Accessing Work Order Maintenance Functions

  1. Select the Back Office option.

  2. After logging in to the Back Office, select the Customer option from the Main Menu and press Enter.

    Figure 19-1 Back Office Main Menu - Customer Option

    Back Office Main Menu - Customer Option

  3. Select the Work Order Options option from the Customer menu and press Enter.

    Figure 19-2 Customer Menu - Work Order Options

    Customer Menu - Work Order Options

  4. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service displays the Work Order Options menu. The following work order options are available:

    Figure 19-3 Work Order Options Menu

    Work Order Options Menu

  • Work Order Maintenance - Select this option to maintain Work Order information. Refer to Maintaining Work Orders.

  • Ship Work Orders - Select this option to ship Work Order items to the repair vendor. Refer to Shipping Work Orders.

  • Receive Work Orders - Select this option to receive completed Work Order items from the repair vendor. Refer to Receiving Work Orders.

  • Work Order Invoicing - Select this option to perform invoicing functions for Work Orders. Refer to Work Order Invoices.

  • Work Order Invoice History - Select this option to view existing Work Order invoice information. Refer to Viewing Work Order Invoice History.