Opening the Register

Opening the register is a process that can be quickly completed by managers or associates who have the proper security privileges. The process is highly configurable, and your process may be different from the instructions below. Every effort has been made to include notes or examples of additional steps that may be configured for your store.

The register open process depends upon whether your register is configured for a standard open and close process, or if it is configured for 24/7 processing.

Standard Open

  1. After logging on at the Back Office (see Accessing the Back Office), select the Open/Close Options from the Main Menu and then press Enter.


    Touch-screen users tap the register status bar to open the register. The focus bar prompts for your employee ID and password. Enter the information when prompted. Proceed to step 3.

    Figure 8-16 Back Office - Register Closed

    BO - Register Closed

  2. Select the Register Open option and press Enter, or press the number associated with the menu option on the keyboard.

    Figure 8-17 Open/Close Options - Register Close

    Open/Close Options - Register Close


    The Register menu option toggles between open and close. If the available menu option is Register Close, the register is currently open. If the available menu option is Register Open, the register is currently closed.

  3. Xstore Classic prompts: Do you want to open this register? Press Yes to open this register.

    Depending upon the configuration of your system, you may be prompted to perform an opening count. Refer to To Perform a Begin Count for procedural information.

    If your register has more than one cash drawer, you are prompted to select the drawer from a list of available cash drawers and attach the till before performing an opening count. Refer to Till Management for more information.

    If you are not prompted to count the till, the register is opened at this time.

To Perform a Begin Count

  1. After confirming that you want to open the register, the Count Summary screen displays, select the tender type to be counted and then select the Count Selected button to display the tender group's count screen.

    Figure 8-18 Begin Count Summary Screen

    Begin Count Summary Screen

  2. Enter each value as required in the focus bar and press Enter. Xstore will highlight the next denomination in the list.


    Depending upon the configuration of your system, you may be prompted to enter the total opening amount rather than prompted to count by denomination. See Table 8-1

    Figure 8-19 Denominations Count - Cash

    Denominations Count - Cash

  3. Select Next Group until all tenders are counted.


    Select Prior Group to go back to the previous count screen.

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until all tenders are counted and then select Summary to return to the Count Summary screen.

  5. Review the amounts. If the totals are correct, select the Counting Complete button.


    Check the Over/Short column to see if your till is balanced with the system values for each tender type.

  6. If the starting cash amount matches, the system prompts to confirm the amount for all cash currencies you entered and opens the register after you acknowledge the system amount.:

    Figure 8-20 Verify Begin Count Prompt

    Verify Begin Count Prompt

    • Select Yes if the amount is correct.

    • Select No to recount the starting amount.

    If configured, the system prints a Begin Count receipt showing the amount of starting cash in the till and signature lines for the cashier and manager to sign confirming this open amount.

    If the currency amounts do not match, the system displays a prompt to either recount the till or to accept the difference.

    Figure 8-21 Recount or Accept Difference Prompt

    Recount or Accept Difference Prompt

    • Press Y to accept the amount you counted and continue opening the register. You are prompted to enter/select the reason for the discrepancy between the counted amount and the expected amount. You may be required to enter a comment and then press Enter.


    • Press N to recount the till.

      If you counted the till from the Back Office, select the Register option to display the register screen. The register is now open and a till has been counted and attached to the current register. The system may print a receipt indicating the register number that is open and the cashier ID who is at the register.

      Figure 8-22 Register Open Receipt

      Register Open Receipt

Cash Drawer Open

If your system is configured to use networked cash drawers, opening the register is done by opening the cash drawer. Any register's back office can be used to open the networked cash drawers. If there are no available networked cash drawers to open the Cash Drawer Open button is disabled.

To open the cash drawer:

  1. In the Back Office menu, select Open/Close Options.

    Figure 8-23 Open/Close Options Menu

    Open/Close Options Menu

  2. Select Cash Drawer Open. A list of available networked cash drawers opens.

  3. Select the drawer to open.

  4. Select OK. A confirmation prompt opens.

  5. Select Yes. A list of tills opens.

  6. Select the till to use.

  7. Select OK.

  8. The Count Summary screen displays, select the tender type to be counted and then select the Count Selected button to display the tender group's count screen.

    Figure 8-24 Begin Count Summary Screen

    Begin Count Screen

  9. Enter each value as required in the focus bar of the count screen and press Enter. Xstore will highlight the next denomination in the list.


    Depending upon the configuration of your system, you may be prompted to enter the total opening amount rather than prompted to count by denomination. See Table 8-2.

    Figure 8-25 Denomination Count - Cash

    Denomination Count - Cash

  10. Select Next Group to display the next count screen.

  11. Repeat steps 9-10 until all tenders are counted and then select Summary to return to the Count Summary screen.

  12. Review the amounts. If the totals are correct, select the Counting Complete button.


    Check the Over/Short column to see if your till is balanced with the system values for each tender type. To modify counts see Editing Tender Group Counts.

  13. If the starting cash amount matches, the system prompts to confirm the amount for all cash currencies you entered and opens the cash drawer after you acknowledge the system amount.

    Figure 8-26 Verify Begin Count Prompt

    Verify Begin Count Prompt

    If configured, the system prints a Begin Count receipt showing the amount of starting cash in the till and signature lines for the cashier and manager to sign confirming this open amount.

  14. If the currency amounts do not match, the system displays a prompt to either recount the till or to accept the difference:

    Figure 8-27 Starting Cash Difference Prompt

    Starting Cash Difference Prompt

    • Press Y to accept the amount you counted and continue opening the cash drawer. You are prompted to enter/select the reason for the discrepancy between the counted amount and the expected amount. You may be required to enter a comment and then press Enter.


    • Press N to recount the till.

  15. Open the till to associate with the Cash Drawer. See Open a Till- Cash Drawer in the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service User Guide for more information.

  16. If you counted the till from the Back Office, select the Register option to display the register screen. The register is now open and a till has been counted and attached to the current register. The system may print a receipt indicating the register number that is open and the cashier ID who is at the register.