Pick/Reserve Local Inventory Order Items

  1. Find the Local Inventory Order. See Accessing Local Inventory Order Maintenance.

    • If prompted, enter search criteria to find the Local Inventory Order.

    • If a customer has been associated with the transaction, Xstore Classic returns a list of Local Inventory Orders for the customer.

  2. Select a Local Inventory Order from the list. Only paid for open orders can be selected for picking.

  3. At the Local Inventory Order screen, select Pick /Reserve to fulfil the order.

  4. If prompted, select Yes to pick up all the items.


    This prompt only displays when there are multiple Local Inventory Order items.

  5. If Xstore Classic is configured to scan items at this Pick/Reserve process, you will need to scan the items to ensure they match the order. As items are scanned/entered they will be removed from the pick list and the item/order is marked as Ready for Pickup.

    If Xstore Classic is not configured to scan items at the Pick/Reserve process, a pick slip with the items on it will print from the receipt printer. The items/order is marked as Ready for Pickup.

  6. Select OK.