Item is SKU2002 RED

You void 2 pick tickets:

  • pick ticket 55 is for ship via 1 and contains 2 pick ticket lines:

  • pick ticket line 1: item A123

  • pick ticket line 2: item B456

  • pick ticket 56 is for ship via 2 and contains 2 pick ticket lines:

  • pick ticket line 1: item SKU2002 GRN

  • pick ticket line 2: item SKU2002 RED

In this scenario, the system creates:

  • 2 ticklers for pick ticket 55 for rule 1: Ship via is 1 and rule 2: Item is A123.

  • 1 tickler for pick ticket 56 for rule 3: Item is SKU2002 RED.

This is a sample workflow for a voided ticket.

Resolving VP Ticklers

A VP tickler is resolved when you select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing

The system creates a tickler for the WF tickler event when a CWWorkflow XML message is received into Order Administration from an outside source.

When is the WF event evaluated? The system evaluates the WF event when the Workflow Processing integration layer job receives the CWWorkflow XML message into Order Administration.

CWMessageIn web service: You can use the CWMessageIn Web Service to route CWWorkFlow messages. In this situation, the target for each inbound message must match the Inbound program name for the integration layer process queue, as specified at the Integration Layer Process Queue Screen.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Web service authentication: Use the Working with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option to define a valid user for basic web service authentication, or client ID if using OAuth. You must also create a corresponding user profile in Oracle Identity Cloud Service and assign the user to the corresponding web service role defined for the Order Management application.

Allowing multiple ticklers for the WF event: The Allow multiple ticklers setting does not apply to the WF tickler event.

WF Event Rule Criteria

You can define the following criterion for a WF event rule. 

Criterion Event rule set up

The source of the workflow XML message received matches the message source defined for the event rule.

Enter a message source code in the Message source field.

Note:  The source from the CWWorkflow XML message must match the Message source for the WF event rule.

Resolving WF Ticklers

A WF tickler is resolved when you select Resolve for a tickler at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) or Workflow Management Screen.

Work with Tickler Event Rule Procedure Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create or change the procedures, or instructions, a user should follow when working with a tickler.

How to display this screen: Select Procedures for an event rule at the Work with Tickler Event Rule Screen.

Field Description


The code and description for the tickler event associated with the tickler event rule procedures.

Code: Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The description of the event rule associated with the event rule procedures.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


Free-form lines where you can enter procedures, or instructions, a user should follow to resolve the tickler.

Alphanumeric, 60 positions; optional.

Screen Option Procedure

Toggle the procedure lines between add mode and change mode

Select Add/Change to toggle the procedure lines between add mode and change mode.

In add mode, you can enter new procedure lines; in change mode, you can enter new procedure lines and also change existing procedure lines.

Work with Tickler Event Rule Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, and delete event rules defined for a specific tickler event. You can also create procedure notes for each event rule.


Event rules display on this screen in processing sequence order, allowing you to easily see the order in which the system evaluates the rules to determine if a tickler is created; see Event Rule Processing Sequence.

How to display this screen: Select Rules for a tickler event at the Work with Tickler Event Screen.

Field Description


The code and description of the event associated with the event rules.

Code: Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Proc seq #

The processing sequence number for the event rule. The processing sequence number defines the order in which the system evaluates the rules to determine if a tickler is created, from lowest sequence number to highest.

Note:  The first tickler event rule that meets the criteria creates a tickler. It is important that you assign the most important tickler event rule the lowest processing sequence number.

If you do not define a processing sequence number for an event rule, the system assigns the event rule a processing sequence number of 0.

If all of the rules have the same processing sequence number, the system evaluates the rules in rule sequence number.

See Event Rule Processing Sequence.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Rule seq #

The rule sequence number for the event rule. The system assigns a rule sequence number to each rule you create; the first rule you create is assigned a rule sequence number of 1, etc.

Note:  If all of the rules have the same processing sequence number, the system evaluates the rules to determine if a tickler is created in rule sequence number, from lowest rule number to highest.

See Event Rule Processing Sequence.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.


