Fulfilment Options

Xstore Point of Service provides different options for fulfilling an order:

Pickup This Store

If an item is not available in your store, use this option to have the item shipped to your store for pickup later. In this scenario, order creation and order fulfilment are both handled by the same Xstore Point of Service store location. Inventory is sourced out of another location and shipped to the Xstore Point of Service location. In Xstore Point of Service, this order type is defined as Transfer Pickup.

Pickup Other Store

The process for picking up items at another store depends upon whether legacy order types are enabled or disabled.

Legacy Order Types Disabled

If the inventory exists in the store where the customer wants to pick up, then that store is used, and the order type is defined as a pickup. However, if the inventory does not exist in the store where the customer wants to pick it up, then Order Broker will find another location from which to fulfil the order. The order will be shipped from that location to the pickup. In this case, Xstore Point of Service considers it a Transfer Pickup.

Legacy Order Types Enabled

If an item is not available in your store, use this option to find another store location where the item is currently available. The customer can pick up the item from that store once it is in a status of Ready for Pick Up. In this scenario, both order creation and order fulfilment is being done by the Xstore Point of Service system. Inventory comes out of the fulfilling store if that store has inventory available; if the store does not have inventory available, Order Broker finds the required inventory. In Xstore Point of Service, this order type is defined as Pickup.

Customer Delivery

If an item is not available in your store, use this option to have the item shipped directly to the customer's home (or another specified address). Order creation is done by the Xstore Point of Service system. In this scenario, order fulfilment may be done by another store or a distribution center. Inventory comes out of the fulfilling location. In Xstore Point of Service, this order type is defined as Delivery.