Element: <oj-accordion>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: AccordionElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Collapsible header Tap Toggle disclosure state.

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
Collapsible header Space or Enter Toggle disclosure state.
Collapsible header Tab Navigate to next collapsible header and if none then the next element on page.
Collapsible header Shift+Tab Navigate to previous collapsible header and if none then the previous element on page.
Collapsible header UpArrow or LeftArrow (RightArrow in RTL) Move focus to the previous collapsible header with wrap around.
Collapsible header DownArrow or RightArrow (LeftArrow in RTL) Move focus to the next collapsible header with wrap around.
Collapsible header Home Move focus to the first collapsible header.
Collapsible header End Move focus to the last collapsible header.

Disabled items can receive keyboard focus, but do not allow any other interaction.