A description of the event rule, usually indicating the criteria defined for the rule.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Pty (Priority)

The priority assigned to the event rule, used to determine the importance of ticklers created for the event rule.

You can scan for ticklers by priority at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) (tickler users) and Workflow Management Screen (tickler supervisors).

You can assign a tickler event priority between 1-9, where 1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority.

The priority defined at the tickler event level defaults, but you can override it. The tickler priority defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler priority defined at the event level.

Numeric, 1 position; display-only.

Act (Active flag)

Indicates whether the event rule is active.

selected = The event rule is currently active; the system creates a tickler for the event rule if its criteria are met by the system action. Remember, to create a tickler for the event rule, the Active flag at the event level must also be selected.

unselected = The event rule is not currently active; the system does not create a tickler, regardless of whether the system action qualifies for the event rule.

See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

Cat (Tickler category)

A code for the tickler category assigned to the event rule. Tickler categories are used to group ticklers.

Tickler categories are defined in and validated against the Tickler Category table; see Working with Tickler Category (WTCT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Screen Option Procedure

Create a tickler event rule

Select Create to advance to the Create Tickler Event Rule Screen.

Change a tickler event rule

Select Change for an event rule to advance to the Change Tickler Event Rule Screen. You can change all fields on this screen except Event code. See Create Tickler Event Rule Screen for field descriptions.

Note:  If you create or change a tickler event rule, you must restart the asynchronous jobs the Background Job Control menu option before your updates are applied to new ticklers.

Delete a tickler event rule

Select Delete for an event rule to delete it.

Note:  You can delete an event rule only if it is not associated with an open or in process tickler.

Display a tickler event rule

Select Display for an event rule to advance to the Display Tickler Event Rule Screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See the Create Tickler Event Rule Screen for field descriptions.

Create or change tickler event rule instructions

Select Procedures for an event rule to advance to the Work with Tickler Event Rule Procedure Screen.

Change Tickler Event Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define tickler event settings at the event level.


If you change a tickler event, you must restart the asyncs in the Background Job Control menu option before your updates are applied to new ticklers.

How to display this screen: Select Change for a tickler event at the Work with Tickler Event Screen.

Field Description


A code that determines the system action for which the system may create a tickler.

There are 11 system actions that can create ticklers. You cannot create other tickler events for the system to evaluate for tickler creation.

BO: backorders; see BO (Backorders) Event Processing

CO: cancelled orders; see CO (Cancelled Orders) Event Processing

HO: held orders; see HO (Held Orders) Event Processing

MN: manually created; see MN (Manually Created) Event Processing

NO: new orders; see NO (New Orders) Event Processing

OO: aged open orders; see OO (Aged Open Orders) Event Processing

SD: stored value card activation decline; see SD (SVC Activation Decline) Event Processing

SO: soldout orders; see SO (Soldout Orders) Event Processing

SV: stored value card number assignment; see SV (SVC Number Assignment) Event Processing

UP: unconfirmed pick tickets; see UP (Unconfirmed Pick Tickets) Event Processing

VP: voided pick tickets; see VP (Voided Pick Tickets) Event Processing

WF: remote workflow; see WF (Remote Workflow) Event Processing

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.


A description of the tickler event.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.

Category (Tickler category)

A code for the tickler category assigned to the tickler event. Tickler categories are used to group ticklers.

You can also define a tickler category for each event rule; the tickler category defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler category defined at the event level.

Tickler categories are defined in and validated against the Tickler Category table; see Working with Tickler Category (WTCT).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Resolution reason

A code for the reason why a tickler for this event is resolved. Tickler resolution reason codes are assigned to a tickler once the tickler has been resolved.

You can also define a resolution reason for each event rule; the resolution reason defined at the event rule level overrides the resolution reason defined at the event level.

You must define a tickler resolution reason for all tickler events except for the MN (manually created) tickler event.

Tickler resolution reasons are defined in and validated against the Tickler Resolution Reason table; see Working with Tickler Resolution Reasons (WTRR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required except for MN tickler event.


The priority assigned to the tickler event, used to determine the importance of ticklers created for this event.

