26 Self Checkout Register

To avoid queues at a manned Xstore POS, Xstore has a Self-Checkout (SCO) mode. In this mode, it will enable customers to use Xstore to scan their own items and pay for the sale.

It uses the same hardware as standard Xstore manned register mode, and this helps reduce costs, since self-checkout registers are far more expensive.

It uses the same Xstore software, but operating with a simplified UI, a reduced set of functions and some SCO specific configurations.

Because of this, each Xstore register can now operate essentially in one of three modes:

  • As a fixed traditional manned register only

  • As a fixed Self-Checkout register only


    Self-checkout mode does not support store and register open/close functionalities. The store and register need to be opened from traditional mode before switching to self-check out mode.
  • Or as a dual mode manned or SCO register, that can be easily switched between modes:

    This can be achieved by allowing the register screen to swivel from cashier facing to customer facing. This allows the sharing of scanners, receipt printers and payment terminals.

These registers allow:

  • Self-scanning of items by customers

  • Non-barcoded items to be added to the sale via picture buttons

  • Manual keying of barcodes and SKUs

  • Coupon scanning

  • Loyalty card scanning

  • Payment by debit, credit and gift card only

  • Receipt printing

  • Prompt for the "Number of carrier bags used"

To accommodate self-checkout in tourist areas, the system language in the SCO screen can be changed to another pre-set language by selecting the appropriate country flag. Up to five flags may be shown on the SCO screen.

Classic Self Checkout was designed with a focus on the experience. Not all fiscal considerations in the country packs will be supported.

This section describes the following topics: