22 Installing and Upgrading ADF Desktop Integration

Business users must have the ADF Desktop Integration add-in installed on their Windows machine to use Excel workbooks that are integrated with Fusion web applications.

An ADF Desktop Integration-enabled Fusion web application is a web application where you have added an integrated Excel workbook, as described in Adding an Integrated Excel Workbook to a Fusion Web Application.

Installer Types

There are two installer types: a Current User installer and an All Users installer. The Current User installer installs ADF Desktop Integration for the current user’s Windows profile only. If there are other people using this computer, they will need to install ADF Desktop Integration for their own Windows profile.

When you use the All Users installer, ADF Desktop Integration is installed in the Programs Files folder and is available for all users on the target Windows machine.

Refer to this table for a full comparison of the two installers:

Comparison Current User All Users
File name adfdi-installer-current-user.msi adfdi-installer-all-users.msi
Installation Location Current Windows user profile Program Files
Target Audience Excel users IT administrators
Elevated Privileges Not required Required

How to Install Using the All Users Installer

To install ADF Desktop Integration for all users, download the all users installer and run the installer.

You can get the all users installer from a Fusion web application at: https://<hostname>:<portnumber>/<context-root>/adfdiRemoteServlet?excel-addin-installer-all-users.

This Oracle add-in for Microsoft Excel relies on a number of Microsoft technologies. These Microsoft technologies are subject to Microsoft's privacy policies and other Microsoft terms. By installing and using this add-in, you are agreeing to those policies and terms and this add-in's direct or indirect usage of these technologies. See also the Microsoft Privacy Statement.

If any required software is missing, the installation terminates without installing the add-in. Refer to Required Oracle ADF Modules and Third-Party Software for details including information on how to check for and install required components.

You must have elevated privileges for this installation.

The add-in includes designer tools for developing workbooks but these tools are not enabled by default. If you are installing the add-in for a integrated workbook developer, you can enable the designer tools when you install the add-in.

This installation is available to all users on the Windows machine. You do not need to install the add-in separately for each user profile.

  1. Double-click the adfdi-excel-addin-installer-all-users.msi file that you downloaded previously to launch the installation wizard.
    If you are not logged in with elevated privileges, you’ll be prompted to provide credentials with elevated privileges.
  2. To install the add-in with the available developer tools, click Developer Options and select Enabled.
    If you need to disable these tools after initial installation, re-run the installer, choose the option to repair your installation, and select Disabled.
  3. Click Install to install the add-in.
    When the installation is complete, click Close.

How to Install the ADF Desktop Integration Add-in From a Web Server

You can make the ADF Desktop Integration installer available from the web server where your Fusion web application is running. The installer is embedded in the oracle.adf.desktopintegration.war file and can be downloaded by the business user from the ADF Desktop Integration-enabled Fusion web application.

For information about running the installer on a Windows system once it has been downloaded, see Installing ADF Desktop Integration.

To download the installer from a web server:

  1. Provide your business users with a URL in the following format that they can open in a web browser:


    For example:

  2. Depending upon the browser, the business user will be prompted to download, or download and run, the adfdi-installer-current-user.msi installer file.


Making the ADF Desktop Integration add-in installer available for download only works if the Fusion web application is an ADF Desktop Integration-enabled Fusion web application. The developer of a Fusion web application can implicitly enable ADF Desktop Integration by adding an integrated Excel workbook to the Fusion web application, as described in Adding an Integrated Excel Workbook to a Fusion Web Application, or explicitly, by configuring the application's web.xml file, as described in ADF Desktop Integration Settings in the Web Application Deployment Descriptor. Adding an integrated Excel workbook to the Fusion web application may be preferable to configuring the web.xml file directly because JDeveloper makes many of the required configuration changes when the developer adds an integrated Excel workbook to the Fusion web application.

How to Upgrade the ADF Desktop Integration Add-in

A business user can upgrade ADF Desktop Integration in two ways.

  • Run the ADF Desktop Integration installer to upgrade.

    For information about downloading the installer, see How to Install the ADF Desktop Integration Add-in From a Web Server.

  • Open and run the integrated Excel workbook.

    Each time the business user logs into the Fusion web application from an integrated Excel workbook, ADF Desktop Integration checks whether a new version of the add-in is available on the server. If a new version is available, the business user will be prompted to download the latest version of ADF Desktop Integration. If the business user accepts the prompt to install the latest version, the business user must also restart the Excel application after the installation completes for the change to take effect. For information, see Verifying the Client Version of ADF Desktop Integration.

How to Run the Installer From the Command Line

Since both installers are standard Windows Installer Packages (MSI), you can run msiexec on the command line to install the ADF Desktop Integration add-in.

msiexec includes a number of options that let you control or customize your installation. See Standard Installer Command-Line Options on the Microsoft web site.


The following example shows a silent installation with logging enabled:

msiexec /package adfdi-excel-addin-installer-all-users.msi /quiet /log adfdi-install-log.txt

The following example shows a silent uninstall:

msiexec /uninstall adfdi-excel-addin-installer-all-users.msi /quiet

Unsupported Options

Not all msiexec options are relevant or supported for Add-in installation. Unsupported options include /j and /a.

Enable Designer Tools

The installers define a public property, “DESIGNER”, that can be used to enable or disable designer tools during command-line installation. To enable designer tools from the command-line, set DESIGNER=1. Refer to the msiexec documentation for details on how to set public properties during installation.

When performing an upgrade or repair, the installer uses the previously set value if this property is omitted.


The current user installer defines a public property, "ROAMING", that can be used to determine where to install the add-in.

To install the add-in under the current user’s roaming application data folder (%appdata%), set ROAMING=1.

To install the add-in under the local application data folder (%localappdata%), set ROAMING=0. This location is the default location if this property is not set.

When performing an upgrade or repair, the installer uses the previously set value if this property is omitted.