You can assign a tickler event priority between 1-9, where 1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority.

You can also define a tickler priority for each event rule; the tickler priority defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler priority defined at the event level.

Numeric, 1 position; required.


Indicates whether the tickler event is active.

selected = The tickler event is currently active; the system creates a tickler if the system action qualifies for an event rule.

unselected = The tickler event and its event rules are not currently active; the system does not create a tickler, regardless of whether the system action qualifies for an event rule.

See Active Tickler Events and Rules.

Allow mult ticklers

Indicates if the system creates multiple ticklers for this tickler event if the system action qualifies for more than one event rule.

selected = The system creates a tickler for each event rule whose criteria are met by the system action.

unselected (default) = The system creates one tickler for the first event rule, in processing sequence order, whose criteria are met by the system action. The system does not create more than one tickler for the tickler event, regardless of whether the system action meets the criteria of more than one event rule.

Multiple ticklers are not allowed for tickler events OO (aged open orders) or UP (unconfirmed pick tickets).

See Allowing Multiple Ticklers.

Assign to orig user

Indicates if ticklers created for this tickler event are assigned to the user that entered the order associated with the tickler.

selected = Assign ticklers created for this tickler event to the user that entered the associated order. If this field is selected, you must also enter a user ID in the Assign to user field.

unselected (default) = Do not assign ticklers created for this tickler event to the user that entered the associated order; instead, assign the tickler to the specified user or tickler user group.

You must also define tickler assignment for each event rule; the tickler assignment defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler assignment defined at the event level.

Note:  This field defaults to selected for MN (manually created) ticklers.

See Tickler Assignment.

Notify user/group

Indicates whether the system sends a Tickler Notification email to the assigned user or to all of the users in the assigned tickler user group when a tickler is created for this tickler event.

selected = Notify the assigned user/user group when a tickler is created; use the email address defined for the user in the User Extended table. If the tickler is assigned to a user group, send a notification to each user in the group, using the email address defined for each user in the User Extended table.

unselected (default) = Do not notify the assigned user/user group when a tickler is created; the user can review the ticklers in his queue at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view).

You must also define the Notify user/group setting for each event rule; the notify user/group setting at the event rule level overrides the notify user/group setting defined at the event level.

See Tickler Notification for a sample Tickler Notification email.

Assign to user

The user ID of the user the system assigns ticklers to for this tickler event.

You must also define the Assign to setting for each event rule; the assign to setting at the event rule level overrides the assign to setting defined at the event level.

You can define either an assign to user or assign to user group for each event, but not both.

Users are defined in and validated against the User table; see Working with User Records (WUSR).

See Tickler Assignment.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Assign to group

The tickler user group the system assigns ticklers to for this tickler event.

You must also define the Assign to setting for each event rule; the assign to setting at the event rule level overrides the assign to setting defined at the event level.

You can define either an assign to user or assign to user group for each event, but not both.

The tickler user group you enter must be defined as a user type and not a supervisor type.

Tickler user groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group table; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

See Tickler Assignment.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Supervisor group

The tickler supervisor group the system assigns ticklers to for this tickler event.

You can also define the Supervisor group for each event rule; the supervisor group at the event rule level overrides the supervisor group defined at the event level.

The tickler user group you enter must be defined as a supervisor type and not a user type.

Tickler groups are defined in and validated against the Tickler User Group table; see Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG).

See Tickler Assignment.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Notify supervisor

Indicates when a Supervisor Notification Count email is sent to the supervisor based on the number of days since a tickler was created.

The system uses this calculation to determine the next notification date when a tickler is first created: tickler creation date + value in Number of days to notify supervisor field for the event/rule that created the tickler = next notification date. The system does not update the next notification date after a tickler is created.

The system sends the email to the email address defined for the supervisor user group in the Tickler User Group table.

The system continues sending an email to the supervisor group as long as a tickler assigned to the supervisor group is in an open or in process status and the Next notification date in the Tickler table is equal to or past the current date. If the next notification date is a future date, the system does not send an email until the next notification date is reached. If all ticklers assigned to the supervisor are resolved, the system no longer sends a Supervisor Notification Count email.


