Element: <oj-date-time-picker>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


DOM Interface: DateTimePickerElement

Touch Information

Target Gesture Action
Time trigger icon Tap Shows the time picker and moves the focus into the expanded time picker
Picker Swipe Left Switch to next month (or previous month on RTL page).
Picker Swipe Right Switch to previous month (or next month on RTL page).

Keyboard Information

Target Key Action
Picker Enter Select the currently focused day
Picker UpArrow Move up in the grid.
Picker DownArrow Move down in the grid.
Picker RightArrow Move right in the grid.
Picker LeftArrow Move left in the grid.
Picker Esc Close the grid.
Picker Home Move focus to first day of the month.
Picker End Move focus to last day of the month.
Picker PageUp Switch to previous month.
Picker PageDown Switch to next month.
Picker Alt + PageUp Switch to previous year.
Picker Alt + PageDown Switch to next year.
Picker Ctrl + Alt + PageUp Switch to previous by stepBigMonths.
Picker Ctrl + Alt + PageDown Switch to next by stepBigMonths.
Picker Ctrl + Alt + T Places focus on Today button if it exists.