38 Local Inventory Order Maintenance

A Local Inventory Order uses inventory from the local store inventory only, that is from stock in the store/on hand.

After a Local Inventory Order Maintenance account has been created via Extended Transactions menu on the Sale screen, an associate can search for a Local Inventory Order, view a Local Inventory Order, pick/reserve the order, add and view comments.


Refer to Creating a New Local Inventory Order for information about setting up these orders at the POS.

Local Inventory Orders as an account type, has been added to the current report, Customer Account Activity Report.

Figure 38-1 Customer Account Activity Report

Customer Account Activity Report

Run the Customer Account Activity Report and filter on Local Inventory Orders in the Customer Account Type drop-down to get a report on the store's Local Inventory Orders. In the Customer Account Status field you can further filter to see all Local Inventory Orders that have not been paid by the tender type, Pay By Link.


Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide for information about this report.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Accessing Local Inventory Order Maintenance

  1. From the Main Menu, select Customer.

  2. Select Local Inventory Order Maintenance from the Customer menu. See Figure 23-3.

  3. Oracle Retail Xstore POS displays the Local Inventory Order Search form, prompting for search criteria.

    Figure 38-2 Local Inventory Order Search Form

    Local Inventory Order Search Form

    Enter the criteria you want to use for finding an order record and select Process.

    • If you enter a Local Inventory Order ID, Oracle Retail Xstore POS displays that Local Inventory Order record if the ID exists and if it is unique.

    • Your search criteria may result in multiple records being found. Your system may also be set up to display the accounts list even when only one record is found. You must select the record you want from the list.

      Figure 38-3 Local Inventory Order Search List

      Local Inventory Order Search List

Oracle Retail Xstore POS displays the Local Inventory Order screen for the selected record.

Local Inventory Order Screen

Figure 38-4 Local Inventory Order Maintenance Screen

Local Inventory Order Maintenance Screen

The Local Inventory Order Maintenance screen is divided into three tabs: Detail, Activity, and Comments. You can navigate between the tab sections by selecting the Detail tab or swiping right to left. At the top of each tab, is the Static Information Area.

Figure 38-5 Local Inventory Order Tabs

Local Inventory Order Tabs

Each tab contains specific information about the customer's order account.

  • Detail Tab: Shows the customer and item information for the Local Inventory account.

  • Activity Tab: Shows the activity information for the Local Inventory account.

  • Comments Tab: Shows any comments associated with the Local Inventory account.

Static Information Area

The upper portion of the screen shows the summary information for the Local Inventory Order, including its status. This panel is always displayed when viewing any of the tabs on this screen.

Detail Tab

The Details tab, as shown above, contains the following information:

Customer Information

The customer information area displays:

  • Sold To: The purchasing customer's name and address information.

  • Company: The purchasing customer's company, if applicable.

  • Email: The purchasing customer's e-mail address.

  • Phone: The purchasing customer's telephone number(s).

Order Totals

The order totals information displays:

  • Subtotal: The order subtotal (the shipping fee amount is not included in the subtotal).

  • Tax: The tax on the order.

  • Total: The total for the order (the shipping fee amount is included in the total).

  • Balance Due: The amount due for the order.

Item Details
  • Status: The status of the item (Open, Received, Picked Up, Cancelled).

  • Item ID: The item identifier.

  • Item Description: The item description.

  • Quantity: The item quantity.

  • Ext. Price: The extended price for the item (price x quantity).

Activity Tab

Figure 38-6 Local Inventory Order Activity Tab

Local Inventory Order Activity Tab

The Activity tab shows the activity information for the account such as items added, and payment made and contains the following information:

  • Date: The date the Local Inventory Order activity took place.

  • Type: The order activity type associated with the amount of the activity.

  • Activity: The action performed.

  • Item ID: The item identifier.

  • Amount: The amount for the associated type of activity on the account.

  • Store: The store identifier where the order activity took place.

  • Reg: The register identifier where the order activity took place.

  • Tran ID: The transaction identifier for the order activity.

Comments Tab

Figure 38-7 Local Inventory Order Comments Tab

Local Inventory Order Comments Tab

The Comments tab allows you to review any comments associated with the account and contains the following information:

  • Created Date: The date this comment was added to this Local Inventory Order account record.

  • Created By: The identifier for the employee who created the comment.

  • Comment: The text that was entered.


You can also add a new comment for this order account record when viewing this tab. Select the Add Comment option from the Context Menu.

Context Menu showing Add Comment option.

Type a comment.

Add Comment.

Press OK. Xstore POS adds the new comment to the order account record.

Pick/Reserve Local Inventory Order Items

  1. Find the Local Inventory Order. See Accessing Local Inventory Order Maintenance.

    • If prompted, enter search criteria to find the Local Inventory Order.

    • If a customer has been associated with the transaction, Xstore POS returns a list of Local Inventory Orders for the customer.

  2. Select a Local Inventory Order from the list. Only paid for open orders can be selected for picking.

    Figure 38-8 Local Inventory Order Pick/Reserve Option

    Local Inventory Order Pick/Reserve Option
  3. At the Local Inventory Order screen, select Pick /Reserve to fulfill the order.

    Figure 38-9 Local Inventory Order Pick Prompt

    Local Inventory Order Pick Prompt
  4. If prompted, select Yes to pick up all the items.


    This prompt only displays when there are multiple Local Inventory Order items.

    Figure 38-10 Local Inventory Order Scan Items

    Local Inventory Order Scan Items
  5. When the Scan Item Configuration is enabled, you are prompted to scan items at pick up to ensure they are the correct items being picked. The items are set to Ready for Pickup status after scanning.

    If Xstore POS is not configured to scan items at the pick/reserve process, a pick slip with the items on it will print from the receipt printer. The items/order is marked as Ready for Pickup.

    Figure 38-11 Local Inventory Order Picked

    Local Inventory Order Picked
  6. Select OK.