Leave this field blank if you do not want to notify the supervisor about aging ticklers; the supervisor can review ticklers using the Workflow Management (WWFM) menu option.

You can also define the Notify supervisor setting for each event rule; the notify supervisor setting at the event rule level overrides the notify supervisor setting defined at the event level.

If you define a number of days in this field, you must also define the supervisor group.

See Tickler Notification for a sample Supervisor Notification Count email.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Note type

Indicates the type of notes you enter for ticklers created for this tickler event.

A = Action notes; you use the Edit Customer Actions Window to enter tickler notes.

B = Bill to notes; you use the Work with Bill To Notes Screen to enter tickler notes.

O = Order notes; you use the Work with Order Messages Screen to enter tickler notes.

S = Sold to notes; you use the Edit Customer Notes Screen to enter tickler notes.

T = Tickler notes; you use the Work with Tickler Notes Screen to enter tickler notes.

You can only define the tickler work notes setting at the event level.

If you change the note type for a tickler event, the system does not change the note type for previous ticklers.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Tickler Event Settings

For each tickler event, you must define settings that determine how the system creates ticklers for the event. The settings you define are used as defaults for the created ticklers. You can also define settings at the event rule level. Unless otherwise noted, the settings at the event rule level override the settings at the event level.

You can define tickler event settings at the Change Tickler Event Screen and event rule settings at the Create Tickler Event Rule Screen or Change Tickler Event Rule Screen.

Active Tickler Events and Rules

The Active field defines whether the system creates ticklers for the event or event rule.

  • Select the Active field for a tickler event to have the system evaluate the event when the associated system action is performed. The system does not create ticklers for tickler events that are not active, regardless of whether one or more of the event’s rules is active.

  • Select the Active field for an event rule to have the system evaluate the event rule when the associated system action is performed. The system does not create ticklers for event rules that are not active, regardless of whether the event rule criteria are met.

If you do not want the system to create ticklers for a system action, deselect the Active field for the associated tickler event.

If you want the system to create ticklers for a system action, but do not want the system to create ticklers for a specific event rule, select the Active field for the associated tickler event and deselect the Active field for the event rule. Remember, to create a tickler for a tickler event at least one event rule must be active.

Tickler Assignment

You can define the user(s) to work with and resolve ticklers created for the tickler event and also the tickler supervisor to monitor the ticklers created for the tickler event.

The tickler assignment settings at the event rule level override the tickler assignment settings at the event level.

Tickler user: You can define the user or group of users to work with and resolve ticklers created by the tickler event.

  • select the Assign to original user field to assign ticklers to the order entry operator that entered the order associated with the tickler. If you assign ticklers to the original order entry operator, you must also enter a user ID in the Assigned to user field in case the original order entry operator is no longer valid. Note: If the order is an ecommerce order, the system uses the user ID from the Assigned to user field.

  • enter a user ID in the Assigned to user field to assign ticklers to a specific user.

  • enter a tickler user group code in the Assigned to group field to assign ticklers to a specific tickler user group. You can create tickler user groups using the Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG) menu option; the tickler user group type indicates if the tickler group is a user group (type U).

Tickler supervisor: Optionally, you can define the supervisor to monitor the ticklers created by the tickler event by entering a supervisor group in the Supervisor group field.

Tickler supervisors perform all the actions a tickler user performs (works with and resolves ticklers) and also monitors the ticklers assigned to his supervisor group or monitor all ticklers, regardless of the assigned supervisor. A tickler supervisor can also reassign ticklers to different users or different tickler user groups.

You can create supervisor groups using the Working with Tickler User Groups (WTUG) menu option; the tickler user group type indicates if the group is a supervisor group (type S).

Tickler assignment example: The flowchart below displays tickler assignment at the event level and event rule level. In this example:

  • ticklers created for event rule 1 are assigned to user group TUSERS and placed in this group’s work queue. Any user belonging to the TUSERS user group can work with and resolve the ticklers. Additionally, the supervisor group SUPER1 monitors the ticklers created for event rule 1. Any user belonging to the SUPER1 supervisor group can monitor the ticklers.

