Discover and Activate a New Networked Cash Drawer

Discover new networked cash drawers using the Manage Networked Cash Drawer menu option. These steps are only required for new networked cash drawers.

  1. From the Main menu, select Till then Manage Networked Cash Drawers. The list of networked cash drawers displays. If this is the first time drawers are being discovered the list may be empty.


    If a networked cash drawer has a status of Reset extra steps are required. This is the status that is shown when Xstore does not recognize the configurations found upon discovery of the cash drawer. A hard reset is required. Refer to your IP Cash drawer device documentation for instructions on resetting the networked cash drawer.

    Figure 13-1 Manage Networked Cash Drawers

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers

  2. If your cash drawer is not listed and you need to find/discover your networked cash drawer, select Discover Devices.

    Your drawer will be listed now with a status of New.

  3. Select your networked cash drawer. An option menu opens.

  4. Select Configure Device. The Configuration Information window displays:

    Figure 13-2 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configure

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configure

  5. Enter the required fields: IP Address, Netmask, Gateway, TCP Port and a description.

  6. Select Save Configs. The system will take a couple minutes to save your configurations. Your drawer will be listed in Configured status.

    Figure 13-3 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configured Status

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Configured Status

  7. Select your drawer and select Activate Device. The status of your networked cash drawer updates to Active.

    Figure 13-4 Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Active Status

    Manage Networked Cash Drawers - Active Status

    Your networked cash drawer is now available to be set up for use in your store. Prior to moving on to the next steps you need to open the store and open the register. See Opening the Store and Opening the Register for more information.