Item Status

Order items can have the following statuses:

  • New: Indicates the item has been added to the order.

  • Polled: Indicates the source/fulfilling location got the item request.

  • Accepted: Indicates the source location has confirmed it can satisfy the order request.

  • Reserved: Indicates the item has been put aside for the customer at the source/fulfilling location.

  • In Transit: Indicates the item has been shipped.

  • In Transit Polled: Indicates the store in which the customer is to pick up the product has acknowledged that the items are in transit and is expecting the order.

  • Received: Indicates the item has been received in the store.

  • Fulfilled: Indicates the item has been picked up/delivered.

  • Cancelled: Indicates the item has been canceled.

  • Rejected: Indicates the source location has rejected the order and the item is sourced from another location. The status of the order becomes unfulfillable.

  • Unfulfillable: Indicates the item has been rejected and an alternative location could not be determined.