  • ticklers created for event rule 2 are assigned to user ERIKH and placed in his work queue. User ERIKH belongs to user group TUSERS, but other members of this group cannot work with and resolve ticklers created for event rule 2 unless user ERIKH or a supervisor reassigns the tickler. Additionally, the supervisor group SUPER2 monitors the ticklers created for event rule 2. User JANEC monitors the ticklers since she is the only user assigned to this supervisor group.

Tickler event work flow

Allowing Multiple Ticklers

The Allow multiple ticklers field defines whether the system creates more than one tickler for a tickler event.

  • Select this field to create a tickler for each event rule whose criteria are met by the system action.

  • Deselect this field to create one tickler for the first event rule, in processing sequence order, whose criteria are met by the system action. The system does not create more than one tickler for the tickler event, regardless of whether the system action meets the criteria of more than one event rule. The Allow multiple ticklers setting must be unselected for the AR, OO, and UP tickler events.

Regardless of the Allow multiple ticklers setting:

  • the system creates a separate tickler for each tickler event that qualifies. For example, if you enter an order and the order meets the criteria for a HO event rule and a SO event rule, the system creates a separate tickler for each event.

  • the system does not create a tickler if a tickler already exists for the same event/order/order ship to combination. For example, if a tickler already exists for the NO tickler event, order 5988, and order ship to 1, the system does not create another tickler if you add a new order line to order 5988 for ship to 1 and it qualifies for an NO event rule.

Remember: If you allow multiple ticklers, you must think carefully before you create event rules. For example, if you create the following rules and you allow multiple ticklers, the system creates 3 ticklers, even though event rule 3 is a combination of rules 1 and 2:

  • Event rule 1: Ship via is 1 (UPS)

  • Event rule 2: Pay type is 1 (cash/check)

  • Event rule 3: Ship via is 1 (UPS) and Pay type is 1 (cash/check)

Tickler Notification

For each tickler event, you can define whether the system sends an email when:

  • a tickler is created for the event

  • an existing tickler for the event is reassigned to another user or user group

  • existing open or in process ticklers exist and are older than a specified number of days

Tickler Notification email: The Tickler Notification email informs the assigned to user/group that a new tickler has been created and placed in the tickler work queue. Users can review and work with ticklers assigned to them or their tickler user group using the Working with Tickler Users/User Groups (WTIC) menu option.

To generate: An email is generated and sent to the assigned to user or to all of the users in the assigned to user group each time the system creates a new tickler or a user manually creates a tickler and the Notify user/group field in the Tickler table is selected. The system uses the email address from the User Extended table.

The notify user/group setting at the event rule level overrides the notify user/group setting at the event level.

Email template: The format of the Tickler Notification email differs based on whether the system action that creates the tickler is an interactive process or batch process.


When you manually create a tickler and assign the tickler a future date, the system sends a Tickler Notification email when the tickler is created, not when the assigned future date is reached.

Sample email (interactive): The system generates an email similar to the sample below for all interactive system actions that create ticklers.

From: flast@EXAMPLE.COM


Subject: Tickler # 000002923 CO# 555

Tickler # 000002923 ORDER LINE STATUS IS BLANK (OPEN) has been assigned to you with a date of 10/11/22.


  • From: The email address of the user that started the background async jobs.

  • To: The Email address field in the User Extended table for:

    • the assigned to user.

    • the user belonging to the assigned to user group.

    • the user that entered the order associated with the tickler (the assigned to original user).

  • Subject: Standard subject for tickler notification emails.

    • the tickler number is the next available number for the Tickler Number number assignment value.

    • the company number is the company where the system action occurred that created the tickler.

  • Message line: Standard message notifying the user of the newly created tickler.

    • For MN ticklers, the text defined for the Short note displays after the tickler number. The date is the assigned date defined for the tickler. The text of the line differs if the tickler is assigned to you (...assigned to you...) or one of your tickler groups (...assigned to KAB...).

