Cash Pickup

Cash Pickup is a till feature that allows an associate to take cash from a till so that the amount does not exceed a specified threshold amount. The system may be configured to prompt for an associate to make a cash pickup when the amount in the till is greater than the threshold amount.


Your system's configuration may specify the maximum amount that should be kept in a till. If that amount is exceeded after completing the tendering process for a transaction, the system may display a prompt indicating that a cash pickup should be made. However, you do not have to wait for this prompt to make a cash pickup. After you have assigned a customer to a transaction or added items to a sale, you cannot perform a cash pickup.

To perform a cash pickup:

  1. Open the Till Maintenance Menu.

  2. Click Cash Pickup.

    • If you are prompted to scan a cash drawer, continue with Step 3.

    • If you are prompted for a currency, continue with Step 4.

    • If you are prompted for the amount of the cash pickup, continue with Step 6.

  3. Scan the cash drawer.

    • If you are prompted for a currency, continue with Step 4.

    • If you are prompted for the amount of the cash pickup, continue with Step 6.

      Figure 28-13 Cash Pickup Currency List

      Cash Pickup Currency List

  4. Select the currency:

    • Click the currency.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the currency, then press the Spacebar.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Enter the amount of the cash pickup then press Enter.

    Figure 28-14 Cash Pickup Amount

    Cash Pickup Amount


    Your system's configuration may specify the minimum amount that should be kept in a till. If you try to remove an amount that results in the till amount going below this level, the system displays a prompt indicating the amount that must remain in the till after a pickup. Click OK to return to the Cash Pickup amount prompt. Your system may be configured to count the Cash Pickup currency.

    The cash drawer opens.

  7. Remove the entered amount from the cash drawer.

  8. Close the cash drawer.

    The cash pickup is complete.