Supply Count Process

A Supply Count is a count of items not sold in your store, but are required for normal store operations, such as rolls of receipt paper for cash registers or printer paper for report printers. The Supply Count process is like the Cycle Count process; however, the count sheets are automatically populated with only the items identified as supplies in your store. Usually Supply Counts are not downloaded from the home office, and you cannot add items to the count sheets. The initial step in the Supply Count process is to find an existing Inventory Count document, or to create a new document. To locate a Supply Count document, refer to Finding an Existing Inventory Count Document. To create a new supply count document see Creating a New Inventory Count Document.

  1. Select the Supply Count document you want to count, and press Enter.

  2. The Supply Count screen displays showing the count status for both the Inventory Count document and for the count sheet:

    Figure 5-22 Supply Count Screen - Count Cycle 1

    Supply Count Screen - Count Cycle 1

    The top area of the screen displays the information for the Inventory Count document: Store ID, Count ID number, Description, Count Type, Begin Date, and Count Status. See page 5 for additional detail about these elements.

    Beneath this area displays information for the count sheet:

    • Bucket - The inventory bucket identifier for this count sheet. Inventory buckets are pre-defined for your store. For supply counts, only the On Hand bucket is counted.

    • Count Cycle - Indicates the number of times the bucket has been counted in order to reconcile any count variances and complete the count. The count cycle will always be set to 1 for the first count. If additional counts are needed to resolve a discrepancy, this number will increment for each recount.

    • Status - The status of the bucket within the current count and cycle:

      • Preliminary - The beginning status for a new count.

      • Printed - Indicates the count sheet has been printed.

      • Saved - Indicates the count sheet has been saved.

      • Complete - Indicates the count sheet has been completed.

  3. To begin the counting process, you have the following options. See Figure 5-22:

    • OPTIONAL Press Enter to open the selected count sheet, or, if you have a printed count sheet available, scan the barcode on the sheet. The supply items are listed on the view port. Press Esc to return to the previous screen and print the count sheet.

      Figure 5-23 Count Screen - Enter Count Prompt

      Count Screen - Enter Count Prompt

    • The Print Count Sheet menu option to print the count sheet on the report printer. The count sheet status is updated to Printed and a count sheet is created.


      Print Multiple Sheets - This option is usually used for Physical Counts of the entire store when more than one count sheet is used, not for Supply Counts

      To print multiple count sheets, select the Print Multiple Sheets menu option. The system prompts you to select the count sheets to be printed. When prompted, select Yes to confirm the count sheets to be printed. The count sheet status will be updated from Preliminary to Printed.


      If enforced by your store policy, you may not be able to enter your counts until the count has been initiated. Counts are usually initiated on the day of the count.

      If the store is open, a warning message is displayed. Select Yes to continue or No to exit the count.

      Use the printed count sheet to record your supply item counts.


      About the count menu options:

      • Initiate Count BASED ON SECURITY PRIVILEGE - This process allows your counts to be compared to the snapshot system- expected quantity. Depending on your store policy, you may be required to initiate the count before entering any counts into the system. Or, if your store policy allows, you may be able to enter your counts before initiating the count.

      • Cancel Count BASED ON SECURITY PRIVILEGE - This option allows you to cancel your count up until it is completed. Only store- created Inventory Counts can be cancelled. When prompted, select Yes to cancel the count.

        Cancel Count Prompt

      • Complete Count BASED ON SECURITY PRIVILEGE - This option marks the count sheet as complete. The Complete Count menu option will only be enabled after the count cycles for the inventory count are complete.

      • Esc - This option will exit the current Count document and take you back to the Inventory Count search form (Figure 5-4).

  4. Select Initiate Count to take a snapshot of current supply inventory. If the store is open, a warning message is displayed. Select Yes to continue and the Count Status changes to initiated, or No to exit the count.

    Figure 5-24 Supply Count Screen - Count Initiated and Count Sheet Printed

    Supply Count Screen- Count Initiated and Sheet Printed

  5. Count the items listed on the supply count sheet.

    When you have finished counting the inventory items, return to the Inventory module to enter your counts into the system. Refer to Supply Count Process if you need instructions for locating the Inventory Count document you are working on.

  6. At the Supply Count screen, press Enter to open the selected count sheet, or, if you have a printed count sheet available, scan the barcode on the sheet.

  7. In the Enter Count prompt, enter a quantity for the selected item and press Enter. Xstore will enter the count and move to the next item in the list.


    To modify a count, select the item from the list and enter a new count in the prompt. Press Enter. Xstore displays the new value.

  8. Select Save Count Sheet.

  9. Select Yes to confirm. The count sheet status changes to saved.

  10. Select Submit Count Sheet.

    Figure 5-25 Saved Supply Count Screen

    Saved Supply Count Screen

  11. Continue with step 8 through step 13 to submit and complete your supply count following the same process used for cycle counts.

    The system compares the count quantity you entered with the expected quantity based on the snapshot taken of the inventory ledger for supply items.

  12. When the Supply Count is completed, select Complete Count. The count screen shows the following status information:

    Figure 5-26 Complete Supply Count

    Complete Supply Count

    Inventory Document Count Status: Complete

    Count Status: Complete and the number of count cycles required to complete the count Each count sheet status for all cycles is set to Submitted