Element: <oj-tree-view>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: TreeViewElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Item Tap Focus on the item. If selectionMode is enabled, selects the item as well.
Press & Hold Display context menu
Disclosure Icon Tap Expand or collapse the item.

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
Item Tab Navigates to next focusable element on page.
Shift+Tab Navigates to previous focusable element on page.
DownArrow Moves focus to the item below.
UpArrow Moves focus to the item above.
LeftArrow On an expanded item, collapses the item. Otherwise, move focus to the item above. The action is swapped with RightArrow in RTL locales.
RightArrow On a collapsed item, expands the item. Otherwise, move focus to the item below. The action is swapped with LeftArrow in RTL locales.
Shift+DownArrow Extends the selection to the item below. Only applicable if the multiple or leafOnly selection is enabled.
Shift+UpArrow Extends the selection to the item above. Only applicable if the multiple or leafOnly selection is enabled.
Space Toggles the selection of the current item and deselects the other items.
Enter Selects the current item and deselects the other items. No op if the current item is already selected.
Ctrl+Space/Enter / CMD+Space/Enter Toggles the selection of the current item while maintaining previously selected items. Only applicable if the multiple or leafOnly selection is enabled.
Shift+Space/Enter Selects contiguous items from the last selected item to the current item. Only applicable if the multiple or leafOnly selection is enabled.
Ctrl+A / CMD+A If selectionMode is multiple, will select all selectable nodes.