    • For all ticklers except MN, the description of the event rule that created the tickler displays after the tickler number. The date is the assigned date defined for the tickler. The text of this line differs if the tickler is assigned to you (...assigned to you...) or one of your tickler groups (...assigned to KAB...).

Sample email (batch): The system generates an email similar to the sample below for batch processes that create ticklers.

From: flast&EXAMPLE.COM



Sold Out Orders Report Count for CO# 555 for KAB is 4. Please see attached report for more information.


  • From: The email address of the user that started the background async jobs.

  • To: The Email address field in the User Extended table for:

    • the assigned to user.

    • the user belonging to the assigned to user group.

    • the user that entered the order associated with the tickler (the assigned to original user).

  • Subject: Standard subject for tickler notification batch emails, where XX is the tickler event code.

  • Message line: Standard message notifying the user of the newly created ticklers, displaying:

    • the name of the process that created the ticklers, for example Sold Out Orders.

    • the user ID or tickler group assigned to the ticklers.

    • the number of ticklers created.

Tickler Notification batch report: The report sorts in event, user/user group, created date, tickler number sequence.

The name of the report is based on the batch process that created the ticklers:

  • Backorders Report displays for newly created BO ticklers.

  • Cancelled Orders Report displays for newly created CO ticklers.

  • Aged Open Orders Report displays for newly created OO ticklers.

  • Sold Out Orders Report displays for newly created SO ticklers.

  • Unconfirmed Picks Report displays for newly created UP ticklers.

10/15/02  12:02:15 KAB Co.                        Sold Out Orders Report    for KAB



 Created Assigned  Tickler# Sts Evnt Cat Rule Description/Note

10/15/02 10/15/02      3132  O   SO  SO   001 BATCH PROCESS ONLY IS Y

  Order#       Sts  Customer#  Name/Email                                Telephone#

    6270 - 001  X           6  PAWS AND CLAWS PET SUPPLIES ATTN: LAST  508  555-0100



10/15/02 10/15/02      3133  O   SO  SO   002 INTERACTIVE MODE IS M

  Order#       Sts  Customer#  Name/Email                                Telephone#

    6270 - 001  X          11  NONNIE, NONA                              978  555-0101



10/15/02 10/15/02      3134  O   SO  SO   003 ITEM IS BLUEBERRY

  Order#       Sts  Customer#  Name/Email                                Telephone#

    6270 - 001  X          16  LAST, FIRST                       508  555-0102



Total ticklers for event SO               3

Total ticklers               3

  • Contents:

  • Event: The description of the tickler event associated with the ticklers created by the batch process.

  • User/user group: The user or tickler group assigned to the newly created ticklers.

  • Created: The date the tickler was created.

  • Assigned: The date the tickler was assigned to the current user/tickler user group; the assigned date is the same date as the created date.

  • Tickler#: The newly created tickler number.

  • Status: The status of the tickler; when a tickler is first created, the status is O (open).

  • Event: the code for the tickler event associated with the newly created tickler.

  • Category: The tickler category assigned to the tickler.

  • Rule: The event rule that created the tickler.

  • Description: A description of the event rule that created the tickler.

  • Order#: The order associated with the tickler.

  • Status: The status of the order associated with the tickler.

  • Customer#: The sold to customer associated with the tickler. If this email is for the AR tickler event, the bill to customer associated with the tickler displays.

  • Name: The sold to customer associated with the tickler.

  • Email: The primary email address defined for the sold to customer.

  • Telephone: The telephone number defined for the sold to customer.

  • Total ticklers for event: The total number of newly created ticklers for the tickler event.

  • Total ticklers: The total number of newly created ticklers across all tickler events.

Tickler Reassignment email: The system sends an email each time an existing tickler is reassigned to a new user or tickler user group.


The system sends a Tickler Reassignment email only if the Notify user/group field for the event rule associated with the tickler is selected.

To generate: An email is generated when an existing tickler is:

  • reassigned to a new user or tickler user group. A tickler user can reassign ticklers currently assigned to him at the Change Tickler Screen; a tickler supervisor can reassign ticklers, regardless of who is currently assigned, at the Change Tickler screen or Reassign Ticklers Window.

  • graduated to a new event rule; only ticklers for the AR, OO, and UP events are graduated. The system sends a Tickler Notification Reassignment email only if the new event rule has a different assigned to user/group from the previous event rule assigned to the tickler.



Subject: Tickler # 000002923 CO# 555 (REASSIGNED)

Tickler# 7159 OLDER THAN 5 DAYS (ARRIVAL0, SHIP VIA 2 has been assigned to KAB with a date of 10/14/02.


  • From: The email address of the user that started the background async jobs.

  • To: The Email address field in the User Extended table for:

    • the new assigned to user.

    • the user belonging to the new assigned to user group.

  • Subject: Standard subject for tickler reassignment emails.

    • The tickler number is the number of the tickler that has been reassigned.

    • the company number is the company where the system action occurred that created the tickler.

  • Message line 1: Standard message notifying the user of the reassigned tickler.

    • For MN ticklers, the text defined for the Short note displays after the tickler number. The date is the assigned date defined for the tickler. The text of the line differs if the tickler is assigned to you (...assigned to you...) or one of your tickler groups (...assigned to KAB...).

    • For all ticklers except MN, the description of the event rule defined for the tickler displays after the tickler number. The date is the assigned date defined for the tickler. The text of this line differs if the tickler is assigned to you (...assigned to you...) or one of your tickler groups (...assigned to KAB...).

Supervisor Notification Count email: The Supervisor Notification Count email informs the users in the tickler supervisor group that open and in process ticklers exist that are assigned to the supervisor group and have not yet been resolved. The email includes a report which displays the number of open ticklers assigned to the supervisor group that have not yet been resolved. The tickler supervisor can use the report to determine if he should reassign ticklers based on the current workload of users assigned to work with and resolve the ticklers.

To generate: An email is generated and sent to all of the users in the supervisor group when you run the Evaluate Tickler periodic function if:

  • an open or in process tickler exists, and

  • the tickler is assigned to a supervisor group, and

  • the Next notification date defined for the tickler in the Tickler table is equal to or past the current date.

The system sends an email to the email address defined for the supervisor user group in the Tickler User Group table.


If a user belongs to more than one tickler supervisor group, that user will receive a separate Supervisor Notification Count email for each tickler supervisor group that has aged ticklers.

The supervisor setting at the event rule level overrides the supervisor setting at the event level.

Once an initial Supervisor Notification Count email is sent to the supervisor group, the system sends an email each time you run the Evaluate Tickler periodic function.

  • When the system creates a tickler, the system calculates the date when the supervisor should be notified and updates the Next notification date field in the Tickler table with the initial notice date. The system uses this calculation to determine the next notification date when a tickler is first created: tickler creation date + value in Number of days to notify supervisor field for the event rule that created the tickler = next notify date.

  • Once an initial Supervisor Notification Count email is sent to the supervisor, the system sends an email to the supervisor group each time you run the Evaluate Tickler periodic function since the next notification date is past the current date. The system does not update the next notification date once an initial email is sent to the supervisor.


The system does not use the Notify user/group setting defined for the event to determine if a Supervisor Notification Count email is sent to the supervisor.

The system continues sending an email to the supervisor as long as a tickler assigned to the supervisor group is in an open or in process status and the Next notification date is equal to or past the current date. If all ticklers assigned to the supervisor are resolved, the system no longer sends a Supervisor Notification Count email.

Sample email:

From: flast&EXAMPLE.COM



Supervisor Notification Count for CO# 555 for HOSUPER is 55. Please see attached report for more information.


  • From: The email address of the user that started the background async jobs.

  • To: The email address defined for the supervisor user group in the Tickler User Group table.

  • Subject: Standard subject for supervisor notification count emails.

  • Message line: Standard message notifying the supervisor of the supervisor notification count. The tickler count is the number of ticklers in an open or in process status that are assigned to the supervisor group and the next notification date for the tickler in the Tickler table is equal to or past the current date.

Supervisor Notification report: The Supervisor Notification report breaks by event and within event by user/user group. The report sorts in event, user/user group, created date, tickler number sequence. A total displays for each event and across all events.

10/15/02   8:11:11 KAB Co.                        Supervisor Notification   for SUPERKAB


User:  KAB

 Created Assigned  Tickler# Sts Evnt Cat Rule Description/Note

 9/18/02 10/15/02      3060  O   HO  HO   001 ORDER HOLD REASON IS AT

  Order#       Sts  Customer#  Name/Email                                Telephone#

    6261 - 001  H          11  LAST, FIRST                              5085550103



Total ticklers for event HO               1



 Created Assigned  Tickler# Sts Evnt Cat Rule Description/Note

 9/28/02 10/15/02      3263  O   BO  BO   003 ITEM IS AB10000

  Order#       Sts  Customer#  Name/Email                                Telephone#

    6781 - 001  H          19  LAST, FIRST                       9785550103



Total ticklers for event BO               1

Total ticklers               2


  • Supervisor group: The name of the supervisor group assigned to the open or in process ticklers.

  • Event: The description of the tickler event associated with open or in process ticklers.

  • User/user group: The user or tickler group assigned to open or in process ticklers for the event.

  • Created: The date the tickler was created.

  • Assigned: The date the tickler was assigned to the current user/tickler user group.

  • Tickler #: The tickler number that is open or in process.

  • Status: The status of the tickler; O (open) or I (in process).

  • Event: The code for the tickler event associated with the tickler.

  • Category: The tickler category assigned to the tickler.

  • Rule: The event rule that created the tickler.

  • Description/Note: 

    • For MN ticklers: the text from the Short note field displays. If the Short note field for the tickler is blank, the description of the MN event displays.

    • For all ticklers except MN: the description of the event rule displays.

  • Order#: The order and ship to associated with the tickler.

  • Status: The status of the order.

  • Customer#: The sold to customer associated with the tickler.

  • Name: The name of the sold to customer.

  • Email: The primary email address defined for the sold to customer.

  • Telephone#: The telephone number defined for the sold to customer.

  • Total ticklers for event: The number of open or in process ticklers assigned to the supervisor group for the tickler event.

  • Total ticklers: The number of open or in process ticklers assigned to the supervisor group across all tickler events

Tickler Work Notes

The Note type field defines the type of tickler work notes a user enters for each tickler event; these work notes describe resolution notes and progress notes.

You can only define the tickler work notes setting at the event level. If you change the note type setting, the system does not change the note type for previously created ticklers.

Tickler Priority

The tickler priority defines the importance of ticklers created for the tickler event; you can scan for ticklers by priority at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) (tickler users) and Workflow Management Screen (tickler supervisors).

You can assign a tickler priority between 1-9, where 1 is the lowest priority and 9 is the highest priority.

The tickler priority defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler priority defined at the event level.

Tickler Category

Optionally, if you wish to group ticklers, you can assign a tickler category to ticklers.

You can scan for ticklers assigned to this category at the Work with Tickler Screen (user/group view) (tickler users) and Workflow Management Screen (tickler supervisors).

Example:To view only ticklers created for a specific HO rule, create a tickler category for each HO rule you create. This way you can view all ticklers created for HO rule 1 (paytype hold reason is AT) versus ticklers created for HO rule 2 (order hold reason is SF). In this example, tickler category for rule 1 may be HAT and tickler category for rule 2 may be HSF.

The tickler category defined at the event rule level overrides the tickler category defined at the event level.

You can create tickler categories using the Working with Tickler Category (WTCT) menu option.

Tickler Resolution Reason

Tickler resolution reasons are required when you or the system resolves a tickler; the resolution reason indicates the reason why the tickler is resolved.

You can define a tickler resolution reason for a tickler event or event rule; when the system creates a tickler for the tickler event/rule, the system updates the Resolution reason field in the Tickler table.

It is recommended you create at least 2 ticklers resolution reasons: one reason to use when the system resolves the tickler, and one reason to use when you manually resolve a tickler.

The resolution reason defined at the event rule level overrides the resolution reason defined at the event level.

You can create tickler resolution reasons using the Working with Tickler Resolution Reasons (WTRR) menu option